Flowers are a great way to send your best wishes for a healthy and fortunate year to come. Congratulate Your beloved people in Armenia with the help of perfect flowers & gifts from this category!
Results 33 - 64 of 217
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Touch of Elegance

You save: 20%

Pure, fresh and full of delicate flowers, this bouquet really showcases these 45 stunning white and pretty alstroemerias in a rich shade of deep purple to beautiful effect.
It’s the timeless beauty and elegant simplicity of this arrangement that makes it very special.

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Red and Gold Roses Heart

You save: 12%

This is a very original gift that will surely surprise the gifted person. A special heart shape box with exclusive red and gold color roses only for her. Surprise her, and this gesture will be remembered for a long time!

Number of Roses
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Exra-Large Red Naomi Roses

You save: 7%

This extra-large Roses are ideal gift for any occasion!By devoting this beautiful and passionate bouquet, you will be admired by your beloved one.

Number of Roses

Introducing our Jesus Christ Souvenir Statuette—a reverent and beautifully crafted representation that radiates divine grace. Perfect for moments of reflection, prayer, or as a cherished gift, this statuette captures the essence of love, compassion, and spiritual serenity. Meticulously designed to bring a sense of peace to your space, it stands as a timeless symbol of faith and devotion.

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Bright Mix

You save: 20%

This dramatic beauty is the one You are looking for. With their ravishing elegance, sparkling color - these freshest flowers furnish the ultimate in floral brilliance.

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From Romantic Lover

You save: 3%

Make her heart flutter with a creative box with Teddy Bear 35cm high, 2 Red Balloons, Italian famous Ferrero Raffaello sweet pack inside, wrapped with red ribbon that will show her how much she means to You. Paired a single red rose, your love will receive the best 'I Love You' message!

2 Balloons
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Blooming Basket of Gerberas

You save: 25%

Blooming Basket of Gerberas is a beautifully bright and colorful way to spread sunshine and cheer. Assorted gerbera daisies in their most brillliant hues create a stunning bouquet accented with yellow solidago and assorted greens

Congratulate Your relatives and beloved people with this modern style wonderful arrangement. Arrangement contains 19 pink roses.

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Floral Fly


The fabulous arrangement of yellow roses, orange gerberas, and a proud bird of paradise takes any reception décor to a new level of sophistication.

Introducing our timeless table clock, a captivating piece that transcends eras with the charm of a bygone era. Adorned with a gracefully crafted dancing couple dressed in exquisite 1700s attire, this clock is not just a timekeeper but a poetic expression of elegance. The intricately detailed figures twirl and sway in perfect harmony, capturing the essence of a romantic dance from centuries past. This enchanting timepiece is more than a mere clock; it's a visual symphony that brings the sophistication of the 18th century into your modern space. Embrace the artistry of time with this unique table clock, where every tick is accompanied by the grace and allure of a bygone era.

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Eternal Black Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Kinder Passion

You save: 12%

Adorable surprise for kinder-lovers consist of different 35 kinder chocolates. A gift, which will be long remembered!

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Modern Floral Tree

You save: 20%

White roses and tender alstromerias fill a split-wood basket. What a thoughtful way to wish someone all the best on their special day!

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Delightful Blooms

You save: 7%

Amazing gift for reminding someone special how much You care. The arrangement consists of 7 white roses, 2 orchids, alstromerias and seasonal flowers.

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Perfect Birthday

You save: 20%

Elegance and grace are in bloom this season. This vibrant arrangement of roses, orchids and lush greens graces us with abundant floral displays that will last for weeks on end.

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Magic Red Basket

You save: 20%

This passionate red basket is a perfect combination of 25 blooming flowers including red roses, gerberas, alstromerias and white small flowers designed in wooden basket with ultimate care for Your special recipient!

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Charm Roses Bouquet


These marvellous pink Jumilia Roses have a uniquely thoughtful way of expressing how much you care about the ones you love.

Number of Roses

Wedding flowers can set the stage for your big day. This elegant bouquet is specially created for You.

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Floral Sunrise


What a thoughtful way to wish someone all the best on their special day. Using contrasting colors makes some of the most striking and exciting color pallets. Our experts have put together a basket of lisianthuse, rose and alstromeria flowers with a color variety that is sure to impress!

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The Big Hug Bouquet


Pink Alstroemeria is an astonishing pink colored flower with lovely semi heart-shaped petals. Send this elegant bouquet of 31 flowers to Your nearest and dearest today.

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First Impressions


Red roses are artfully arranged in a perfect bouquet with white alstromerias, creatiing a look of pure elegance.Send a loved one this vivid bouquet to share cheer on a special occasion, on a birthday or to say I LOVE YOU

A beautiful mix of pink roses and other flowers, make a high mood and perfect occasion to give flowers to our beloved people!

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31 Delightful roses

You save: 20%

A delightful arrangement of 31 mixed roses, a guaranteed joy, sure to let that special someone know how you feel.

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Purple Beauty

You save: 7%

Beautiful multicolored flowers together create a joyful mood. You can order them from us for your party and be satisfied!

Colorful bouquet of mixed flowers will brighten the day and fill it with positive emotions!Make a special day even more memorable with this bright, beautiful gift.

Absolutely lovely miniature roses are arranged in a nice bouquet. This bouquet will put a smile on her face. Each bloom is hand-selected by our local florists to ensure superior quality!

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Pink Blossoms


This is an arrangement that your best half will love receiving for any occasion be it her birthday, as a thank you or an anytime floral present.

This bouquet of colorful liziantuses is a great gift. These fabulous flowers are able to create the most romantic atmosphere, they produce the best emotions and mood!

Number of Flowers
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Men's Bouquet


As you know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!Taking this fact into account, we offer an excellent gift alternative for men - a bouquet of fresh cheese, smoked meats, peppers and herbs. Give pleasure your man with such an unusual bouquet!

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Fresh Breath

You save: 15%

Sending this basket of beautiful white roses says it all! And you can relax in the knowledge that you have chosen the right arrangement guaranteed to take one's breath away.

Number of Roses
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Pure Beauty of Roses

You save: 15%

Spectacular white roses arranged in a wooden basket will become a favourite gift for any celebration!

Number of Roses
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Only the Best

You save: 10%

A modern classic, this beautiful bouquet of 51 pink and white and yellow alstroemeria can last for up to 3 weeks, sure to be the focal point of any room. Delivered to the recipient by our courier and the flowers will be delivered in freshness!

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