Sending roses but not sure what kind to send? Mixed roses are a perfect choice. Mixed Roses bouquet never send a mixed message. Whatever it is you want to say to that special someone, a full-bodied, fresh-cut flower bouquet will ensure that it is heard! Those roses are available in such a rich color palette that it is fairly easy to harmonize their silky flowers with most companion plants. They range from single, semi-double, deep or shallow cupped, all creating a most delightful contrast to the light and airy flowers of most herbaceous plants. Mixed roses enjoy exceptional vigor and health, which combined with their delicious fragrance, make them virtually unrivaled stars of the mixed border.
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My Wishlist



Win over your loved one's heart with this arrangement of red and white roses, and green poms in a black vase!

My Wishlist

Cherished Contrast

You save: 3%

Cherished Contrast: White and Red Roses Gracefully Coalesce in a Stylish Bag. An Ensemble of Elegance and Passion, Symbolizing the Beautiful Duality of Love.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Remarkable Roses

You save: 7%

Unwrap the happiness of vibrant blooms with our Blooming Joy bouquet. Bursting with colors and energy, it's the perfect embodiment of happiness captured in nature's finest.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Box of Surprise


An exquisite floral arrangement with delicious macaroons is both a beautiful and delicious surprise. Surprise her with an unusual gift and put her in an excellent mood.

My Wishlist

Red & White Dream


This gorgeous bouquet consists 11 Roses and wrapped in modern way!

My Wishlist

Colorful Emotions

You save: 15%

Perfectly pretty petals of pink, white, red and yellow spring to life from this colorful and fragrant assortment of roses modern designed bouquet!

Number of Roses

9 red and gold colored roses in a box. An original and unexpected combination that looks flawless and for sure it will make surprise!

My Wishlist

Bouquet «Classic Combination»

You save: 10%

Bouquet of 21 colourful holland roses, ruscus leaves tied up with a pink bow.

My Wishlist

Colorful Roses

You save: 3%

The bouquet of 21 roses pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems of colorful roses to deliver.

My Wishlist

A bouquet of colourful roses

You save: 10%

No gift idea and time is ticking you? Do not worry! We have a bouquet for every occasion!
Beautiful and fresh 19 colorful roses will make your loved ones, feel amazing. Give a happiness and bet on quality.

What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Elegant Arrangement

You save: 25%

Make someone very happy they with this charming gift! In an eye-catching floral arrangement, making this the perfect gift for any occasion.

My Wishlist

Pink Dream

You save: 20%

This pink box of 25 roses is an expression of love and sweet surprises that is set to truly delight your special recipient! Presented in a pink box, this gorgeous flower bouquet, is ready to create an excellent birthday, thank you, or anniversary gift.

My Wishlist

21 Colorful Roses


A charming display of our most luxurious deluxe roses. The bouquet is delightfully arranged with mixed colorful roses!

My Wishlist

25 Warm Roses in a Box

You save: 12%

Show your loved one you care by spoiling them with 25 fresh mixed roses in a white round box - the perfect way to show someone you love and care about them!

My Wishlist

Colour Splash on 25 Roses

You save: 12%

This marvellous multicoloured 25-rose arrangement represents fireworks of lors! Bright and festive, this is a real showstopper!

15 red and gold colored roses in a heart box.

My Wishlist

Magic of Roses

You save: 15%

The beauty of colorful roses is an undeniable fact. Choose this wonderful bouquet of 25 roses to make your favorite people happy!

My Wishlist

Spring Feellings


Are you a lover of bright colors?
This is an ideal fit for You!
A heartwarming bouquet of colorful roses, wrapped with a beautiful papers.

My Wishlist

Always In Love


This lovely bouquet of 21 yellow and white roses will be a nice
gift for any woman on any occasion! It will bring a
lot of joy and a smile to her face and fill the day with
positive and colourful emotions.

My Wishlist

Blooming Surprise


Awe and wonder! It's a magical bouquet designed with beautiful mix of 9 stunning yellow and pink roses with spring small flowers.

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31 Delightful roses

You save: 20%

A delightful arrangement of 31 mixed roses, a guaranteed joy, sure to let that special someone know how you feel.

My Wishlist

Style & Colour

You save: 3%

Bring some bright summer colours into their life with the help of this cute box of festive flowers and Kinder Surprise Eggs.

My Wishlist

Basket of Mixed Roses

You save: 15%

This magnificent basket of colourful 25 roses is a sweet and simple way to offer your sweetest feelings. . Arranged to perfection in a round basket it creates a gift that will be remembered long.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Make Me Happy

You save: 7%

This cute and lovely teddy bear is ready to become a showstopper at a party. Multicoloured roses bouquet (60cm height roses) completes the gift, becoming a most wanted celebration surprise.

Number of Roses
Teddy Bear Height
My Wishlist

Passionate Love


An elegant but simple and romantic heart-shaped arrangement of red & white roses which can be passionate floral gift for your beloved!

My Wishlist

Colorful Spring Bouquet

You save: 10%

Colorful Spring Bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! Multicoloured roses arrive accented with greens, artfully arranged by our florists, to make this a day they won't soon forget.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

The Amazing Beauty


Be still in my heart!
What an impression you'll make when you send her this gorgeous arrangement of pink spray roses!! Sure you have to make her smile today!

My Wishlist

Full of Wishes


These colorful roses are picked fresh to offer your special recipient a bouquet that brings brilliant color to any of life's special occasions, it will delight everyone with each fragrant bloom. This flower arrangement of 27 roses has been picked fresh for you to help you celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or express your thank, you wishes!


If you know someone sweet who would love something even sweeter, then this is the bouquet for you. This magnificent mixed pink bouquet of 15 pastel-colored red and pink spray roses daisies makes a great surprise gift for many occasions such as on Valentine's day to make your day extra special.

My Wishlist

Addicted to Red


What else, if not combination of 17 brunches of spray roses will make Your favorite ones feel how precious they are for You? Especially if it consists of red, pink and white finest spray roses.

A box with perfectly matched 37 flowers and 7 delicate Ferrero Raffaello sweets will be a worthy gift for any occasion.

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