Pink roses have a rich history that comes with being one of the longest existing roses known to us - in fact, pink roses have even been depicted in some of the earliest known pieces of art. When roses first began to be cultivated, the majority of them existed in various shades of pink, from the palest pink to the deepest crimson. Prior to that, pink roses were the dominant species among wild roses, and were likely among the earliest roses to evolve.

As a symbol of grace and elegance, the pink rose is often given as an expression of admiration. Pink roses can also convey appreciation as well as joyfulness. Pink rose bouquets often impart a gentler meaning than their red counterparts. Pink roses also now carry a connotation of grace and elegance, as well as sweetness and poetic romance!
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Just a Pink Rose


This single pink rose is arranged simply and beautifully. A single pink rose speaks to the lighter side of life, and fills you with it's light fragrance!

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A Single Pink Rose


The most delicate of all roses, the pink rose combines refinement and grace few floral displays can match.

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Single Pink Rose


Roses are commonly known as a symbol of love.
Exclusively packed single beautiful pink rose.

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Single Pink Rose

You save: 12%

Premium single pink rose arranged in a presentation box combined with white petals.

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Passionate Pink Melody

You save: 10%

Delicate pink roses harmonize to evoke feelings of romance and admiration.

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Radiant Beauty


Radiant Beauty: White and Pink Roses Nestled in a Fashionable Bag, A Gift of Timeless Sophistication.

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Lovely Pink Roses

You save: 7%

When words can't express your passion and your love - this elegant bouquet makes the statement for you. For the queen of your heart․ Take her breath away with a timeless arrangement of pink roses.

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Spirit of Love


Embrace the charm of romance with our Pink Roses Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement is a celebration of love and grace, carefully crafted to captivate hearts. Whether for a special occasion or a gesture of affection, the soft and enchanting pink roses convey emotions with timeless elegance. Make every moment memorable with the beauty and sentiment of our Pink Roses Bouquet – a perfect expression of love in full bloom.

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Beauty of Pink


Treat your someone special to a heavenly rose bouquet; send them these pink roses. A black non-woven sheet holds delicate pink roses. The bouquet is tied together with a green ribbon for that special touch. This charming bouquet will leave any recipient smiling, so send it now!

Number of Roses

Roses... What can one say of the rose bouquet that has not been said a thousand times before? They're beautiful, they're deep, they're romantic and after thousands of years they still have the power to take your breath away. When you have a special message that you want to send your loved one, order Roses to perfectly express your love and devotion.

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Whispers of Romance

You save: 3%

Whispers of Romance: A Symphony of White and Pink Roses, Artfully Arranged in a Stylish Bag. Capturing the Essence of Love and Delicacy, A Gift That Speaks Volumes of Affection.

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11 Pink roses


Beautiful delicate roses in a package will surprise any woman and give her a wonderful moment of joy. With their connotations of poetic romance and sweetness, pink roses will always be a treasured romantic gift. Show her your love and care!

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Pink Roses Attraction

You save: 15%

An elegant composition of pink roses and decorative green herbs in a box will conquer the heart of your chosen beloved one!!!

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Endless Love

You save: 10%

Each rose thoughtfully curated to showcase the harmony of colors, shapes, and textures, creating a captivating display that breathes life into any space. Whether it's a vibrant burst of hues or a subtle symphony of pastels, our floral compositions are crafted with care and creativity, making them the perfect accent for any occasion. Elevate your surroundings with the timeless beauty of our arrangements, meticulously designed to bring the freshness and elegance of the outdoors indoors.

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Pink Secret


The secret is revealed!
Send this bright bouquet of pink roses and show your feelings of affection.
Choose these roses today to make a confession of love or surprise her for the Valentine's day.

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Cute Pink Roses


This bouquet of 15 roses will not leave any creature indifferent. It is the embodiment of your love and care with a bunch of smile.

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You are Always Special

You save: 5%

Say happy birthday with the help of this stylish and very attractive arrangement of 11 pink roses & special balloon!

This bouquet of delicate pink roses will delight and give a smile to any woman
Our elegant florists will prepare it very quickly and with quality.

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Sleek Simplicity

You save: 7%

Sleek Simplicity: Ivory Roses Wrapped in Modern Glamour

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Bouquet «Pink Delight»

You save: 7%

19 white-pink holland roses «Jumilia» in a white box.

light or dark, classic or unexpected, bouquets of pink roses convey the romance that's in the air on a special day.

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Timeless Romance


Dive into a world of romance with our floral arrangement featuring pink roses. Delicate and captivating, these flowers radiate beauty and grace, making them the perfect choice for any occasion.

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Awesome Roses

You save: 5%

Perfect gift-bouquet for any special occasion! Everybody will be delighted to have these wonderful roses as a gift!

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Rose Delight


Beautifull and pure, like your love, this aromatic bouquet radiates grace and elegance.

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Whispers of Love

You save: 12%

Elevate the art of gifting with our exquisite Box of Flowers. Each meticulously curated arrangement is a testament to beauty and sophistication, capturing the essence of nature's finest blooms. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply brightening someone's day, our Box of Flowers is a timeless and heartfelt gift choice. Share the joy of nature's splendor with this elegant gesture

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Open Your Eyes


Gorgeous hot pink roses put in a boxed purse are a classy present for a special someone on a momentous occasion or simply because.

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Eternal Rose


Eternal Rose: Timeless beauty encased. A symbol of everlasting love, this preserved pink rose in a glass case brings romance to life, making it a perfect, enduring gift.

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Gentle Pink

You save: 15%

These 19 pink roses in a box are the perfect gift to send at any time of the year. Its artisan mix of soft pink blooms with eye-catching colours looks fresh and modern.

The Magic of Pink Roses - are perfect for any occasion. Our expert florists have designed these romantic 15 sweet pink roses, perfectly arranged in a hand tied bouquet and finished off with luscious green leaves. Send this perfect gift idea to suprise your friend or loved one and show how you care

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Special Occasion Bouquet

You save: 10%

This lovely bouquet of 7 pink roses, 25 colorful alstroemerias and lush greens is truly a feast for the eyes. It is an inspired choice for brightening a birthday, anniversary or any special occasion!

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Classical Pink & White Bouquet

You save: 7%

This pretty bouquet consists of 25 flowers including 7 extra-large pink roses and 18 white alstromerias. It will be a pleasant surprise for any woman and to everyone's taste!

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