Here, in this very special category we present You exclusive things made from flowers. If You are looking for a showstopper or a cute gift to melt Your special recipient's heart, You are in the right place. Our professional florists and designers create a real art with the help of flowers.
Results 1 - 9 of 9
My Wishlist

Aromatic Chicken

You save: 7%

What ultimately makes us unique, however, is the experience and expertise which our talented floral design team has accumulated from our past years in the business. Baby Bouquet has been carefully selected and hand-arranged by our dedicated team of experienced florists.

My Wishlist

Fluffy Puppy

You save: 10%

Ideal as a unique, extra-special congratulations gift, this bouquet will serve as a token of warmth and generosity and is sure to be greatly appreciated by its recipient.

My Wishlist

Fluffy Floral Bear

You save: 10%

Our charming range of Bear is an ideal for sending your good wishes to the family. Sending a vibrant flowers is a perfect new baby gift to celebrate the happiness of a new little bundle of joy!

My Wishlist

Green Apple


A truly unique, stunning arrangement consist of 75 Green Daisies for nearly any event. This very beautiful gift will bring freshness and the charm of the green with it!

My Wishlist

Flora and Fauna

You save: 5%

Floral chick in a lush greenery, decorated with artificial mushrooms and fruits is a wonderful and unique gift.

My Wishlist

Floral Dragon


A glorious celebration of beautiful Floral Dragon. This beautiful bouquet is skilfully arranged by our talented florists and is perfect to send for any special occasion.

A cute white and yellow bear is made of over 100 chrysanthemums
This is decorated with green in a basket and will gratify your recipient.
It will make happy everyone and will be an original gift for every event !

My Wishlist

Cute Orchid Bunny


Be creative, choose this unique bunny as a gift. The bunny is made with 11 pink orchids and seasonal small flowers.

My Wishlist

My Endless Love


This unique arrangement is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. Designed with 355 colorful vibrant roses as a fancy and truly original butterfly arrangement will be wonderful gift for the most special person of Your life!