Send sympathy flowers to Armenia using our 24/7 delivery service of our shop in Yerevan. We deliver high quality sympathy, funeral flowers & wreaths to Armenia on exact time, to any address You prefer. Order form lets You add a ribbon to put Your company or family name. Whatever flowers you choose, we 100% guarantee that we will deliver your wishes, so you can order with confidence.

Funeral flowers in Armenia are a thoughtful way to convey message to the family and friends of the deceased. They are also a way to send a last message of caring about the family member. We offer different types of wreaths, funeral sympathy flowers: Casket Sprays, Traditional Posies, Heart-Shaped Arrangements, Funeral natural Wreaths, Funeral Flowers Bouquets, Flower Crosses, Floral Tributes, Pillows and Cushions, Posy of Flowers, Floral Baskets, Funeral Living Plants, etc.

Sending a funeral wreath, spray, floral tribute or any funeral flowers to Armenia is a very appropriate way of expressing sympathy to a family who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Flowers express a feeling of life and beauty and offer much comfort to the family. In this section you can find funeral flowers suitable for family, friends or business associates.

Results 1 - 32 of 195
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Armenian Cross stone Alphabet


Very Special gift for every Armenian or someone who wants to learn Armenian Alphabet.

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Fall Fantasia


Bright colors are represented in this very special bouquet, made of 5 gerberas and 7 peach alstromerias. Send a loved one this vivid bouquet to share cheer on a special occasion.

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Sympathy Bouquet of Roses


Sometimes, a simple bouquet of flowers is all that’s needed to show how much you care. This bouquet of red roses will be delivered wrapped as shown in the picture. Your condolence message will be attached on funeral flowers or will be given to relatives as you prefer.

Number of Roses
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Deepest Sympathy


This graceful bouquet will express Your deepest sympathies and care.
Stunning in its simplicity, this gorgeous spray of white roses, and gerberas decorated with white satin ribbon is a tasteful way to express your sympathy.

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Condolence Bouquet of Roses

You save: 7%

Condolence Bouquet of Red Roses. Your personal message can be attached on the bouquet. Photo of the delivery can be provided upon request.

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Simple Words of Sympathy


Prepared using the finest white, ivory and cream flowers, this gracious arrangement is hand-made and hand-delivered by our local florist.

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Elegant Remembrance

You save: 15%

A special bouquet for showing care and sympathy to relatives, when You can not be here in person.

Number of Roses
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Bouquet of Red Carnations


20 red carnations will express Your sympathy and grief.

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Forever Missing You

You save: 15%

Traditional and exuding a time honoured beauty, this sympathy bouquet features the vibrant red roses, arranged artfully in a contemporary style. This bouquet is set to be a deservedly popular choice.

Number of Roses
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Bouquet of Red Carnations

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Sympathy Arrangement of Gerberas

You save: 15%

Typical modern style Sympathy, Funeral basket consist of fresh flowers, including gerberas, alstroemerias, lilies and greenery. The basket will be delivered with stand as shown in the picture. Your condolence message will be attached on funeral flowers or will be given to relatives as you prefer.

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Red Carnation Sympathy Bouquet


Sending bereavement and sympathy flowers to someone who has suffered a loss is a kind gesture. It will remind them that you are there for them in their time of need. When choosing a bouquet to express your condolences, you want the peace of mind that you are receiving high-quality blooms that will be a beautiful sentiment instead of a burden.

Number of Flowers
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Loving Memories

You save: 15%

Choosing a sympathy arrangement that is both tasteful and shows the depth of your feelings at this sad time is so important. This arrangement of 24 roses conveys your deepest condolences to friends and family members.

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White Carnations Bouquet


White carnations bouquet conveys peace and serenity, and has a soothing and calming effect.

Number of Flowers
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Modern Funeral Basket

You save: 15%

Express your condolences and grief by sending a floral arrangement when a life has passed on. This sympathy arrangement will be delivered in basket as shown in the picture. Your condolence message can be attached on the bouquet or will be given to relatives as you prefer.

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Red Carnations Bouquet


This lovely red bouquet with carnations, beautifully complemented by green. Arranged with love and care to make any recipient feel special.

Number of Flowers
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Sympathy bouquet


A gorgeous red roses with green leaves are perfect to express your sympathy .This bouquet will be ready in a short time and can be delivered with our courier.

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Peaceful Memories Basket


Send your sincere condolences with our elegant all-white carnations arrangement.
A simply beautiful way to show you care. By sending this elegant arrangement to the home of those in mourning, you are letting them know they are embraced in your thoughts. And in your heart.

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Sympathy Bouquet

You save: 12%

Offer comfort in this time of sorrow with our beautiful sympathy bouquet of fresh blooms. The bouquet is wrapped with black ribbon.

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White Simplicity Basket


Frills of pure white carnations amidst a variety of decorative foliage combine to create a gorgeous bouquet. It will be delivered with basket as shown in the picture. Your condolence message will be attached on funeral flowers or will be given to relatives as you prefer.

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Faithful Blessings Funeral Basket


Sending funeral flowers is a meaningful way to show your sympathy in a difficult time. This stunning arrangement of white carnations stands for pure love and innocence.

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Peaceful Memories


Let the recipient know that You care and want to show Your special attitude with the help of this impressive arrangement.

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All in Red for Sympathy

You save: 15%

These velvety 32 red roses will carry Your deepest sympathy and support in the days of grief.

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Peaceful Sky


This bouquet contains gorgeous orange roses, some fabulously vivid gerberas and some asiatic orange lilies.

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Basket of White Roses


As enchanting as falling snowflakes, this dramatic yet graceful basket of white roses is a ideal choice for express your deep sympathy.

Number of Roses
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Blooming Basket of Gerberas

You save: 25%

Blooming Basket of Gerberas is a beautifully bright and colorful way to spread sunshine and cheer. Assorted gerbera daisies in their most brillliant hues create a stunning bouquet accented with yellow solidago and assorted greens

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Deluxe Spathiphyllum Plant

You save: 3%

The Spathiphyllum Plant is perfect to beautify any home or office every day of the year. This plant with its shiny dark green leaves, also produces striking white lily-like flowers.

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Farewell Basket


Send a touching gesture of peace and comfort to the home or service with this funeral basket of 30 roses.

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Spathiphyllum, has showy white fan-like blooms above its dark green foliage. These hardy plants are perfect indoor plants and will be a lasting reminder of your feelings.

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Sympathy Roses Basket

You save: 15%

Express your love and support during their time of loss with an unforgettable tribute of fresh Red Roses.

Number of Roses
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Forever in Our Hearts

You save: 10%

Arrangement offers an elegant and timeless tribute consist of different flowers, beautifully honoring the spirit of the most precious departed.

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Warm Thoughts Arrangement


Let them know that your thoughts are with them during this difficult time. Send family, friends, or business associates your sincere sympathy with our beautiful and elegant arrangement of pure red blooms in a classic sympathy basket.

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