While the concept of assigning symbolic meaning to flowers has existed since ancient times, the popularity of communicating through the “language of flowers” peaked in the Western world during the Victorian era. Both men and women consulted “flower dictionaries” to choose and interpret the appropriate flowers to send, wear, and display. Flowers were given meaning based on both their species and their color. So while the rose in general is a symbol of love, different rose colors provided different shades of meaning. The red rose is a symbol of beauty, passion, desire, and romantic love. White rose symbolizes innocence, chastity, and purity. It’s also associated with spirituality, reverence, and new beginnings. The yellow rose most commonly means friendship—and specifically platonic friendship. Pink roses symbolize admiration, gentleness, dignity, elegance, innocence, and happiness. Orange roses are best for romantic occasions. Purple roses symbolize enchantment and the mystical. Green roses symbolize peace, spiritual rejuvenation, calm, and fertility. Blue roses symbolize the unattainable and the mysterious. True black roses can only be obtained through dyeing. Black roses symbolize death, rebirth, and goodbye.
Results 257 - 288 of 647
My Wishlist

Colorful Fruity Surprise

You save: 3%

Cannot find an original way to say I Love You?
This arrangement will express your love by itself .
A heart-shaped arrangement is a original blend of 25 splendid red roses and 12 oranges.
Don՛t waste your time to order this one for the Valentine's day!

Vibrant composition of 21 red roses and 1.5kg strawberries in a box. Unique way to send your special message to anyone you adore!

Bouquet of 35 red and white roses, size: 12x25x25cm.

A stunning bouquet of pink Spray roses with Champaign in a basket. Show your affection to your loved one by presenting them this dazzling arrangement.

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Have a Nice Day


Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of 45 radiant flowers.

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I Love You Darling

You save: 5%

For the special man or woman in your life, these luscious red roses are the perfect gift! The red roses are placed in a black vase with note 'I Love You'! This is a great gift that is both versatile and romantic, send it today!

Number of Roses
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Love At First Sight


Capture their attention with this radiant bouquet white roses. Elegantly arranged by our florists, these symbols of eternal love are gathered by hand in a classic bouquet to express your feelings with grace and sophistication!

Number of Roses
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Red Gift Set


This lovely combination of a teddy bear with a heart-shaped balloon and a beautiful bouquet of 1 pc. red roses will surely bring a charming smile to the face of the gift recipient.

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Send this perfect bouquet to your friend or colleague as a thoughtful gesture of thanks or a just because gift. This arrangement is a sure fire way to make anyone's day that much brighter.

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Pretty and delicate


This soft bouquet is just as the name suggests, soft and delicate heart shape roses consist of 21 extra-large roses. Everyone loves pink! And this bouquet wont let you down, perfect to say about your love.

My Wishlist

Lovely Floral Box

You save: 15%

An arrangement of white and pink spray roses is perfect for special days. The personification of tender and romantic feelings is the best message that can convey the most intimate things!

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Regal Roses Selection

You save: 7%

This perfect, extra-large and highest quality white roses conveys love and devotion. It will speak for hundreds of words, and right today.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Warm Wishes


The rustic orange in this sumptuous bouquet give it a real warmth and elegance. This classy combination of carefully selected roses is sure to delight someone special – this is a gift to impress!

Number of Roses

Bursting with all the season holds, this classic is a luxurious take on frosty white charms. Beautiful woodland greens tuck into snow-white daises, 15 delicate pink roses making a bountiful statement of elegance for any environment.

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Orange Explosion


There's no flower that can exceed the brightness of orange roses! Treat someone special to the delightful delicacy of what orange roses evoke.

Number of Roses

Forever beloved. Forever in your heart. Forever close to you. That is what this beautiful rose arrangement symbolizes. A shared life. Or a shared sacred moment...

My Wishlist

Floral Garden Cake


Celebrations happen every day, and for many of those events, cakes, as well as fresh flowers, are often called for.

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Color Your Day


This wonderful bouquet of roses in different colors will be artfully wrapped before delivery, and will become a real showstopper at the party!

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Combination of love


Roses are special flowers. They can tell about your emotions. For example, Orange Roses want to say: 'You Brighten my Day!' and Red Roses want to say 'I love you!'. The combination of these two is the best version to express your love.


The spark of red and golden roses in a black box will delight your recipient with its brilliant hue and serene elegance. It is a gift that will transform any occasion into a astonishing event.

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Pink Beauty


Light pink roses are the perfect way to show your pure love,friendship and kindness.
It is so perfect present that there is no need to think!

My Wishlist

Delicate Roses Box

You save: 3%

It is said that love blossoms over time, just like a flower.
Welcome your loved one home, cheer up your home, or surprise a friend with Sweetness. Send your love this gorgeous floral basket to demonstrate your deepest affections!

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The Colors of Affection

You save: 5%

This bouquet is like a sunshine in a rainy and gloomy day. Order it today, and it is sure to lift the spirits!

Number of Roses
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Pink & White Roses


Sending this tender bouquet is a gorgeous way to celebrate your sweet affection for the love of your life on your special day. Showcasing pink roses, together with elegant white roses in this beautiful bouquet make a perfect combination. Love is like a rose. When pressed between two lifetimes, it will last forever. My love to you is the rose that blooms forever.

Number of Roses

An extremely tender wedding bouquet for the most important day. Make Your day even more memorable with this elegant bouquet.

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Always in Heart

You save: 5%

A wonderful heart of vibrant red and elagant white roses, a perfect way to say 'I Love You'.

Number of Roses
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Pink Beauty


Sunny bouquet of nice pink roses for people full of positive energy. Order today, and we will deliver it to any address in Armenia!

Number of Roses
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Pink Elegance

You save: 15%

Pink attractive and vivid combination of spray roses and nice decoration! Our nice and cute pink bouquet will like any recipient!

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Scented Flowers

You save: 3%

This wonderful bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! Our finest red roses arrive accented with lush greens to make this a day they won't soon forget.

Number of Roses
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White Wonder

You save: 3%

If there's a really big occasion or if you're in the dog box again, just the sight of these white roses in a glass vase on delivery will have them singing your praises again.

Number of Roses
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Elegant Rush

You save: 10%

With its captivating elegance created with 29 roses. You will see the recipient's eyes light up when you hand them this incredible bouquet!

Number of Roses

Awesome heart for a birthday, anniversary or any other special occasion. Half filled with 11 tender roses, half with sweet strawberries(1.5 kg), this is an ideal gift!

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