While the concept of assigning symbolic meaning to flowers has existed since ancient times, the popularity of communicating through the “language of flowers” peaked in the Western world during the Victorian era. Both men and women consulted “flower dictionaries” to choose and interpret the appropriate flowers to send, wear, and display. Flowers were given meaning based on both their species and their color. So while the rose in general is a symbol of love, different rose colors provided different shades of meaning. The red rose is a symbol of beauty, passion, desire, and romantic love. White rose symbolizes innocence, chastity, and purity. It’s also associated with spirituality, reverence, and new beginnings. The yellow rose most commonly means friendship—and specifically platonic friendship. Pink roses symbolize admiration, gentleness, dignity, elegance, innocence, and happiness. Orange roses are best for romantic occasions. Purple roses symbolize enchantment and the mystical. Green roses symbolize peace, spiritual rejuvenation, calm, and fertility. Blue roses symbolize the unattainable and the mysterious. True black roses can only be obtained through dyeing. Black roses symbolize death, rebirth, and goodbye.
Results 225 - 256 of 647
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Red Romance

You save: 15%

It has been said that love is like a red rose. If you are looking to show your romantic feelings to a special someone in your life you then there is only one way to do it- with this gorgeous Red Romance of 25 Roses in a box Ruby red roses are beautifully arranged in a box with greens A stunning gift to deliver .

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Passionate Love


An elegant but simple and romantic heart-shaped arrangement of red & white roses which can be passionate floral gift for your beloved!

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Delightfully Pink

You save: 5%

This is a beautiful bouquet of 51 flowers, including pink roses, alstromerias and gerberas, rich in texture and detail and a perfect way to send your very best wishes.

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Fascinating Charm

You save: 7%

White roses symbolise purity, youthfulness, loyalty, young love and innocence. They are extraordinarily classy flowers, ideal to celebrate weddings, or show your wife or girlfriend that you admire her.

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Angel Centerpiece

You save: 5%

These proud, generous white roses will delight you with their immaculate white flowers!

Number of Roses
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Colorful Spring Bouquet

You save: 10%

Colorful Spring Bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! Multicoloured roses arrive accented with greens, artfully arranged by our florists, to make this a day they won't soon forget.

Number of Roses
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The Amazing Beauty


Be still in my heart!
What an impression you'll make when you send her this gorgeous arrangement of pink spray roses!! Sure you have to make her smile today!

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Box of red Roses


Roses speak louder than words, after all. No matter what the occasion, we are 100% sure that this 27 red roses gift will be a hit with your loved one.

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Sunny Day


Truly unique and exquisite! The carefully selected orange roses and white lisianthuses arranged in a box are what you need yo remind your beloved ones how much you appreciate them!

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Full of Wishes


These colorful roses are picked fresh to offer your special recipient a bouquet that brings brilliant color to any of life's special occasions, it will delight everyone with each fragrant bloom. This flower arrangement of 27 roses has been picked fresh for you to help you celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or express your thank, you wishes!

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5 Shades of Pink

You save: 12%

This bright composition of 5 different shades of the most romantic color is what You need to make her day unforgettable. Be sure, she'll be excited to see how both fancy and soft the arrangement of spray roses.

If you know someone sweet who would love something even sweeter, then this is the bouquet for you. This magnificent mixed pink bouquet of 15 pastel-colored red and pink spray roses daisies makes a great surprise gift for many occasions such as on Valentine's day to make your day extra special.

My Wishlist

Dance of Fresh Flowers

You save: 7%

This box of pink, orange, yellow and white roses exudes soft sophistication, perfectly arranged to create the right way to express grace and elegance.

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Bouquet «Joy»

You save: 7%

Red roses are iconic symbols of love, passion, and romance, renowned for their timeless beauty and rich symbolism.

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Dazzling Birthday


When nothing but the best will do. A flower arrangement to really wow your special recipient!

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Addicted to Red


What else, if not combination of 17 brunches of spray roses will make Your favorite ones feel how precious they are for You? Especially if it consists of red, pink and white finest spray roses.

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Snow-White Fantasy

You save: 7%

Make a grand statement with beautiful white roses perfectly presented in a straw basket!

Number of Roses
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Colour Explosion

Whether you want to pamper your partner on your anniversary or make birthday as romantic as can be, this bouquet will always do the trick!
Each perfect flower is arranged with care to ensure that the bouquet looks absolutely amazing. This fine flower arrangement will certainly help create that romantic atmosphere.

There is no more elegant and sophisticated rose colour than red. This flower type and shade is a versatile choice perfect for a number of different occasions like birthday parties, just parties, banquets and more.

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Pink Eden

You save: 15%

Show your love with Impulse! Pink spray roses in box are the only perfection. They won't be able to resist!

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Garden of Lilies

You save: 7%

This dramatic and beautifully sculptural bouquet is made up of 25 stargazer lilies & red roses suitable for any occasion!

Number of Roses
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21 Attractive Roses

You save: 5%

Since pink roses bring cheer and happiness, they also make a great Get Well flower arrangement. Pink roses come in many shades, from pale pink hues like apricot, to deeper shades like raspberry

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Estomas and Spray Rose

You save: 5%

Very bright and even defiant-looking 35 flowers, including roses, alstromerias, and spray roses of the pink variety. Their magical, deep, and rich pink colour makes the customer feel true admiration and delight.

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In Style

You save: 5%

Presenting one of our most astounding floral arrangements, if there's a really big occasion or if you're in the dog box again, just the sight of these white roses will be wonderful.

Number of Roses

Send yellow roses to fill your loved ones' day with sunshine!
These stunning, bright roses mean joy, friendship, gladness and
delight. Let your friend or family member know how much joy
they bring to your life.

Number of Roses
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25 Stunning Roses


Picked fresh from the greenhouses to offer your special recipient a gift straight from the heart, our 25 Stunning Roses Bouquet is a classic romantic gesture that will have them falling head over heels in love with each exquisite bloom.

A box with perfectly matched 37 flowers and 7 delicate Ferrero Raffaello sweets will be a worthy gift for any occasion.

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Snow-White Roses

You save: 5%

White roses convey sentiments such as love, friendship, respect and care. Make someone smile with this beautiful bouquet finest white roses. Height of the bouquet is 40-45cm.

Number of Roses

Make her day memorable with this classic bouquet of 25 roses! This bouquet is the perfect way of letting your loved one know how special she is to you. Our long stemmed roses are hand selected for their luscious color and superior quality. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.” A woman is like a rose…If you take good care of her, you will see love blossom.

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White Wedding Heart of Roses

You save: 27%

This heart - shaped arrangement of 35 gorgeous white roses will become the incarnation of deepest emotions and warm feelings. Being in love is the most beautiful feeling and expresses your appreciation with this heart-shaped white rose’s arrangement.

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Smile for Me

You save: 15%

Bouquet of 27 colourful holland roses, ruscus leaves tied up with a pink ribbon.

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Divine Beauty


A fabulous box of white roses, perfect for any occasion especially birthday or anniversary. Give amazing flowers to yours and we will deliver them on your behalf.

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