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Credit CardsWe do value Your time and endeavor to make everything so that it is easy and pleasant to pay for your order. At the moment we accept following payment options:

We accept payments using credit cards including MasterCard, Visa, ARCA, American Express and by PayPal, with using ID Bank's secure payment gateway. After making payment on you will be navigated from payment gateway page to our website.

There are two methods of payment:

Credit Cards

Quick payment: you make the payment exactly at the moment of ordering. In this case number and price of order go to the payment interface automatically. You only have to write the details of your card in.
Set aside payment: this kind of payment is used when due to some reasons you couldn’t make the payment at the moment of ordering and also if you made your order by telephone, E-mail, Skype. In this case you will be asked to write in not only the details of your card but the amount and the number of your order as well.
InecoPay by QR CodeInecoPay

InecoPay payment system is a simple, fast and modern way to get payments with QR code invented by Inecobank in 2008, which allows to make contactless payments with a smartphone by simply scanning the QR codes presented at the payment points or online.

When making an online payment, the buyer adds the required product to his / her online basket, selecting the "InecoPay by QR Code" option from payment options, then scanning the QR code from the screen with the InecMobile application and confirms the payment.

Transfer of the payment is being done immediately within a few seconds, then customer quickly receivesing the confirmation of the order payment.


Bank Transfer

Bank Transfer
You can pay for your order from any commercial bank transferring the money. This is mainly for legal and physical entities by money transfer from your account to the account of our company.

If you chose this method of payment please note that a transfer may take 1-2 banking days. The amount of your payment should be equal to the total price of your order. Once the payment is completed please send us the check via fax or email in order to avoid delays. You will get a confirmation of money receipt at our operating account. After the money is credited to our account, your order will be fulfilled.