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Looking for something special and exquisite? You are in the right place! Choose from a variety of hand made bouquets and arrangements here.
Results 1 - 30 of 61
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One and Only


Brilliant, passionate red rose, arranged with tender gypsophila, greenery and gift wrapping. Ideal as a romantic gift, affordable valentines day flowers or to set the scene for a romantic dinner with this single red rose!

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Warm Wishes


This composition of 3 bright yellow roses is presented in a classic form, suitable for a solemn occasion and a simple date with your beloved. A bouquet will help you to revive pleasant memories and give a drop of happiness with every bud.

Sunny yellow roses are a cheery and a wonderful gift. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, graduation or any occasion with this lively bouquet of vibrant roses!

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Beauty of Pink


Treat your someone special to a heavenly rose bouquet; send them these pink roses. A black non-woven sheet holds delicate pink roses. The bouquet is tied together with a green ribbon for that special touch. This charming bouquet will leave any recipient smiling, so send it now!

Number of Roses

This sophisticated display combines the classic charm of roses with a modern twist, making it a memorable gift. Delight in the timeless beauty of our exquisite roses, elegantly arranged in contemporary florist bags, Perfect for any occasion!

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Shine and Smile


Roses... What we can tell about rose that has not been said a thousand times before? They're beautiful, they're deep, they're romantic and after thousands of years they still have the power to take your breath away. When you have a special message that you want to send your loved one, order Roses to perfectly express your love and devotion.

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Expressive Roses


This wonderful bouquet of 7 passionate red roses in combination with fresh pistachio greens is presented to beloved ones, especially to those who already have mutual feelings and want to reinforce and strengthen them. These roses will help you to present your love, affection and passion.

A bright and cheery color of yellow roses are beautifully hand tied
to create this romantic bunch of flowers. This handmade bouquet
is absolutely perfect for any special occasion,
and splendor for any room set.

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Attractive Roses


This bright bouquet of vibrant orange roses is arranged by an expert florist who presents you a piece of the sun and warm your soul. A bundle of roses looks literally like the sun has sprinkled all of its warm yellow color on it. Live life in warm yellows!

Number of Roses

Yellow roses arranged beautifully in a special fashionable pack are ready to surprise and bring joy. Choose it and be sure that she'll be as happy as never!

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Timeless Romance


Dive into a world of romance with our floral arrangement featuring pink roses. Delicate and captivating, these flowers radiate beauty and grace, making them the perfect choice for any occasion.

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Sunny Elegance


Sunny Elegance: Experience the bright glow of yellow bush roses beautifully packaged in a clear, modern plastic bag. This modern floral arrangement will add joy and sophistication to any room.

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Red & White Dream


This gorgeous bouquet consists 11 Roses and wrapped in modern way!

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Heart Arrangement

You save: 20%

Red roses create a sensational effect. Make your special moments more special for your loved ones when you give them this wonderful gift of 7 roses. Flowers can never go wrong. So pick this up before you go for that memorable day with your loved one.

Celebrating an anniversary? Feeling romantic? This impressive bouquet in a stunning box lined with a bow will show how much they mean to you.

Number of Roses

9 red and gold colored roses in a box. An original and unexpected combination that looks flawless and for sure it will make surprise!

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White Regal Roses


The beauty of white roses is unchallenged. Representing innocence, their versatility makes them a favorite gift to offer congratulations for graduation, engagements, bridal showers, new baby, and of course anniversaries.

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Sunshine Spirit


How wonderful the color yellow is. It sounds for the sun. This marvelous bunch of 19, 25 or 35 yellow roses will delight the queen of your life. Feel the summer spirit. Shine bright like the sun!

Number of Roses

What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today.

Number of Roses

Sophisticated beauty has perhaps never been conveyed so distinctly. Stately white roses are arranged artfully to create a look of pure elegance.

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21 Colorful Roses


A charming display of our most luxurious deluxe roses. The bouquet is delightfully arranged with mixed colorful roses!

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Red Regal Roses (80cm)

You save: 5%

Premium High-stem Red Roses is an impressive gift they will never forget! This stunning bouquet of red roses arrives to create unforgettable moments, a unique gift that stands apart from the traditional rose bouquets.

Number of Roses

9 red and gold colored roses in a box. The box size is 15х15 cm.

15 red and gold colored roses in a heart box.

Presented in a clear glass vase, this truly bright display of fresh orange roses is ready to send your warmest birthday, thank you, or get well wishes!

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Yellow-Orange Roses


A bright combination of a yellow and orange rainbow rose. Arranged in a fine bouquet to become the party favorite!

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Exra-Large Red Naomi Roses

You save: 7%

This extra-large Roses are ideal gift for any occasion!By devoting this beautiful and passionate bouquet, you will be admired by your beloved one.

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Misancellous Roses

You save: 7%

The finest, fieriest, most fervent of the lot - if you're looking for flowers to match your passion, these are the ones. Red roses are the ultimate symbol of romantic love, so there's no better way to express your extravagant emotions than with an excessive bouquet in full bloom.

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Always In Love


This lovely bouquet of 21 yellow and white roses will be a nice
gift for any woman on any occasion! It will bring a
lot of joy and a smile to her face and fill the day with
positive and colourful emotions.

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Charm Roses Bouquet


These marvellous pink Jumilia Roses have a uniquely thoughtful way of expressing how much you care about the ones you love.

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