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We proudly present You a large assortment of bouquets and arrangements, from cute little bouquets to exquisite awesome bouquets and stunning arrangements, which are made exclusively from fresh flowers by our florists.
Results 241 - 270 of 715
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Snickers Candy Bouquet


Looking for the perfect surprise for that Snickers lover in your life. This unique candy bar bouquet is a definite favorite. Just don't expect them to share!

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Knock their socks off with an arrangement of the brightest blooms for celebrating dear and near people.This arrangement with a variety of red roses and other green flowers will fit nicely into every heart whatever the occasion!

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Sweet Tooth


Heart chocolate bouquets for those who can not imagine life without sweets. In this bouquet we combine both the idea of a beautiful gift and happy sweet tooth!

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For Your Boyfriend


What men like more then beer? Of course the snacks that are suitable for beer! Choose this original bouquet to make him know you care about his interests.

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Purple Tulips Bouquet


Nothing but fresh-cut tulips! This bouquet of purple tulips is a great way to make very someone's day!

Number of Tulips
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Eternal Rose


Inspired by the Beauty and the Beast‘s iconic bloom. This is a real natural rose that has been completely hand crafted and preserved to last an eternity. If left encased in the bell glass, the rose can last for up to 3 years or more without sunlight or even water. Send a spell of Love.

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Roses and Candies


We offer you beautiful roses with colorful cookies in a heart box. A nice surprise for your friends and beloved who will be grateful from such a present.

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Eternal White Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Eternal Pink Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Bright Surprize


Bright Surprize is a bright arrangement in a box consisting of 19 mixed colourful flowers and 5 macaroons. Such a floral “postcard” will be a great addition to your gift, help to tell about feelings, or just please a person dear to your heart!

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Alluring Elegance


This bouquet will brighten up anyone's day! A beautiful combination of white roses, natural cotton steams and white freesia warmth to everyone's heart by surprising with stunning flowers. Devote this precious one to your loved ones to deck the halls during the holidays.

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This stunning gift is a larger version of our popular Pink hand-tied bouquet and has a chic, contemporary feel perfect for any occasion.

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Bright Mix

You save: 20%

This dramatic beauty is the one You are looking for. With their ravishing elegance, sparkling color - these freshest flowers furnish the ultimate in floral brilliance.

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Ethereal Elegance

You save: 20%

Elevate your floral experience with our enchanting Purple Flowers. This carefully curated collection of blooms in shades of purple embodies the spirit of creativity, admiration, and charm. Whether you're marking a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, our Purple Flowers are a timeless and heartfelt gift choice. Share the elegance and beauty of these blossoms with someone you care about

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Bright Smiles Basket


Congratulate Your relatives and beloved people with this modern style wonderful arrangement. Arrangement contains 19 pink roses.

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Blooming Surprise


Awe and wonder! It's a magical bouquet designed with beautiful mix of 9 stunning yellow and pink roses with spring small flowers.

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Strawberries From The Heart


Our 35 I Love You Sentiments feature gourmet chocolate dipped strawberries covered with melt-in-your-mouth semisweet chocolate. They’re arranged in our signature box for the perfect presentation -- they taste as sweet as they look!

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Eternal Black Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Sweet Heart Kinders

You save: 5%

This marvelous heart-shaped arrangement is consist of 45 chocolates, including 35 Kinder Milk Chocolates and 10 Kinder Surprise Eggs!

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You save: 5%

There is no flower that fits more occasions than the white tulip. Its graceful blooms imbue any space with a feeling of serenity and elegance.

Number of Flowers
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Kinder Passion

You save: 12%

Adorable surprise for kinder-lovers consist of different 35 kinder chocolates. A gift, which will be long remembered!

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Modern Floral Tree

You save: 20%

White roses and tender alstromerias fill a split-wood basket. What a thoughtful way to wish someone all the best on their special day!

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Delightful Blooms

You save: 7%

Amazing gift for reminding someone special how much You care. The arrangement consists of 7 white roses, 2 orchids, alstromerias and seasonal flowers.

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Perfect Birthday

You save: 20%

Elegance and grace are in bloom this season. This vibrant arrangement of roses, orchids and lush greens graces us with abundant floral displays that will last for weeks on end.

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Magic Red Basket

You save: 20%

This passionate red basket is a perfect combination of 25 blooming flowers including red roses, gerberas, alstromerias and white small flowers designed in wooden basket with ultimate care for Your special recipient!

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Precious Pink


The meaning behind a pink rose is gratitude, appreciation, elegance and admiration. Send Your loved ones warmth and care with this bouquet.

Number of Roses
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Purely Pink

You save: 10%

Choose this stylish and very beautiful arrangement of 19 roses in a box right today. It is a perfect gift for any celebration!

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The Big Hug Bouquet


Pink Alstroemeria is an astonishing pink colored flower with lovely semi heart-shaped petals. Send this elegant bouquet of 31 flowers to Your nearest and dearest today.

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First Impressions


Red roses are artfully arranged in a perfect bouquet with white alstromerias, creatiing a look of pure elegance.Send a loved one this vivid bouquet to share cheer on a special occasion, on a birthday or to say I LOVE YOU

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Bouquet for Men


The way to man's heart is through his stomach . This original and tasty bouquet can be an amazing present for men , and for sure ,they will appreciate it ! Order it and make your man happy !

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