Our contemporary flowers are not just our business they are our inspiration. From a pretty small baskets to large scale designs our innovative style and attention to detail will amaze you. Sophisticated and fashionable designs to suit everyone. If your plan is to make a real impression then this is the perfect collection for you to choose from!
Results 33 - 64 of 83
My Wishlist

Teddy's Gift


If you're crazy about someone and not afraid to show it, this bright arrangement is the perfect way to express your love.

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Beautiful Medley

You save: 7%

Set Your beloved, a relative or a friend on a flight of fancy with our truly original Beautiful Medley arrangement!

My Wishlist

Sunflowers in Wooden Box

You save: 5%

Sunny yellow flowers are a real sign of summer. This arrangement of 21 fresh sunflowers is a ray of sunshine that can illuminate any room!

My Wishlist

Floral Masterpiece


Congratulate birthdays, anniversaries, engagements and weddings with this impressive floral arrangement made by our professional florists.

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Perfect Floral Surprise

You save: 5%

Have you ever gazed at a lush and beautiful floral arrangement like this? Your special recipient will be surely glad You stopped Your choice on it.

My Wishlist

Garden Red Basket


A basket full of 35 festive florals that create the perfect gift to bring a little Christmas cheer into your recipients home.
Cosy up this Christmas with this warming bouquet, full of deep red roses,

My Wishlist

Exotic Green Basket


Presented in a woven basket, this alluring collection of plants will make an excellent birthday, thank you, or get well gift.

My Wishlist

Basket in White

You save: 12%

Luxurious white roses are gathered in a special basket, becoming the most wanted floral gift ever.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Radiance Basket


Your special recipient will be delighted having this spectacular basket as a gift. Contains a bottle of sparkling champagne, a pack of chocolates and a bar of chocolate, decorated with vibrant flowers!

My Wishlist

Basket of Happiness


A symbol of love and friendship, this wonderful floral basket in tender shades is a great way to show you care.We all aim to impress visiting family during the holidays. We have put together a gift that will add a touch of warmth and class to your home.

My Wishlist

Name rose box


Looking for an instant way to carry forward your love and emotion, go ahead with this stems of elegant letter shape 99 red roses in a box.

My Wishlist

A lovely bouquet


Meet our Enchanting Bouquet — a captivating ensemble of blooms designed to infuse every moment with grace. Overflowing with charm, this delightful bouquet is the perfect expression of warmth and affection. Elevate your gestures with the enchanting allure of our captivating blooms, making every occasion truly memorable.

Bouquet of 55 colourful gerberas, ruscus leaves, decorative butterflies collected in a wooden basket.

My Wishlist

Fruits and Floral Basket

You save: 10%

Two in one: Freshest flowers and fruits in a cozy basket! Original surprise for any celebration.

My Wishlist

Floral Dragon


A glorious celebration of beautiful Floral Dragon. This beautiful bouquet is skilfully arranged by our talented florists and is perfect to send for any special occasion.

My Wishlist

Glorious Garden


Make Monday brighter, send your love after a rough work week, or just say I'm Thinking Of You with Shades Of Yellow and ocean blue .

My Wishlist

Nude Roses Basket


51 Roses and greenery arranged in stylish basket. A stylish statement gift, guaranteed to make an impact The soft purity of these blooms will touch her heart ever so gently and let her know just how you feel. The roses are hand-selected to match perfectly and arranged with care.

A flowering collection of 5 blooms is artfully arranged in a basket, and is ready to become an unforgettable gift!

A great surprise to any occasion! This perfect arrangement contains champagne, a pack of delicious chocolate and a basket of fresh fruit weighing 9-10kg!

My Wishlist

A Breath of Fresh Air

You save: 12%

Wonderfully arranged pink orchids among roses, gerberas and lush greens convey the message of love and devotion.

My Wishlist

Pink Basket

You save: 5%

The basket is full of both wonderful 77 stems of mixed spray roses and emotions, emotions, emotions... Give this to the most precious ones and let them feel you care!

My Wishlist

Elegant Heart-shaped Roses

You save: 15%

Fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a symphony of elegance, this pretty collection of 45 roses is the very ultimate in fresh flower chic!

A cute white and yellow bear is made of over 100 chrysanthemums
This is decorated with green in a basket and will gratify your recipient.
It will make happy everyone and will be an original gift for every event !

A great surprise to any occasion! This perfect arrangement contains liquor Baileys (0.5L), a pack of delicious chocolate and a basket of fresh fruit weighing 9-10kg.

My Wishlist

Love Basket

You save: 7%

This perfectly arranged basket full of 77 red roses is a definition of love. Choose to surprise you favorite people with this fancy gift.

My Wishlist

Garden Harvest Time


Offer a basket of blooming warmth and endless cheer to your special recipient. Vibrant hues of pink, yellow and white arrive in a natural woven basket for a sweet and charming look that will add beauty and delight to any of life's special occasions.

My Wishlist

Secret Treasures

You save: 12%

Royal orchids are proudly presented in a luxury arrangement of pink and white roses, accented with lush greens!

My Wishlist

Blossoms Love Basket


These exquisite, velvety blooms in a wooden basket will make a luminously breathtaking and truly special gift!

My Wishlist

Stunning Basket

You save: 12%

Luxurious basket of multicoloured roses will turn the simple day into a celebration! Your special recipient will be delighted!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

White Radiance


White is always elegant. Choose this arrangement for the most demanding receivers and be sure that it will satisfy them.

My Wishlist

BIG Bright Basket of 101 Blooms

You save: 15%

Celebrate any occasion with our BIG bright basket of 101 fresh blooming gerberas, and let them know they deserve a day that's all about them!Pick this one that expresses your feelings best and make unforgettable impressions on your loved ones with delightful gerberas.

My Wishlist

Basket of 77 White Roses

You save: 12%

Basket of 77 white roses, generous through its purity and sanctity, will send out thrills of pleasure. Fits any celebration!

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