Our Hand Bouquets are collection of flowers in a creative arrangement. There are different kinds including nosegay, hand-tied, and cascading bouquets. Flower bouquets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries as well as for weddings!
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Brightness of Fruits

You save: 5%

This bright bouquet full of colorful and tasty fruits is what you have to choose, if you want your surprise to be both original and delicate!

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White in White

You save: 10%

Snow white, fragrant lilies are so adorable as a birthday or anniversary gift. If You do not order the bouquet with vase, the bouquet will be beautifully wrapped.

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Bright and Joyful


She loves me, she loves me not' we all remember saying this rhyme as kids as we tried to find out if our honey shared the same feelings for us. Well now you can practically guarantee those feelings when you send this stunning and eye-catching bouquet to your special someone.

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Orange Boom


Orange is never too much, whether it is about fruit or the color. Choose this original bouquet to feel the wave of summer.

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A dance of flowers


A dance of lisianthus blooms in vibrant hues, the Lisianthus Elegance is a petite masterpiece. With its refined charm and subtle fragrance, this composition whispers sophistication, making it an ideal gesture for expressing grace and beauty on any occasion.

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A gesture of love


Immerse yourself in elegance with our Lisianthus Bouquet. Delicate lisianthus blooms, expertly arranged, offer a timeless and enchanting display. Whether it's a celebration or a heartfelt gesture, this bouquet is a stylish expression of beauty and grace. Embrace the sophistication of lisianthus and elevate your moments with this captivating floral arrangement.

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Beauty of Pink


After choosing this bouquet of fascinating pink flowers, you can give a special smile, making her day wonderful and unique. This bouquet consists of 25 beautiful and fresh pink flowers.


Bouquet of 25 white holland roses «Avalange» with a green bow.

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Angel Centerpiece

You save: 5%

These proud, generous white roses will delight you with their immaculate white flowers!

Number of Roses

Pure Elegance Bouquet: Embrace the beauty of simplicity with our Pure Elegance Bouquet, a collection of pristine white flowers that exude grace and sophistication. Perfect for weddings, celebrations, or expressing heartfelt condolences, this timeless arrangement captivates with its ethereal charm.

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The Amazing Beauty


Be still in my heart!
What an impression you'll make when you send her this gorgeous arrangement of pink spray roses!! Sure you have to make her smile today!

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5 Shades of Pink

You save: 12%

This bright composition of 5 different shades of the most romantic color is what You need to make her day unforgettable. Be sure, she'll be excited to see how both fancy and soft the arrangement of spray roses.

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Bouquet «Joy»

You save: 7%

Red roses are iconic symbols of love, passion, and romance, renowned for their timeless beauty and rich symbolism.

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You save: 7%

The bright bouquet with Sunflowers for summer lovers. Very vivid and very colourful to rise up the mood of your beloved.

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Holiday Colors


Celebrate a special occasion with a unique daisy bouquet! We offer a unique variety of daisies of different hues.The daisies depict elegance and pride. It also depicts feminine beauty. Gift this regal bouquet to the special ladies whom you wish to praise for their beauty and elegance.

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Addicted to Red


What else, if not combination of 17 brunches of spray roses will make Your favorite ones feel how precious they are for You? Especially if it consists of red, pink and white finest spray roses.

This wonderful arrangement of fruits and vegetables is a perfect way to make your vegan friends happy!

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Gerbera Bouquet

You save: 7%

Vibrant Elegance: Embrace the Radiance of a Gerbera Bouquet.

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21 Attractive Roses

You save: 5%

Since pink roses bring cheer and happiness, they also make a great Get Well flower arrangement. Pink roses come in many shades, from pale pink hues like apricot, to deeper shades like raspberry

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25 Stunning Roses


Picked fresh from the greenhouses to offer your special recipient a gift straight from the heart, our 25 Stunning Roses Bouquet is a classic romantic gesture that will have them falling head over heels in love with each exquisite bloom.

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Snow-White Roses

You save: 5%

White roses convey sentiments such as love, friendship, respect and care. Make someone smile with this beautiful bouquet finest white roses. Height of the bouquet is 40-45cm.

Number of Roses

Make her day memorable with this classic bouquet of 25 roses! This bouquet is the perfect way of letting your loved one know how special she is to you. Our long stemmed roses are hand selected for their luscious color and superior quality. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.” A woman is like a rose…If you take good care of her, you will see love blossom.

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Smile for Me

You save: 15%

Bouquet of 27 colourful holland roses, ruscus leaves tied up with a pink ribbon.

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Appetizing Bouquet


Creative, delicious bouquet for will be a perfect gift for any occasion to congratulate!

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Have a Nice Day


Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of 45 radiant flowers.

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Delightful charm

You save: 5%

Experience the allure of our Delightful Charm Bouquet — a captivating arrangement that effortlessly combines beauty and grace. Overflowing with an enchanting selection of blooms, this charming bouquet is a perfect expression of warmth and affection. Elevate your moments with the delightful charm of this enchanting gift.

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Love At First Sight


Capture their attention with this radiant bouquet white roses. Elegantly arranged by our florists, these symbols of eternal love are gathered by hand in a classic bouquet to express your feelings with grace and sophistication!

Number of Roses
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Touch of Love


This soft and delicate bouquet of pink gerberas and roses is the right way to express your most precious emotions concerned to most precious people of your life.

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Pretty and delicate


This soft bouquet is just as the name suggests, soft and delicate heart shape roses consist of 21 extra-large roses. Everyone loves pink! And this bouquet wont let you down, perfect to say about your love.

Overall, this ever-so-pretty bloom is believed to be a symbol of optimism and joy . This beautiful bouquet from different colors of Chrysanthemums will be a delicate gift for everyone!

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Regal Roses Selection

You save: 7%

This perfect, extra-large and highest quality white roses conveys love and devotion. It will speak for hundreds of words, and right today.

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