Our Hand Bouquets are collection of flowers in a creative arrangement. There are different kinds including nosegay, hand-tied, and cascading bouquets. Flower bouquets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries as well as for weddings!
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35 Roses for Special Blessing

You save: 5%

A single red rose is surrounded with tender white ones, to create a bouquet for the one and only.

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Sunshine For You


A bouquet with orchids is a bright charge of joy, suitable for any occasion.

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Assorted Pink Roses


Order these 25 assorted Pink Roses and invite the freshness and liveliness of these beautiful and exciting pink roses into someone's life.

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Bouquet of Bright Roses

You save: 7%

Alluring colourful roses will surely brighten her day and bring season's freshness with them.

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Colours Splendour

You save: 7%

Oh, our classy white and pink combined with all the softness of the spring! Give Your beloved one all the love of Your heart with a single bouquet of wonderful spray roses.

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Ultimate Exuberance

You save: 7%

This wonderful bouquet features fantastic combination of yellow orchids and crimson red roses, accented with lush greens!

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Pink Enchantement

You save: 15%

This bouquet of pink spray roses will be the perfect gift for delicate,sensual and romantic girls!

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White Glory Roses

You save: 7%

This extremely vivacious bouquet will be designed with extra-large white roses and will be wrapped stylishly as special gift!

Number of Roses
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Yellow Delight

You save: 10%

Brighten any moment with our Yellow Flowers Bouquet. Bursting with sunshine hues, this vibrant arrangement is a cheerful ode to joy and positivity. Perfect for celebrations or to simply uplift spirits, our yellow bouquet is a symbol of happiness and warmth. Share the radiance of these blossoms and make every occasion a brighter, more beautiful experience with our carefully curated Yellow Flowers Bouquet.

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Green Glory

You save: 7%

Our bouquet of seasonal blooms will not only brighten any surrounding, it will also brighten the special recipients day!

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Bouquet of Happiness


This immaculate bouquet of 15 red roses and sunlit blooms will charm you with its fresh, natural beauty and will continue to open gently when placed in a vase of fresh water for a longer life.

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From the Heart

You save: 5%

A delightful bouquet of 35 red alstromerias and 20 white spray roses, a guaranteed joy, sure to let that special someone know how you feel. Our gorgeous roses and terrestrials are delivered with freshness to ensure they are enjoyed for as long as possible.

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Red Beauty

You save: 5%

Red composition of roses and alstromeries wraped in nice paper, will be a perfect present for any party or holiday.

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Colorful Elegance

You save: 10%

Alluring, adorable, astonishing. There is color all round in this fascinating mixed bouquet of fresh roses.

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Gourmet Volcano


This meat and cheese bouquet is a trendy gift alternative. The unique way of celebrating life. We use a mix of finest sausages, salamis, smoked cheeses and some vegetables. So we create our bouquets every day and we can never repeat an identical bunch, it's always unique and amazing!

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Enchanting Garden


The Enchanting Garden arrangement brings the allure of a secret garden to your space. Rich textures and a mix of elegant blooms create an oasis of beauty and wonder.

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Too Attractive Roses

You save: 3%

No matter what the occasion is, this breath-taking bouquet is sure to impress. The soothing colors of the Pink Roses makes it perfect as a gift for a loved one or even as a treat for yourself to decorate your own home with․

Number of Roses
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Burst of Color Bouiquet

You save: 7%

Big round bouquet made of 77 chrysanthemums of different dazzling colors is a very long lasting gift as these flowers can stay in a vase for a long time.

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Always and Forever


This bouquet of scarlet roses combined with champagne will give warmth and passionate feelings to you and your loved one․

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37 Yellow Roses


This bright and beautiful bouquet of yellow roses glistening in the sun makes the gift perfect for the one you love.

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Gorgeous Surprise


This gorgeous bouquet consists of 21 Roses and 7 lilies - perfect for congratulating someone special for You!


This perfect combination of different tones of yellow roses and white lilies is summer freshness itself. Choose it for most delicate women and be sure to satisfy them.

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Red & White Roses


Send a stunning arrangement of red roses and white roses to wow someone today. This stunning presentation is the perfect floral arrangement to send to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or just because.

This breathtaking bouquet is made with freshest blooms such as 21 white alstromerias, 10 spray roses, 10 orange gerberas and is a delight for the senses!

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Flower Flames


Celebrate the wonder of a new day with 37 stem of golden flowers.
This stunning, sun-bright bouquet energizes any occasion.
Please, order spray roses 24 hours prior the delivery,
so as we could manage to organize your order in time and properly.

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Feminine Beauty

You save: 15%

Indulge her passion for pink with this ultra-feminine bouquet of 101 flowers. We’ve chosen 30 spray roses for their enduring beauty and delicate 71 alstromerias for extra detail. The soft pink shades of both varieties look wonderful together and are sure to prompt a smile of pure pleasure.

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To my Sweetheart

You save: 5%

Vibrant pink roses along with white elegant daises make a perfect heart-shaped bouquet for Your special recipient.

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Rainbow smile

You save: 27%

Elevate your summer with our vibrant Summer Bouquet. This carefully crafted arrangement captures the essence of the season, bursting with the colors and fragrances of summer blooms. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, our Summer Bouquet is a cheerful and heartfelt gift choice. Share the spirit of summer with this delightful gesture

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Delicious Bouquet


Original bouquet with white wine is an excellent gift for a beloved man, relative, friend, boss, colleague. Bouquets are created by professional designers, they are not only appetizing and useful, but also beautiful. Such bouquets are pleasant to hold in your hands, they will undoubtedly become the highlight of the celebration.

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Full of Shiny Romance

You save: 3%

Send pink & white roses today to someone who is all Sugar and Sweet! This bright bouquet celebrates everything pink, with beautiful pink roses paired with white ones. Whether you are looking for the perfect birthday gift or just something to brighten someone's day, this arrangement is the perfect choice!

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Red & White Combination

You save: 5%

Order this new baby mixed roses and have it delivered to the parents of the girl. This gift includes a combination of red and white roses, artfully arranged to create a gift worthy of the princess into the shape of a bouquet. The gift also includes delicate color paper Choose to send this beautiful floral gift.

Number of Roses

This classic red rose bouquet is a beautiful way to open their heart! Our finest 15 red roses are perfectly accented with lush greens to create a bouquet that shares your sweetest sentiments.

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