Our Hand Bouquets are collection of flowers in a creative arrangement. There are different kinds including nosegay, hand-tied, and cascading bouquets. Flower bouquets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries as well as for weddings!
Results 65 - 96 of 310
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Red Roses & Apples Bouquet

You save: 15%

This wonderful combination of 7 green apples and 7 red roses with fresh greenery is softness itself. Make you favorite people feel that tasty things may be beautiful as well!

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A Piece of Sun


This bouquet of sunflowers is the best way to bring a smile: love, sun and flowers.

Number of Flowers

Winter Wonderland Blooms: Enchant with the purity of our Winter Wonderland Blooms, a radiant bouquet of white flowers that captures the essence of serenity. Delicately arranged, this composition brings a touch of pristine beauty to any occasion, making it a versatile and heartfelt gift.

Number of Flowers

Immerse yourself in a burst of color with our Vibrant Blossom Bouquet, a kaleidoscope of hues that dance together in perfect harmony. This lively and dynamic arrangement is a celebration of joy, perfect for brightening any occasion and adding a touch of exuberance to your space. Each bloom in this colorful ensemble contributes to a visual symphony that captivates the senses and embodies the beauty of diversity. Elevate your moments with the vivid charm of our Vibrant Blossom Bouquet, a radiant expression of nature's palette.

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One For You

You save: 10%

Our bouquet of 19 red and yellow-orange gerberas will not only brighten any surrounding, it will also brighten the special recipients day.

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Colorful Emotions

You save: 15%

Perfectly pretty petals of pink, white, red and yellow spring to life from this colorful and fragrant assortment of roses modern designed bouquet!

Number of Roses

A truly pretty bouquet is designed in shades of white, yellow and red. The bouquet consist of 25 flowers (17 alstromerias, 8 gerberas). Stunningly sweet, these long-lasting fresh flowers are sure to impress!

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Joyful Blooms

You save: 12%

Dazzle your special recipient with bright color and cheerful blooms when you send this exceptional daisy bouquet! Featuring beautiful gerbera daisies in a wide array of colors, including pink, orange, red, and yellow, this flower arrangement is sure to lift their spirits at every turn
11 colorful gerberas

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A little Smile


This delicate but graceful bouquet of 17 flowers will bring joy and smile to any woman who will be very flattered by this surprise!

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Cute Bouquet


Classic meets elegance with this delicate mix of 21 flowers including soft coloured chrysanthemums, bright yellow gerberas and alstromerias gathered in a chic bouquet!

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Yellow Pleasure


Yellow roses help to symbolize joy and friendship. Its cheerful hue
declares you are a great friend. Sending this marvelous bouquet of 15
roses and eucalyptus looks very
cute and smells so nice that refreshes the air! Fresh of yellow bouquet like the
morning air certainly will touch the heart of your beloved one.

Number of Roses
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Fabled Beauty


Romance, what's better than a bunch of red roses as a gift to your wife or girlfriend.

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Snack Bouquet

You save: 25%

This perfect combination of tasty snacks is a perfect way to make gourmets happy! Choose it for your boyfriends, brothers or fathers and be sure to make them satisfied.

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Yellow Bounch


A beautiful arrangement of yellow roses, alstroemerias, and green branches burst through this arrangement, making it the perfect gift that is sure to brighten their day!

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Victorian Splendor

You save: 15%

This truly elegant bouquet of 5 gorgeous lilies is a gift that's sure to speak volumes!

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Unique Greetings

You save: 12%

There is something magical about our Secret Garden arrangement. The Secret Garden is your very own key to a small spot of enchantment and a renewed sense of wonder!

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Serene Symphony Ensemble

You save: 10%

Indulge in the captivating beauty of our Violet Flower Composition. Meticulously curated, this arrangement is a harmonious blend of deep purples and delicate hues, creating a mesmerizing symphony of elegance. Perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any space, our violet composition is a visual celebration of nature's grace. Elevate your surroundings with the enchanting allure of these blooms, carefully crafted to bring a sense of tranquility and charm to every moment.

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Celebration with 35 Alstromeria

You save: 10%

Our bouquet of 35 coloured peruvian alstromerias will not only brighten any surrounding, it will also brighten the special recipients day!Featuring a wide, wondrous assortment of blooms in one bouquet, this colorful arrangement is always a favorite!

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You save: 10%

Send this amazing bouquet with 27 blooming gerberas for anyone who has been on a life-changing journey or who is in need of some inspiration!

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Bouquet «Classic Combination»

You save: 10%

Bouquet of 21 colourful holland roses, ruscus leaves tied up with a pink bow.

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Glorious Bouquet


Send cordial greetings for a very Happy Birthday with our gaily
bouquet. Your special recipient will be glad for your choice.
This charming bouquet consists of 9 yellow roses and 15 alstroemerias..
And such kind of a colorful combination of flowers make this
moment unforgettable.

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Angel's Delight


For a person with whom you had the most beautiful dreams!Give her Colorful dreams bouquet of 25 roses and chrysanthemums to confess your feelings. This colorful bouquet contains 9 pink and white roses.

Whether you are looking for a fabulous floral gift for the holidays or you want to decorate your own home this arrangement is a perfect one. Hand-selected by our expert florists and tastefully arranged, these wonderful flowers are sure to please!

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Fresh Daisy Bouquet

You save: 10%

A gorgeous way to celebrate your sweet affection for the love of your life on your special day.
Whatever the happy occasion you’re celebrating, the bright colour of these darling pink flowers is sure to be met with a wide grin when they arrive.

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Flowers Bring Smiles

You save: 15%

Elegant mixed flower bouquets are appropriate for all your gift giving needs! This pretty bouquet is a delightful way to brighten up your own home for a party or special occasion.

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Bunch of Pink Happiness

You save: 15%

This dashing bouquet of 17 flowers including pink roses, alstromerias and gerberas lavishly decorated and designed to impress at a single glance!


Impart a message of love that will tug on the emotions of someone special in your life. This gorgeous combination of lilies and roses says it all.

Number of Roses
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White Regal Roses


The beauty of white roses is unchallenged. Representing innocence, their versatility makes them a favorite gift to offer congratulations for graduation, engagements, bridal showers, new baby, and of course anniversaries.

Number of Roses
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Beautiful in Pink


Elegant bouquet in tender pink hues will become a favourite gift for any celebration. 9 coral-pink roses together with 25 pink alstromerias make a gift worth of appreciation.

Bouquet of 3 yellow roses, 5 lisianthus, 5 chrysanthemums, 5 limonium, wrapped with yellow fetra and a purple bow.

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Festive Bouquet

You save: 15%

This spectacular winter bouquet will take pride of place wherever it is displayed!

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Gerbera Wishes

You save: 5%

Share a sincere smile by way of our glorious colouful gerberas!
These large, joyful blooms arrive beaming in a sunshine and tangerine tones, packing a strong punch of optimism, good health and bright summer cheer.

Number of Flowers
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