Our Hand Bouquets are collection of flowers in a creative arrangement. There are different kinds including nosegay, hand-tied, and cascading bouquets. Flower bouquets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries as well as for weddings!
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Sunny Bouquet

You save: 10%

Here is one of our favourite bouquets, which is sure to delight Your special recipient.

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Beloved Bouquet


Pink fantasy. The bouquet will be a very pleasant surprise to the woman You love. It will make her remember about You!A wide variety of flowers including pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, hot pink gerberas, pink carnations and hot pink miniature carnations are mixed with fresh variegated pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus.

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Sunshine Spirit


How wonderful the color yellow is!
It sounds for the sun. This marvelous bunch of 19, 25 or 35
yellow roses will delight the queen of your life.
Feel the summer spirit. Shine bright like the sun!

Number of Roses

Light pink roses in a cute bouquet! This is a very pleasant and urgent gift for those you love.

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Daylight Bouquet

You save: 15%

This gorgeous bunch of 35 alstroemeria flowers will last for a long time and be enjoyed whatever the occasion.All their wishes will come true when they receive this bright and sunny flower arrangement. Send one today, and make someone's day!

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A bouquet of colourful roses

You save: 10%

No gift idea and time is ticking you? Do not worry! We have a bouquet for every occasion!
Beautiful and fresh 19 colorful roses will make your loved ones, feel amazing. Give a happiness and bet on quality.

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Eustomas Bouquet

You save: 3%

Bouquet of eustomas is one of the most tender bouquet, which are presented in our shop. Delicate and light bouquet of colorful eustomas can cause the most positive emotions in the beautiful half of humanity.

Number of Flowers

What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today.

Number of Roses

This chrysanthemum bouquet is soft and delicate like first love. Share this relaxing yet energetic combination to celebrate someone's birthday today.

Want to make today a heavenly one for someone you know? Send this premium bouquet of white roses. Meaning youthfulness, heavenly, and heavenly white roses are the ideal floral arrangements to send for wedding anniversaries, birthdays or just to let someone know you are thinking of them.

Number of Roses
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Special Occasion Bouquet

You save: 10%

This lovely bouquet of 7 pink roses, 25 colorful alstroemerias and lush greens is truly a feast for the eyes. It is an inspired choice for brightening a birthday, anniversary or any special occasion!

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Bouquet «White Miracle»

You save: 5%

Bouquet of 19 white «Avalange» roses wrapped in a paper with a yellow bow.

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Mystical Ensembles


Mystical Bloom Ensembles: Experience the enchantment of our Mystical Bloom Floral Compositions, where each arrangement is a testament to the magical allure of flowers, creating an atmosphere of wonder.

This pretty purple present comes with a beautiful surprise - a lovely bouquet of flowers that's perfectly arranged and wrapped to look like a present.

A bouquet of mixed colorful flowers - a very nice surprise on a sunny day. It will remind about You for a long time!

Number of Flowers
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Floral Mix


A beautifully fresh natural bouquet to win every heart! Intense, romantic colours in the most beautiful shade of pink and white. Offer this delightful bouquet without a moment's hesitation! The bouquet contains 5 roses, pink alstroemerias and chrysanthemums.


Bouquet of 9 pink roses, 9 white alstromerias, 7 ruscus leaves and gypsophilia flowers, tied up with a white bow.

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Blush Charm

You save: 5%

These hot gentle pink roses explode with color, making them ideal elegant bunch of floral bouquet.

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Always on My Mind

You save: 12%

Elegant bouquet of roses and alstromerias in pastel hues is ready to congratulate Your special someone on a special occasion. Bouquet consists of 25 alstromeias and 7 roses.
All their wishes will come true when they receive this bright and sunny flower arrangement. Send one today, and make someone's day!

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Good Day

You save: 15%

This classic gift idea is ideal for an anniversary, a get well soon or a loved one's birthday or newly mother.Perfect for saying “happy birthday,” “thank you” or “congratulations!'
The bouquet includes 35 alstromeria stems.

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Hot Passion

You save: 7%

Rainbows are a beautiful symbol of love and gratitude, send one today with our lovely gerbera bouquet. Arranged with 21 fresh gerberas in every color from yellow to pink and red. Daisies are a popular flower to send through-out the year to celebrate every occasion, from birthday to new babies.

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Furious Roses


Breathtaking bouquet of fantasy roses is the right bouquet for cheering up! Show your love with these beautiful flowers for someone special sending this bouquet.

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You're In My Heart


Red roses are the classic symbol of love and affection. This bouquet is made with care by our professional florist-designers.

White symbolizes sensitivity, love and gentleness. The colour also has a harmonic and cheerful effect on its environment.

Number of Roses
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Magic of Roses

You save: 15%

The beauty of colorful roses is an undeniable fact. Choose this wonderful bouquet of 25 roses to make your favorite people happy!

Delicious bouquets for men are one of the most popular gifts for the stronger gender of all ages and situations. Such bouquets as a gift are are suitable for almost any occasion, whether it be a birthday, anniversary, professional party, 23 February. Make pleasure to your men with such a creative bouquet!

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Bouquet of Harmony


Our luscious white chrysanthemums give off a real energy of vitality and serenity, a perfect gift!White is always classy!

This is a stunning hand-tied featuring all the sunny shades a generous selection of fragrant seasonal flowers.

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Yellow-Orange Roses


A bright combination of a yellow and orange rainbow rose. Arranged in a fine bouquet to become the party favorite!

Number of Roses
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In case if you want to give your favorite people warm feelings, this bouquet of 11 pink roses and 5 gerberas is a choice to made.

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Spring Feellings


Are you a lover of bright colors?
This is an ideal fit for You!
A heartwarming bouquet of colorful roses, wrapped with a beautiful papers.

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Touch of Elegance

You save: 20%

Pure, fresh and full of delicate flowers, this bouquet really showcases these 45 stunning white and pretty alstroemerias in a rich shade of deep purple to beautiful effect.
It’s the timeless beauty and elegant simplicity of this arrangement that makes it very special.

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