A delivery of fresh, fragrant flowers or a sweet, thoughtful gift is an easy and personal way to let someone know you remembered their special day. Our wide variety of bouquets and gifts is always the right choice for every birthday on your list. Add a balloon and some sweet treats and you’ve got yourself the perfect birthday gift for the one who means the most to you. At our shop you’ll find lush, fresh bouquets that capture the essence of your loved one and beautifully reflect how you feel.

Bring a big smile to a loved one’s face, be it a parent, a friend, a family member, or a co-worker. Everyone on your list will be delighted by the gift of fresh flowers, especially when you schedule same-day or next-day delivery so that it arrives right on time for the big day!
Results 225 - 250 of 250
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Red Roses an everyday expression of Love and Affection. Express your feelings with this vibrant white box of arrangement of fresh roses.Your recipient will be grateful.

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Yours Bouquet


The lucky recipient of this floral gift will see pink and be amazed when he or she is greeted by the site of a bouquet of pink spray roses. If you really want to make a statement, this bouquet will definitely do it!

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Love Heart Roses


77 white and red Roses are artfully arranged in a box the shape of a heart, creating a simply beautiful present for her.

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Luxury Scarlet Roses

You save: 5%

These scarlet colored luxury roses are up to 90cm height. The color combination is seductive and is therefore perfect for any romantic occasion. Surprise her, and this gesture will be remembered for a long time!

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Sunshine mood

You save: 7%

Elevate your gifting experience with our vibrant Yellow Flowers in the Box. Each meticulously arranged bloom radiates warmth and happiness, making it a perfect gift to brighten someone's day or celebrate a special occasion. These cheerful yellow flowers symbolize friendship, joy, and admiration, encapsulating your heartfelt sentiments within an elegant box

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You save: 20%

Simply gorgeous 155 Colored Roses are- ultimate rose gift. Romantic upper class Roses hand arranged with care and detail by our expert florists delivered directly to your chosen recipient anywhere in Armenia.

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101 Roses Basket

You save: 5%

This gorgeous white roses in basket will send out thrills of pleasure, generous through its purity and sanctity. Incarnation of chic and elegance, completely irresistible!

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Color Options

Make the best day of someone’s life even better, share a kind message of love on your anniversary or simply surprise your beloved one with this giant bouquet of 51 colorful Lisianthuses.

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Harmonious Horizon Blooms

You save: 7%

Elevate your gifting experience with our exquisite Box of White Roses. Each meticulously arranged bloom represents purity and elegance, making it a perfect gift for weddings, anniversaries, or to convey your deepest sentiments. White roses symbolize love, reverence, and new beginnings, encapsulating your heartfelt emotions within an elegant box

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You save: 3%

This colorful bouquet of mixed 77 flowers is itself a boom of emotions. Surely it'll make any day as bright as possible and even more!

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Life in the Garden

You save: 7%
Beautifully arranged in a lovely basket, this assortment of colourful spray roses is a wonderful way to express warmest feelings and to congratulate!
Please, order spray roses 24 hours prior the delivery, so as we could manage to organize Your order in time and properly.
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Garden Serenity

You save: 7%

Elevate your gifting experience with our enchanting Box of Pink Roses. Each meticulously arranged bloom is a testament to beauty and sophistication, capturing the essence of romance and admiration. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, our Box of Pink Roses is a timeless and heartfelt gift choice. Share the language of love and affection with this elegant gesture

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Scarlet Splendor

You save: 7%

Red Roses Box: A timeless expression of love. Our vibrant red roses in an elegant box create a stunning gesture for any special occasion.

Elevate your gifting experience with our opulent Luxurious Box of Flowers. Each meticulously arranged bloom embodies the epitome of elegance and extravagance, capturing the essence of luxury blooms. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or want to make a statement of affection, our Luxurious Box of Flowers is a timeless and extravagant gift choice. Share the grandeur and beauty of these blossoms with someone truly special

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A burst of color

You save: 5%

Unleash a burst of color with our Grand Flower Bouquet. Overflowing with a vibrant array of blooms, this bouquet is a celebration in every hue. Perfect for making a grand statement on any occasion. Gift a riot of colors with our Color Palette Bouquet and share the joy of vibrant beauty

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My Heart is Yours


Could there be anything as elegant as these sweet-scented roses in a box? This chic and sophisticated arrangement of 101 roses makes for a thoughtful and fabulous flower gift to send to your near and dear people.

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I Give You My Heart

You save: 3%

What can be a better expression of love than heart-shaped roses? Especially when it's a red-white combination, which is always elegant. Choose this 125-rose arrangement to express your most precious feelings!

Immerse yourself in the grandeur of our Symphony of Roses, a lavish bouquet that unfolds like a musical masterpiece. Overflowing with a profusion of vibrant blooms, it's a celebration of opulence and romance.

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Luxury and Elegant


This VIP bouquet consist of 90-100cm high Extra-Large Premium Red Roses and make an ideal gift in any situation, to impress special someone.

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Strawberry and Rose Bouquet

You save: 5%

We offer you this wonderful option - a bunch of juicy strawberries covered with bitter chocolate, with which you can express your love.

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My Valentine roses


Roses have this magic of telling what is hidden in your heart. So you can send this beautiful arrangement of 155 roses to the one you love and tell whatever you have in your heart!

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Too Chanel for You

You save: 5%

For an especially dramatic look, give these 101 black and white preserved roses. Their unique color will stand out from the traditional red, pink, or white arrangements, bringing an element of elegant flair and creativity to your gesture of love.

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You are special


Scottish poet Robert Burns didn’t compare his love to a red, red rose for nothing. Long associated with beauty and perfection, red roses are a time-honored way to say “I love you”. Whether it’s for a birthday, Valentine’s Day or just to express appreciation on any old day, there’s no better way than a bouquet of red roses to express your feelings.

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Luxury Roses Bouquet

You save: 3%

Create a moment your special recipient will hold dear in their heart with this captivating flower arrangement exuding an alluring styles. A perfect gift idea to surprise your friend or loved one and show how you care created by 90-100 cm Extra-Large Roses, arranged cascade style.

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Luxury and Stylish


Luxury and very stylish arrangement of 125 roses of 3 color roses with very soft net from the depths of your heart. It will express your best fillings and mood to your sweetest!

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The Love in Bloom


When 255 white and red roses are combined in a fancy arrangement, the successful surprise is guaranteed. Choose this wonderful basket to show your beloved ones that they deserve the very best.

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