Our large assortment of flowers & gifts with delivery in Armenia will make anyone happy on their birthday, anniversary, graduation, new baby or any occasion. Whether you want to send a fresh flower bouquet, perfume, cake or balloons, you know you'll be sending the best.
Results 545 - 576 of 1076
My Wishlist

The Colors of Affection

You save: 5%

This bouquet is like a sunshine in a rainy and gloomy day. Order it today, and it is sure to lift the spirits!

Number of Roses
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Ideal for Him


Men love unusual gifts!A real men's gift that will cause an unusually joyful reaction. Idea for a present to a colleague, boss, friend or spouse.

My Wishlist

Basket in Bloom


Look at those colours! So bright and cheerful . A mix of roses, gerberas, seasonal flowers and greenery arranged in a woven basket. This interesting gift idea is ideal for an anniversary, a get well soon or a loved one's birthday or newly mother.

My Wishlist

For Chess and Whiskey Lovers


A gift set of a flask and chess in a wooden case is a stylish and practical gift for a colleague, a friend for any holiday. The bottle is convenient, airtight, will preserve the taste and aroma of your drink, and the tight lid will not allow liquid to spill or evaporate. Men will appreciate it.

My Wishlist

Delicate Roses Box

You save: 3%

It is said that love blossoms over time, just like a flower.
Welcome your loved one home, cheer up your home, or surprise a friend with Sweetness. Send your love this gorgeous floral basket to demonstrate your deepest affections!

My Wishlist

Cute Basket

You save: 3%

Turn up the heart with this basket. These white chrysanthemums are arranged with greenery and added a cute toy which will melt her heart!

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Pink Beauty


Light pink roses are the perfect way to show your pure love,friendship and kindness.
It is so perfect present that there is no need to think!

My Wishlist

Flower box «Elegance»


The spark of red and golden roses in a black box will delight your recipient with its brilliant hue and serene elegance. It is a gift that will transform any occasion into a astonishing event.

My Wishlist

Male Body Cake


Have a funny bachelorette party. It's fun and sexy and will get you in the mood for love with your soon to be hubby.

My Wishlist

Blissful Petal Cascade


Elevate your floral experience with our pristine White Flowers. This carefully curated collection of blooms embodies purity, simplicity, and elegance, making it a versatile gift choice for various occasions. White flowers symbolize new beginnings, making them perfect for weddings, celebrations, or expressing sympathy. Share the beauty and grace of these blossoms with someone special

My Wishlist

Exceptional Floral Festival


If you are looking for a thoughtful birthday gift, this floral mix is perfect. Bright, colorful, tonic, with this lovely arrangement your are sure that your friends feel loved and remembered!

My Wishlist

Happy Times Basket


A truly sophisticated combination of fragrant white oriental gerberas, Alstroemerias.Don't waste your time and order this incredibly beautiful and snowy white bouquet!
Simple but elegant, this gift basket makes a great gift to your relatives, friends, or loved ones. Make it a birthday gift, housewarming gift or just a demonstration of your love and care - it will fit every occasion and will please any woman no matter what her style is.

My Wishlist

Color Your Day


This wonderful bouquet of roses in different colors will be artfully wrapped before delivery, and will become a real showstopper at the party!

My Wishlist



Choose this wonderful basket full of fruits to ensure a tasty mood for your favorite people.

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Glamorous Selection


Forever beloved. Forever in your heart. Forever close to you. That is what this beautiful rose arrangement symbolizes. A shared life. Or a shared sacred moment...

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Sweet Moments Bouquet


Bursting with all the season holds, this classic is a luxurious take on frosty white charms. Beautiful woodland greens tuck into snow-white daises, 15 delicate pink roses making a bountiful statement of elegance for any environment.

My Wishlist

Warm Wishes


The rustic orange in this sumptuous bouquet give it a real warmth and elegance. This classy combination of carefully selected roses is sure to delight someone special – this is a gift to impress!

Number of Roses
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Exotic View


3 birds of paradise and 5 anthurium in a bouquet that impresses with elegance and good taste. We have created it especially for the unique moments of your life, you just have to offer it and enjoy the special moments with your loved ones.

My Wishlist

Regal Roses Selection

You save: 7%

This perfect, extra-large and highest quality white roses conveys love and devotion. It will speak for hundreds of words, and right today.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Statue of Inspiring Horse

You save: 20%
A Horse is a symbol of power and success and mostly horse’s idol or statue is found at any business place or office. According to psychologists, statue of horses represent energy, hence subconsciously, their sight triggers you to keep yourself energized and focused as well represents endurance, speed and courage.

A statue of a running horse in the home or an office ensures vitality and is known to boost up positive energies in the home which are very much necessary for a financial stability and a rise in career. An office or a study and a drawing room is the perfect location for keeping a running horse statue in order to see maximum benefits. Horse also symbolizes energy, thus, inspiring to keep on moving ahead in life. This is an ideal Gift for Housewarming, Wedding, Marriage Anniversary, Valentine, Birthday, Home & Office Décor.
My Wishlist

Chocolate Strawberries


Our legendary chocolate covered strawberries are carefully crafted from the freshest and most delicious ingredients. From fresh and juicy strawberries to rich, melt-in-your-mouth gourmet chocolate, this treat is simply too sweet to resist! Perfectly packaged in a custom box, this gift is sure to make anyone’s birthday extra tasty.

My Wishlist

Lovely Floral Box

You save: 15%

An arrangement of white and pink spray roses is perfect for special days. The personification of tender and romantic feelings is the best message that can convey the most intimate things!

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Pretty and delicate


This soft bouquet is just as the name suggests, soft and delicate heart shape roses consist of 21 extra-large roses. Everyone loves pink! And this bouquet wont let you down, perfect to say about your love.

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Touch of Love


This soft and delicate bouquet of pink gerberas and roses is the right way to express your most precious emotions concerned to most precious people of your life.

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Send this perfect bouquet to your friend or colleague as a thoughtful gesture of thanks or a just because gift. This arrangement is a sure fire way to make anyone's day that much brighter.

My Wishlist

Red Gift Set


This lovely combination of a teddy bear with a heart-shaped balloon and a beautiful bouquet of 1 pc. red roses will surely bring a charming smile to the face of the gift recipient.

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Love At First Sight


Capture their attention with this radiant bouquet white roses. Elegantly arranged by our florists, these symbols of eternal love are gathered by hand in a classic bouquet to express your feelings with grace and sophistication!

Number of Roses
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Summer Mood


A beautifully fragrant bouquet composed of gorgeous seasonal flowers and fresh scents. Arranged in a cute box, this is a perfect gift for any party, birthday or anniversary.

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I Love You Darling

You save: 5%

For the special man or woman in your life, these luscious red roses are the perfect gift! The red roses are placed in a black vase with note 'I Love You'! This is a great gift that is both versatile and romantic, send it today!

Number of Roses
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Tenderness of Feelings


Original and gentle composition of fresh flowers. Combination of white and pink eustomas is a classic character already in floral design. Such color palette allows to express a whole bunch of sublime feelings and makes floral image complete!

My Wishlist

Have a Nice Day


Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of 45 radiant flowers.

My Wishlist

Pink Roses and Champagne


A stunning bouquet of pink Spray roses with Champaign in a basket. Show your affection to your loved one by presenting them this dazzling arrangement.

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