Need a way to express your gratitude to someone? Choose from any of these stunning thank you flowers and gifts baskets show your appreciation and gratefulness to that important person!
Results 33 - 64 of 115
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Sunny Elegance


Sunny Elegance: Experience the bright glow of yellow bush roses beautifully packaged in a clear, modern plastic bag. This modern floral arrangement will add joy and sophistication to any room.

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Whispers of Love

You save: 12%

Elevate the art of gifting with our exquisite Box of Flowers. Each meticulously curated arrangement is a testament to beauty and sophistication, capturing the essence of nature's finest blooms. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply brightening someone's day, our Box of Flowers is a timeless and heartfelt gift choice. Share the joy of nature's splendor with this elegant gesture

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Sansevieria Zeylanica

You save: 10%

Snake Plant (Sansevieria zeylanica): Hardy, air-purifying, and effortlessly stylish with its long, sword-shaped leaves.

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Red Roses & Apples Bouquet

You save: 15%

This wonderful combination of 7 green apples and 7 red roses with fresh greenery is softness itself. Make you favorite people feel that tasty things may be beautiful as well!

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Joyful Blooms

You save: 12%

Dazzle your special recipient with bright color and cheerful blooms when you send this exceptional daisy bouquet! Featuring beautiful gerbera daisies in a wide array of colors, including pink, orange, red, and yellow, this flower arrangement is sure to lift their spirits at every turn
11 colorful gerberas

Whether you are looking for a fabulous floral gift for the holidays or you want to decorate your own home this arrangement is a perfect one. Hand-selected by our expert florists and tastefully arranged, these wonderful flowers are sure to please!

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Vivid Sunflowers

You save: 7%

15 Attractive sunflowers will please every girl and woman. It is wrapped in modern paper and decorated with nice green branches.

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White Regal Roses


The beauty of white roses is unchallenged. Representing innocence, their versatility makes them a favorite gift to offer congratulations for graduation, engagements, bridal showers, new baby, and of course anniversaries.

Number of Roses
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Beauty in Colors

You save: 10%

15 colourful gerberas are artfully arranged in a pretty basket together with two exotic leaves. Filled with large, bright blooms, this basket is the perfect way to fill your recipient's day with joy!

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Beloved Bouquet


Pink fantasy. The bouquet will be a very pleasant surprise to the woman You love. It will make her remember about You!A wide variety of flowers including pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, hot pink gerberas, pink carnations and hot pink miniature carnations are mixed with fresh variegated pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus.

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Daylight Bouquet

You save: 15%

This gorgeous bunch of 35 alstroemeria flowers will last for a long time and be enjoyed whatever the occasion.All their wishes will come true when they receive this bright and sunny flower arrangement. Send one today, and make someone's day!

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Basket of love


Indulge in the timeless beauty of our exquisite flower basket, where nature's elegance meets rustic charm. This enchanting arrangement features a delicate ensemble of pristine white blooms, radiating purity and serenity. Enhanced with carefully placed wood details, this basket is a fusion of natural elements, adding a touch of earthy sophistication to its overall design. Perfect for any occasion, this floral masterpiece is a symbol of grace and simplicity, bringing the tranquility of a blooming garden into your space. Elevate your surroundings with this captivating blend of white blossoms and artisanal wood accents, a truly enchanting gift for any discerning admirer of beauty.

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Royal Sweetness

You save: 7%

A bouquet that will not wither, wilt, or die - 51 chocolate arrangement add appeal as home decoration and are also perfect as a novel gift for any occasion.

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Eustomas Bouquet

You save: 3%

Bouquet of eustomas is one of the most tender bouquet, which are presented in our shop. Delicate and light bouquet of colorful eustomas can cause the most positive emotions in the beautiful half of humanity.

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Special Occasion Bouquet

You save: 10%

This lovely bouquet of 7 pink roses, 25 colorful alstroemerias and lush greens is truly a feast for the eyes. It is an inspired choice for brightening a birthday, anniversary or any special occasion!

Elevate your gesture of affection with our stunning Box of Yellow and Orange Roses. Each carefully arranged bloom exudes warmth and happiness, making it a perfect gift to brighten someone's day or celebrate a special occasion. These vibrant roses symbolize friendship, joy, and admiration, encapsulating your heartfelt sentiments.

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Arrangement «Bright Red Flower Box»

You save: 15%

For passionate and genuine love.
Expressed purely and simply with 25 roses in a white box!

15 red and gold colored roses in a heart box.

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Romantic Touch


15 red and gold colored roses in a heart box. The box size is 15x20 cm․

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Ethereal Elegance

You save: 20%

Elevate your floral experience with our enchanting Purple Flowers. This carefully curated collection of blooms in shades of purple embodies the spirit of creativity, admiration, and charm. Whether you're marking a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, our Purple Flowers are a timeless and heartfelt gift choice. Share the elegance and beauty of these blossoms with someone you care about

Congratulate Your relatives and beloved people with this modern style wonderful arrangement. Arrangement contains 19 pink roses.

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Charm Roses Bouquet


These marvellous pink Jumilia Roses have a uniquely thoughtful way of expressing how much you care about the ones you love.

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The Big Hug Bouquet


Pink Alstroemeria is an astonishing pink colored flower with lovely semi heart-shaped petals. Send this elegant bouquet of 31 flowers to Your nearest and dearest today.

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Fully Pastel


If you’re looking for an enchanting arrangement please look no further. The combination of roses, lilies, and other seasonal flowers gives you a sense of being captivated by a fairy-tale.

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Bouquet of 19 Yellow Roses

You save: 5%

The bright, sunny colour of 19 yellow roses evoke a feeling of warmth and happiness thus symbolize pure
and eternal love.

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Golden harvest


Radiate warmth and joy with our Yellow Floral Composition. A vibrant blend of sunny blossoms, this arrangement brings a burst of happiness to any space. Perfect for adding a touch of sunshine to your day or gifting to brighten someone's moment. Elevate your surroundings with the cheerful beauty of our Yellow Floral Composition – a delightful celebration of nature's golden hues.

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A gesture of love


Immerse yourself in elegance with our Lisianthus Bouquet. Delicate lisianthus blooms, expertly arranged, offer a timeless and enchanting display. Whether it's a celebration or a heartfelt gesture, this bouquet is a stylish expression of beauty and grace. Embrace the sophistication of lisianthus and elevate your moments with this captivating floral arrangement.

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Fascinating Charm

You save: 7%

White roses symbolise purity, youthfulness, loyalty, young love and innocence. They are extraordinarily classy flowers, ideal to celebrate weddings, or show your wife or girlfriend that you admire her.

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Sunny & Smiling Bouquet


25 Bright flowers: yellow roses & white daises have created a perfect duet, which will surely become the party favourite!

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5 Shades of Pink

You save: 12%

This bright composition of 5 different shades of the most romantic color is what You need to make her day unforgettable. Be sure, she'll be excited to see how both fancy and soft the arrangement of spray roses.

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Secret of Love

You save: 7%

An exotic and magic present for any occasion. Send it and make the day special!

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Beautiful Dreams

You save: 15%

A blend of white and yellow blooms and our beautiful white wicker basket come together to make this pristine arrangement. Perfect to send for a wedding, a birth, or just to someone who enjoys the more dainty things in life.

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