The Lily has always had an elusive and inimitable appeal as an elegant, seductive and lush with its rich beauty. Lilies are one of the most popular flowers in the England and different kinds are commonly found all across the world. Lilies come in different shapes, sizes and colors, excellent plants for beds and borders.

The Lilies that will arrive on your doorstep are some of the most beautiful and fragrant Oriental and Asiatic lilies available today. As sophisticated and elegant as our orchids, the luscious purple shades of red, pink and white are simply breathtaking to admire. These elegant flowers are sure to express your feelings for that special recipient! Take a step into our range of online products created by our experienced and passionate designers. With over ten years serving customers locally-we are the only name in flowers. Send flowers from the corner of your home to anywhere in Armenia.
Results 1 - 29 of 29
My Wishlist

Cheery Lily Bouquet

You save: 15%

Bouquet of fragrant white 9 lilies buds modern designed will make surprise and happy day!This gorgeous bouquet of bright colors is a sure bet to seduce your recipients, whatever the occasion.

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Victorian Splendor

You save: 15%

This truly elegant bouquet of 5 gorgeous lilies is a gift that's sure to speak volumes!

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Gracious, airy basket of 21 flowers including roses, lilies, alstromerias in white is a perfect gift for weddings, arrangements and birthdays!

My Wishlist

Blooming Hand Bouquet


Impart a message of love that will tug on the emotions of someone special in your life. This gorgeous combination of lilies and roses says it all.

Number of Roses
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Floral Arrangement


It is time to send this arrangement that is full of love and smile. Very delicate colors are chosen to make her happy and smile once more.

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Bouquet of Sunny Flowers


Colorful bouquet of mixed flowers will brighten the day and fill it with positive emotions!Make a special day even more memorable with this bright, beautiful gift.

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Fully Pastel


If you’re looking for an enchanting arrangement please look no further. The combination of roses, lilies, and other seasonal flowers gives you a sense of being captivated by a fairy-tale.

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White in Black

You save: 10%

Snow white, fragrant lilies are so adorable as a birthday or anniversary gift. If You do not order the bouquet with this fashionable black vase, the bouquet will be beautifully wrapped.

Number of Flowers
My Wishlist

White in White

You save: 10%

Snow white, fragrant lilies are so adorable as a birthday or anniversary gift. If You do not order the bouquet with vase, the bouquet will be beautifully wrapped.

Number of Flowers
My Wishlist

Lime & Lily


Exquisite romance of fresh limes, lemons and fragrant lilies has drawn this amazing canvas of floral masterpiece!

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Garden of Lilies

You save: 7%

This dramatic and beautifully sculptural bouquet is made up of 25 stargazer lilies & red roses suitable for any occasion!

Number of Roses
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Pink Teddy Bear with Bouquet


A nice gift for any happy occasion! A soft pink teddy 35cm, balloon and flower box will speak for You.

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Strikingly Gorgeous


Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of 11 creamy roses and magnificent white lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care.

My Wishlist

Small & Blooming Heart


The charming heart-shaped arrangement consists of 25 pink roses and white lilies will be a nice gift for any occasion!

My Wishlist

Fragrant Flowers Basket

You save: 15%

This dramatic and beautifully sculptural basket is made up of stargazer lilies, 11 roses & gerberas with masses of green foliage. Finally we have given the whole bouquet its luxury twist.

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Satin White Lilies


White lilies are the essence of grace and refinement...and this remarkable arrangement of shining white lilies is all that.

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Teddy's Gift


If you're crazy about someone and not afraid to show it, this bright arrangement is the perfect way to express your love.

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Bouquet of Juicy Colours


A colourful mix of flowers in shades of yellow, orange and white, including roses, gerberas and lilies, edged with greenery and hand delivered to your lucky recipient.

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Sunshine For You


A bouquet with orchids is a bright charge of joy, suitable for any occasion.

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Perfect Floral Surprise

You save: 5%

Have you ever gazed at a lush and beautiful floral arrangement like this? Your special recipient will be surely glad You stopped Your choice on it.

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Luxury Moments


A bright burst of blooms in zingy citrus shades. This beautiful bunch is bound to bring a smile to their face and color to their home!

My Wishlist

Joyful Blooms in Vase


The perfect gift to compliment any special occasion is the gift of roses. This spectacular arrangement is made up of mixed 31 roses and lilies in a variety of colors will definitely brighten the day and fill it with joy, no matter what the occasion!

My Wishlist

Isle of White

This large bouquet of awesome flowers consists of
15 Roses, 15 Gerberas and 7 Lilies.
All in white and perfect gift for
someone special to You!
My Wishlist

Gorgeous Surprise


This gorgeous bouquet consists of 21 Roses and 7 lilies - perfect for congratulating someone special for You!

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The Summer Sun Bouquet


This perfect combination of different tones of yellow roses and white lilies is summer freshness itself. Choose it for most delicate women and be sure to satisfy them.

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Elegant Expression


This elegant bouquet consist of of 15 white roses and 11 white lilies will express floral romance.

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White Spring


Let that special someone know you would give them the moon and the stars with our incandescent, all-white bouquet of fresh flowers. Our select florists gather gorgeous white blooms, such as daisies, lilies, carnations, and more into a lustrous arrangement that will put a sparkle in their eyes.

My Wishlist

Bouquet of White Lilies


Bright white oriental lilies create a simple, yet sophisticated bouquet, artfully arranged to send your wish for happiness and tranquility. No special occasion is needed to present it.

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Pure Elegance Basket


Pure and simple, the huge and embraceable arrangement of 25 white Lilies designed in big wooden basket, aqua packed for freshness and ready to display!