Some of the most beautiful bouquet flowers start out from humble origins. Whether it’s a lotus rising out of the mud in a tiny pond or a lisianthus growing wild in a South American meadow, these flowers don’t look like simple weeds once they’re stocked in the floral shop. This distinctive blossom that looks similar to a rose doubles as a symbol for communicating a subtle message when you give the gift of a lisianthus. Few flowers look as elegant as the lisianthus when used to make boutonnieres and corsages. Try a bouquet of the blooms for thanking a friend instead of sending the usual card, or keep a few around to raise your spirits. The Lisianthus Flower’s Message Is: ՞Don’t forget to stay grateful for what you do have, and remember to express that thankfulness to those that help you. Look for beauty everywhere you go to find the best in each day՞.
Results 1 - 32 of 47
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A captivating ensemble

You save: 100%

A captivating ensemble of lisianthus blooms, this bouquet speaks volumes in subtlety. With its gentle hues and delicate petals, the Whispering Lisianthus Bouquet embodies quiet elegance. Ideal for conveying heartfelt sentiments, it's a charming expression of beauty and grace.

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A Word of Love

You save: 12%

A petite clay vase holds the beauty of five roses and assorted blooms—a small yet vibrant floral composition, a testament to nature's grace and charm

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Treasured Message

You save: 10%

It is a constant favorite of our collection of romantic bouquets for the ladies. Our bouquets exciting by its tenderness and gracefulness, testify about the amorousness and proper presenter's intentions!

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Pink Delicate Bouquet


This delicate pink combination will provide a good mood and a pleasant surprise.
It is nice to combine the beauty with the useful.

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Timeless Elegance Creation


Winter Wonderland Blooms: Enchant with the purity of our Winter Wonderland Blooms, a radiant bouquet of white flowers that captures the essence of serenity. Delicately arranged, this composition brings a touch of pristine beauty to any occasion, making it a versatile and heartfelt gift.

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Whimsical Floral Fantasy


Immerse yourself in a burst of color with our Vibrant Blossom Bouquet, a kaleidoscope of hues that dance together in perfect harmony. This lively and dynamic arrangement is a celebration of joy, perfect for brightening any occasion and adding a touch of exuberance to your space. Each bloom in this colorful ensemble contributes to a visual symphony that captivates the senses and embodies the beauty of diversity. Elevate your moments with the vivid charm of our Vibrant Blossom Bouquet, a radiant expression of nature's palette.

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A little Smile


This delicate but graceful bouquet of 17 flowers will bring joy and smile to any woman who will be very flattered by this surprise!

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Sweet Heart

You save: 7%

Open your heart to your beloved one made of fresh flowers and pasta cakes. You can buy the composition on our website with delivery. She will be happy to get this. You can arrange delivery immediately to the recipient by attaching a card with a wish.

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Bouquet «Colourful Surprise»


Bouquet of 3 yellow roses, 5 lisianthus, 5 chrysanthemums, 5 limonium, wrapped with yellow fetra and a purple bow.

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Eustomas Bouquet

You save: 3%

Bouquet of eustomas is one of the most tender bouquet, which are presented in our shop. Delicate and light bouquet of colorful eustomas can cause the most positive emotions in the beautiful half of humanity.

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A Little Pink Me Up


This chrysanthemum bouquet is soft and delicate like first love. Share this relaxing yet energetic combination to celebrate someone's birthday today.

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Mystical Ensembles


Mystical Bloom Ensembles: Experience the enchantment of our Mystical Bloom Floral Compositions, where each arrangement is a testament to the magical allure of flowers, creating an atmosphere of wonder.

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Lovely Bloom


Declare the meaning of love by sending this stunning display of 33 velvety flowers. Being one of the most admired flowers across the world, this beauty is sure to win her heart!

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Floral Sunrise


What a thoughtful way to wish someone all the best on their special day. Using contrasting colors makes some of the most striking and exciting color pallets. Our experts have put together a basket of lisianthuse, rose and alstromeria flowers with a color variety that is sure to impress!

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The Box of Pink Roses

You save: 10%

Congratulate any accasion. This exquisite box is quite simply a piece of floral artistry, hand tied by our expert florists. This box of Pink Roses is beautifully created with fresh greenery and white gypsophila too, adding an enhanced element of floral beauty.

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Fabulous Liziantuses


This bouquet of colorful liziantuses is a great gift. These fabulous flowers are able to create the most romantic atmosphere, they produce the best emotions and mood!

Number of Flowers
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Summer Hedgerow


Summer Hedgerow is delivered carefully to protect each stem in this summer bouquet on its way to your recipient. It provides attractive and colorful mood to everyone .The flowers are fresh and vivid,collected with a good taste.

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Flower Box «Good Mood»

You save: 15%

Colourful Lisianthuses in a milk-white box. These elegant pastel-coloured flowers will amaze and conquer the heart of your beloved one.

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Petite Bloom


Introducing our Petite Bloom Box – a chic arrangement for every occasion. Packed with carefully chosen flowers, this compact box radiates elegance and style. Make a statement with simplicity and sophistication. Choose the Petite Bloom Box for a truly refined gift.

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Floral Mix

You save: 10%

These flowers sink into the soul, like the words of the old good song that turn on everyone's lips. And it's not only because our customers are interested in flower boxes. This magic is achieved due to a successful colour scheme; no doubt, white and pink blooms are the leaders in this regard.

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A dance of flowers


A dance of lisianthus blooms in vibrant hues, the Lisianthus Elegance is a petite masterpiece. With its refined charm and subtle fragrance, this composition whispers sophistication, making it an ideal gesture for expressing grace and beauty on any occasion.

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A gesture of love


Immerse yourself in elegance with our Lisianthus Bouquet. Delicate lisianthus blooms, expertly arranged, offer a timeless and enchanting display. Whether it's a celebration or a heartfelt gesture, this bouquet is a stylish expression of beauty and grace. Embrace the sophistication of lisianthus and elevate your moments with this captivating floral arrangement.

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Charming Sunflower


This arrangement is bright surprise for everyone . Buying this beautiful basket you will give a lot of bright emotions to everyone !

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Secret Garden Elegance


Pure Elegance Bouquet: Embrace the beauty of simplicity with our Pure Elegance Bouquet, a collection of pristine white flowers that exude grace and sophistication. Perfect for weddings, celebrations, or expressing heartfelt condolences, this timeless arrangement captivates with its ethereal charm.

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Sunny Day


Truly unique and exquisite! The carefully selected orange roses and white lisianthuses arranged in a box are what you need yo remind your beloved ones how much you appreciate them!

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You save: 5%

Have you ever think over what emotions can give flowers in box to the recipient? In this unusual composition we have tried to connect the mystery and sincerity, frank expression and modest tenderness. And the result is a fantastic large hat box 'Tiffany' - elegant floral compliment consists of 45 different flowers.

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Dance of Fresh Flowers

You save: 7%

This box of pink, orange, yellow and white roses exudes soft sophistication, perfectly arranged to create the right way to express grace and elegance.

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You save: 7%

The bright bouquet with Sunflowers for summer lovers. Very vivid and very colourful to rise up the mood of your beloved.

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Estomas and Spray Rose

You save: 5%

Very bright and even defiant-looking 35 flowers, including roses, alstromerias, and spray roses of the pink variety. Their magical, deep, and rich pink colour makes the customer feel true admiration and delight.

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Pastel Perfection

You save: 7%

Pastel Perfection: A collection of soft-toned roses elegantly arranged in a pristine white box. This floral composition exudes a delicate charm, bringing a touch of serenity and beauty to any setting.

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Timeless Elegance

You save: 7%

Timeless Elegance Collection: Elevate your space with our Timeless Elegance Floral Compositions, where each arrangement is a meticulously curated blend of colors and textures, embodying sophistication and grace.

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Tenderness of Feelings


Original and gentle composition of fresh flowers. Combination of white and pink eustomas is a classic character already in floral design. Such color palette allows to express a whole bunch of sublime feelings and makes floral image complete!

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