Flowers have always been considered special since time immemorial, up until this modern age.
They are expressions of love that no human language can sufficiently convey. Flowers are the special gifts that bring a smile to the recipient. Although simple and otherwise inexpensive, flowers manage to touch the heart of the people who receive them. They can be an expression of love, desire, friendship, sheer celebration and congratulations. ##

Flowers can also be a comfort in time of deep loneliness and sorrow. Renowned for unrivaled quality, service and value, we offer you stunning bouquets and stylish arrangements for every occasion. Take a step into our range of online products created by our experienced and passionate designers. With over ten years serving customers locally-we are the only name in flowers.
Results 193 - 224 of 716

Our professional florists have composed this magnificent bouquet in shades of pink, white and yellow using generous orchids accompanied by pretty branches of alstroemerias.

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Lovely Bloom


Declare the meaning of love by sending this stunning display of 33 velvety flowers. Being one of the most admired flowers across the world, this beauty is sure to win her heart!

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Jazzy Lady

You save: 15%

Like a jewel-encrusted treasure chest, this arrangement sparkles with dazzling color. 27 wonderful, charming red roses make this arrangement a gorgeous find for any season!

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Touch of Elegance

You save: 20%

Pure, fresh and full of delicate flowers, this bouquet really showcases these 45 stunning white and pretty alstroemerias in a rich shade of deep purple to beautiful effect.
It’s the timeless beauty and elegant simplicity of this arrangement that makes it very special.

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Red and Gold Roses Heart

You save: 12%

This is a very original gift that will surely surprise the gifted person. A special heart shape box with exclusive red and gold color roses only for her. Surprise her, and this gesture will be remembered for a long time!

Number of Roses
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Exra-Large Red Naomi Roses

You save: 7%

This extra-large Roses are ideal gift for any occasion!By devoting this beautiful and passionate bouquet, you will be admired by your beloved one.

Number of Roses
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Eternal Rose


Inspired by the Beauty and the Beast‘s iconic bloom. This is a real natural rose that has been completely hand crafted and preserved to last an eternity. If left encased in the bell glass, the rose can last for up to 3 years or more without sunlight or even water. Send a spell of Love.

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Eternal White Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Eternal Pink Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

This creative composition consist of 11 Red Roses and greenery arranged in elegant red shoes. No matter who you send this fabulous arrangement to, you can be sure it will impress!

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Ethereal Elegance

You save: 20%

Elevate your floral experience with our enchanting Purple Flowers. This carefully curated collection of blooms in shades of purple embodies the spirit of creativity, admiration, and charm. Whether you're marking a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, our Purple Flowers are a timeless and heartfelt gift choice. Share the elegance and beauty of these blossoms with someone you care about

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Melt Your Heart


This most exquisite and impressive assortment of crimson anthuriums and sunlit gerberas will fill the room with a colorful and dynamic display.

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Blooming Surprise


Awe and wonder! It's a magical bouquet designed with beautiful mix of 9 stunning yellow and pink roses with spring small flowers.

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Floral Fly


The fabulous arrangement of yellow roses, orange gerberas, and a proud bird of paradise takes any reception décor to a new level of sophistication.

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Pink Smile


This bouquet of 25 stems of pink spray roses is the most delicate offer of the season!!! Choose it to show how much you care.

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Eternal Black Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Eternal Blue Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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You save: 5%

Send a little sunshine for any occasion with this bright and sunny combination of yellow blooms! This bright bouquet is full of the most beautiful yellow stems, including white flowers. Send instant sunshine into their life, write a personal message with your gift.

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Modern Floral Tree

You save: 20%

White roses and tender alstromerias fill a split-wood basket. What a thoughtful way to wish someone all the best on their special day!

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Delightful Blooms

You save: 7%

Amazing gift for reminding someone special how much You care. The arrangement consists of 7 white roses, 2 orchids, alstromerias and seasonal flowers.

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Perfect Birthday

You save: 20%

Elegance and grace are in bloom this season. This vibrant arrangement of roses, orchids and lush greens graces us with abundant floral displays that will last for weeks on end.

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Purely Pink

You save: 10%

Choose this stylish and very beautiful arrangement of 19 roses in a box right today. It is a perfect gift for any celebration!

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Deluxe Spathiphyllum Plant

You save: 3%

The Spathiphyllum Plant is perfect to beautify any home or office every day of the year. This plant with its shiny dark green leaves, also produces striking white lily-like flowers.

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Pink Roses

You save: 15%

This is the ideal floral gift to impress any lucky recipient this Christmas or any other happy occasion.
This rich arrangement radiate joy, perfect to warm a bleak winter day.

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Floral Sunrise


What a thoughtful way to wish someone all the best on their special day. Using contrasting colors makes some of the most striking and exciting color pallets. Our experts have put together a basket of lisianthuse, rose and alstromeria flowers with a color variety that is sure to impress!

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The Big Hug Bouquet


Pink Alstroemeria is an astonishing pink colored flower with lovely semi heart-shaped petals. Send this elegant bouquet of 31 flowers to Your nearest and dearest today.

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First Impressions


Red roses are artfully arranged in a perfect bouquet with white alstromerias, creatiing a look of pure elegance.Send a loved one this vivid bouquet to share cheer on a special occasion, on a birthday or to say I LOVE YOU

It is time to send this arrangement that is full of love and smile. Very delicate colors are chosen to make her happy and smile once more.

A beautiful mix of pink roses and other flowers, make a high mood and perfect occasion to give flowers to our beloved people!

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Cheery Smiles Bouquet

You save: 7%

Pick a day - any day - to tell someone how special they are to you. Send them this exuberant, brightly colored bouquet of orange Gerbera daisies, yellow and orange roses and alstromerias!

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Pure and Innocent Love

You save: 7%

The combination of pristine white flowers, expertly arranged with fresh greenery, is hard to beat for pure, elegant simplicity.

Number of Flowers
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Eternal Love

You save: 7%

Surprise your dear ones with this lovely gift consist of extra-large white roses and 1 kg strawberry. A beautiful arrangement that is sure to show how much you care.

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