Flowers have always been considered special since time immemorial, up until this modern age.
They are expressions of love that no human language can sufficiently convey. Flowers are the special gifts that bring a smile to the recipient. Although simple and otherwise inexpensive, flowers manage to touch the heart of the people who receive them. They can be an expression of love, desire, friendship, sheer celebration and congratulations. ##

Flowers can also be a comfort in time of deep loneliness and sorrow. Renowned for unrivaled quality, service and value, we offer you stunning bouquets and stylish arrangements for every occasion. Take a step into our range of online products created by our experienced and passionate designers. With over ten years serving customers locally-we are the only name in flowers.
Results 289 - 320 of 716
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Timeless Elegance

You save: 7%

Timeless Elegance Collection: Elevate your space with our Timeless Elegance Floral Compositions, where each arrangement is a meticulously curated blend of colors and textures, embodying sophistication and grace.

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Snow-White Roses

You save: 5%

White roses convey sentiments such as love, friendship, respect and care. Make someone smile with this beautiful bouquet finest white roses. Height of the bouquet is 40-45cm.

Number of Roses
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Smile for Me

You save: 15%

Bouquet of 27 colourful holland roses, ruscus leaves tied up with a pink ribbon.

A Bottle of Armenian Champagne, 7 sweets, 5 oranges and a shining yellow gerbera bunch arranged in a perfect gift basket!

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Green Potted Plant


This beautiful, luscious evergreen plant is just waiting to be sent to Your special recipient, so as to make the home or office more cozy and warm.

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A bouquet full of 17 sunflowers is for your recipient to arrange at home. After delivery the sunflower bouquet will have fully bloomed, we send our flowers this way so that you can enjoy them for even longer at home and to keep the flowers protected during transit.

Original and gentle composition of fresh flowers. Combination of white and pink eustomas is a classic character already in floral design. Such color palette allows to express a whole bunch of sublime feelings and makes floral image complete!

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I Love You Darling

You save: 5%

For the special man or woman in your life, these luscious red roses are the perfect gift! The red roses are placed in a black vase with note 'I Love You'! This is a great gift that is both versatile and romantic, send it today!

Number of Roses
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Delightful charm

You save: 5%

Experience the allure of our Delightful Charm Bouquet — a captivating arrangement that effortlessly combines beauty and grace. Overflowing with an enchanting selection of blooms, this charming bouquet is a perfect expression of warmth and affection. Elevate your moments with the delightful charm of this enchanting gift.

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Summer Mood


A beautifully fragrant bouquet composed of gorgeous seasonal flowers and fresh scents. Arranged in a cute box, this is a perfect gift for any party, birthday or anniversary.

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Exotic Bouquet


Want something different than single colour roses bouquets? This exquisite arrangement is the perfect choice!

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Love At First Sight


Capture their attention with this radiant bouquet white roses. Elegantly arranged by our florists, these symbols of eternal love are gathered by hand in a classic bouquet to express your feelings with grace and sophistication!

Number of Roses
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Pretty and delicate


This soft bouquet is just as the name suggests, soft and delicate heart shape roses consist of 21 extra-large roses. Everyone loves pink! And this bouquet wont let you down, perfect to say about your love.

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Lovely Floral Box

You save: 15%

An arrangement of white and pink spray roses is perfect for special days. The personification of tender and romantic feelings is the best message that can convey the most intimate things!

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Regal Roses Selection

You save: 7%

This perfect, extra-large and highest quality white roses conveys love and devotion. It will speak for hundreds of words, and right today.

Number of Roses

A nice gift for any happy occasion! A soft pink teddy 35cm, balloon and flower box will speak for You.

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Exotic anturiums, yellow roses, vivacious birds of paradise and cute chrysanthemums are united to create this beautiful bouquet that is sure to enchant your special someone to bring about the magic, warm feeling of love and romance.

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Exotic View


3 birds of paradise and 5 anthurium in a bouquet that impresses with elegance and good taste. We have created it especially for the unique moments of your life, you just have to offer it and enjoy the special moments with your loved ones.

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Carnations Bouquet


Red and white carnations make a perfect bouquet for anniversaries, birthdays or any other celebrations!

Number of Flowers
Color Options

Elegant and chic, this beautiful bridal bouquet is hand-arranged with orchids, chrysanthemums, baby's breath and greenery.

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Warm Wishes


The rustic orange in this sumptuous bouquet give it a real warmth and elegance. This classy combination of carefully selected roses is sure to delight someone special – this is a gift to impress!

Number of Roses
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Orange Explosion


There's no flower that can exceed the brightness of orange roses! Treat someone special to the delightful delicacy of what orange roses evoke.

Number of Roses

Forever beloved. Forever in your heart. Forever close to you. That is what this beautiful rose arrangement symbolizes. A shared life. Or a shared sacred moment...

My Wishlist

Happy Times Basket


A truly sophisticated combination of fragrant white oriental gerberas, Alstroemerias.Don't waste your time and order this incredibly beautiful and snowy white bouquet!
Simple but elegant, this gift basket makes a great gift to your relatives, friends, or loved ones. Make it a birthday gift, housewarming gift or just a demonstration of your love and care - it will fit every occasion and will please any woman no matter what her style is.

If you are looking for a thoughtful birthday gift, this floral mix is perfect. Bright, colorful, tonic, with this lovely arrangement your are sure that your friends feel loved and remembered!

The vivid and 21 funny flowers of lisianthuses will delight every woman very much. They will raise the mood and give a sense of pleasure .


The spark of red and golden roses in a black box will delight your recipient with its brilliant hue and serene elegance. It is a gift that will transform any occasion into a astonishing event.

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Pink Beauty


Light pink roses are the perfect way to show your pure love,friendship and kindness.
It is so perfect present that there is no need to think!

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Ficus Bush


This potted plant is a great housewarming gift for a recipient moving in to a home or apartment. A natural air purifier!

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Strikingly Gorgeous


Turn an ordinary day into an enchanting daydream by sending her this magical bouquet! This stunning bouquet of 11 creamy roses and magnificent white lilies pampers her senses, refreshes her spirit and shows her how much you really care.

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Always in Heart

You save: 5%

A wonderful heart of vibrant red and elagant white roses, a perfect way to say 'I Love You'.

Number of Roses
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Pink Beauty


Sunny bouquet of nice pink roses for people full of positive energy. Order today, and we will deliver it to any address in Armenia!

Number of Roses
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