Our beautiful flower baskets with fresh and colourful flowers let your recipient move it from room to room, so they get to enjoy the fragrant flowers wherever they may be. Flowers in a basket - it's such a thoughtful gift!
Results 65 - 77 of 77
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Warm Expressions Basket


A spectacle of beauty and fresh color, this basket of red roses, red alstromerias and orchids is a picture perfect way to convey your every emotion. Elegant orchids, known for their longevity and stunning sophistication, are arranged amongst a variety of flowers and lush greens to create an exceptional flower arrangement.

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Fresh Breath

You save: 15%

Sending this basket of beautiful white roses says it all! And you can relax in the knowledge that you have chosen the right arrangement guaranteed to take one's breath away.

Number of Roses
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Red Flowers Basket


So nice and so vivid basket with red flowers. It is a perfect present for every good occasion.

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Floral Sunrise


What a thoughtful way to wish someone all the best on their special day. Using contrasting colors makes some of the most striking and exciting color pallets. Our experts have put together a basket of lisianthuse, rose and alstromeria flowers with a color variety that is sure to impress!

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Magic Red Basket

You save: 20%

This passionate red basket is a perfect combination of 25 blooming flowers including red roses, gerberas, alstromerias and white small flowers designed in wooden basket with ultimate care for Your special recipient!

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Perfect Birthday

You save: 20%

Elegance and grace are in bloom this season. This vibrant arrangement of roses, orchids and lush greens graces us with abundant floral displays that will last for weeks on end.

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Chrysanthemums Basket


A big basket with nice and perfect chrysanthemums is a nice present for your beloved person. Order it with us and you will be happy.

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Floral Fly


The fabulous arrangement of yellow roses, orange gerberas, and a proud bird of paradise takes any reception décor to a new level of sophistication.

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Charming & Fascinating

You save: 7%

This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a special basket, it's truly a floral fantasy.

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Cheery Morning Basket

You save: 15%

Choose this unique arrangement in wooden basket to celebrate a special occasion, welcome a new arrival, or brighten a day with a piece made to delight and surprise. Classic in style, with its approach to the season, our airy white 35 daises and fabulous roses are accented by lush greens!

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Holiday Flora


Know someone who deserves the royal treatment this holiday season? This shimmering golden centerpiece will shine its golden light upon them.
Whether you're telling them you love them, reliving the passion of your anniversary, or celebrating a birthday - this arrangement is the perfect gift for those who are passionate.

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Cheerful Days


Cheery light arrangement of 7 white alstromeria stems, 3 yellow roses and other seasonal flowers will make Your special recipients day, bringing spring or even summer spirit with it!

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NIce Flowers Basket


This beautiful bouquet is skilfully arranged by our talented florists and is perfect to send for any occasion.

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