Innocence, purity, youth, reverent love - all this is covered by the heavenly beauty of our pure white roses! An angelic bouquet of one or two dozen white roses can also convey thoughts of awe, mystery, or humility!

In our salon they know that a bouquet of white roses is more than a gift, and therefore the composition and delivery of flowers are carried out at the highest level. Flowers delivery in Yerevan will be in 1-2 hours, and also possible to any address in Armenia. You can place an order on our website or by phone 24/7.

Results 1 - 32 of 91
My Wishlist

Pure White Rose


A cheerful flower, the white rose is a great choice when you want to show someone you care, or simply to say hello. This simple gift will make your day brighter and gladden your heart!

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Pretty White


Sometimes one single flower can be enough to express your feelings. Presented in a smart box, this single white rose may reflect true elegance in most occasions!

Number of Roses

Single White Rose in a presentation box combined with white petals. An ideal and perfect present>

Bouquet of 9 white Holland «White Naomi» roses tied up with a white bow.

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Blue Batterfly


Sensual white roses in a stylish navy blue vase. Available for same day delivery.

Number of Roses
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White Tenderness

You save: 10%

Elegant and beautiful, this white rose bouquet in white is a traditional classic. The quantity of roses can be changed according to bouquet options.

Number of Roses
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White Princess

You save: 12%

11 Fresh white roses in a black vase, a unique gift for any occasion. A perfect gift for those who appreciate refined taste!

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Absolute Elegance


This graceful bouquet conveys elegance and reverence with a timeless grace all its own. White symbolizes tranquility, purity and peacefulness.

Number of Roses
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White Roses Bouquet


This marvelous bouquet of snow white roses will remind Your special one about Your warmest feelings and affection once more!

Number of Roses
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Effortless Chic


Effortless Chic: White Roses, Artfully Arranged in a Stylish Bag. A Timeless Gesture of Grace and Simplicity, Ready to Brighten Any Occasion.

Number of Roses
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Charming and Tenderness

You save: 20%

Very calm and soft 19 white roses in a light blue box .If you need anything to say it will say instead of you chose it and make her day perfect .

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Pure Sophistication

You save: 5%

Pure Sophistication: A Collection of White Roses Adorned in a Stylish Bag. Radiating Elegance and Grace, Perfect for Gifting Moments of Serenity and Beauty.

Number of Roses
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Bouquet «White and Elegant»

You save: 5%

Bouquet of white holland «White Naomi» roses tied up with a white bow.

Number of Roses
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Stylish Bouquet


White roses are always classic gift to Your special one's and this stylish arrangement is perfect for her.

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Floral Garden


Celebrating an anniversary? Feeling romantic? This impressive bouquet in a stunning box lined with a bow will show how much they mean to you.

Number of Roses
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Simply White


A pure, chic and beautifully natural, our all white bouquet of roses can be a perfect for every occasion. These white roses will suit someone who is as precious as a diamondfor You

Number of Roses
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White Regal Roses


The beauty of white roses is unchallenged. Representing innocence, their versatility makes them a favorite gift to offer congratulations for graduation, engagements, bridal showers, new baby, and of course anniversaries.

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White Elegance

You save: 12%

Convey Your best wishes and feelings sending this elegant bouquet consist of 25 blooming flowers(20 alstromerias, 5 white roses) which will be delivered with vase or without as you prefer!


Want to make today a heavenly one for someone you know? Send this premium bouquet of white roses. Meaning youthfulness, heavenly, and heavenly white roses are the ideal floral arrangements to send for wedding anniversaries, birthdays or just to let someone know you are thinking of them.

Number of Roses
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Alluring Heart


The gorgeous 17-piece bouquet, which has alstromerias and white roses, is the perfect present for any occasion where love needs to be emphasised.

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Brilliant Pearl


Choose this bright white bouquet of 21 beautiful roses to express your deep admiration, happiness, and love towards your lovely one.
The bouquet is presented in a black box to make it more impressive and beautiful.

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Bouquet «White Miracle»

You save: 5%

Bouquet of 19 white «Avalange» roses wrapped in a paper with a yellow bow.

White symbolizes sensitivity, love and gentleness. The colour also has a harmonic and cheerful effect on its environment.

Number of Roses
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Eternal White Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Pure and Innocent Love

You save: 7%

The combination of pristine white flowers, expertly arranged with fresh greenery, is hard to beat for pure, elegant simplicity.

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Eternal Love

You save: 7%

Surprise your dear ones with this lovely gift consist of extra-large white roses and 1 kg strawberry. A beautiful arrangement that is sure to show how much you care.

Absolutely lovely miniature roses are arranged in a nice bouquet. This bouquet will put a smile on her face. Each bloom is hand-selected by our local florists to ensure superior quality!

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Fresh Breath

You save: 15%

Sending this basket of beautiful white roses says it all! And you can relax in the knowledge that you have chosen the right arrangement guaranteed to take one's breath away.

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Pure Beauty of Roses

You save: 15%

Spectacular white roses arranged in a wooden basket will become a favourite gift for any celebration!

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You save: 15%

A calm and delicate arrangement of 31 white roses in a vase will bring happiness and joy.


This beautiful arrangement is full of colors. Lovely and charming bouquet is effortlessly gorgeous with lovely subtle colors, it is the perfect present.

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