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VIP Bouquet of Orchids


Orchid Splendor Bouquet: Unveil the epitome of elegance with our Orchid Splendor Bouquet. Handcrafted to perfection, this stunning arrangement features a selection of delicate orchids in a mesmerizing display of colors and textures. Graceful and exotic, each bloom radiates sophistication, making it an ideal gift for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Whether celebrating a special occasion or simply expressing admiration, the Orchid Splendor Bouquet is a timeless expression of beauty and refinement. Elevate your gifting experience with the captivating allure of these exquisite orchids.

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1001 Kisses with Roses


This luxurious arrangement of 1001 roses speaks of a faithful love that will last forever. Here is an avant-goût of an happiness therapy a stunning bouquet of high quality roses.

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Luxury 1001 Roses

Roses have always been an unforgettable gift, and a huge arrangement of 1001 roses will take them off their feet. Arranged in separate baskets, it makes a stunning gift for any celebration!
Please order at least 24 hours before delivery.

Sweep them off their feet with 1001 pieces premium long-stemmed red roses. Each stem flaunts the beauty of their beautiful swirling petals, gorgeously arranged in 10 separate 100 rose bouquets, to astound and amaze your special someone with the bounty of their timeless elegance.

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Always In My Heart


Fulfill her wildest dreams with the most extravagant, most passionate, most romantic gift - 1001 red & white roses!

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Romance of 777 Roses


Ring in spring Bouquet with a burst of these multicolored tulips. It is like giving a gift of eternal spring. They'll treasure it!

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The Red Beauty For YOU!

To process delivery of this arrangement on time, please order at least 24 days before delivery. For more details feel free to contact us by phone, Skype and email.
Number of Roses
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Colourful Palette


If You want to wow Your special recipient, this is the right choice for You. She will long remember this marvelous arrangement of 655 roses.

Five hundred and one of the most exquisite red roses crowned by white ones will be arranged by hand to create this stunningly intense, opulent display. This beautiful gift will remain in their heart forever.

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Luxury Love Roses


Special occasion becomes a spectacular event with a gift of 375 stems of premium red roses. Great gifts for expressing your love, admiration, appreciation and romance, a hand-designed box of roses are perfect for your true love!

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Heart-shaped Wreath


Funeral heart flowers are some of the most beautiful funeral arrangements that you can get for your loved one or friend. A delivered funeral heart wreath or full flower heart arrangement features the very symbol of love.

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Floral Flag of Armenia


The flag of Armenia made of 301 red, blue and orange roses!

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Eternal Memory Wreath


This is unique modern style extra-large sympathy wreath. The wreath will be delivered with stand as shown in the picture. Your condolence message will be attached on funeral flowers or will be given to relatives as you prefer.

Memories of a loved one won't be forgotten with this grand wreath consist of red and white carnations.

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The Love in Bloom


When 255 white and red roses are combined in a fancy arrangement, the successful surprise is guaranteed. Choose this wonderful basket to show your beloved ones that they deserve the very best.

The flag of Russia made of red, blue and white roses as very special floral arrangement.

To prepare this arrangement we will need a few hours, so please order at least 24 hours before delivery.
Number of Roses

This is a very common way to honor the memory of the deceased. It consists of 700 roses, and needs to be ordered in advance.

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My Endless Love


This unique arrangement is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. Designed with 355 colorful vibrant roses as a fancy and truly original butterfly arrangement will be wonderful gift for the most special person of Your life!

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Natural Wonder


The stunning bouquet of 11 orchids will be a nice surprise for any woman. It will be in her room for a long time and will remind about You every time she looks at them!

Color Options
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Luxery pink Roses

You save: 7%

There are three things in the world that women love so much - roses, pink and care. This bouquet made of pink roses includes those three favorite things that women love. Rest assured, this bouquet is the shortest way to his heart.

Colorful Collage of Roses blossoms with brilliant roses in bright hues to capture your special recipient's every attention. 301 blooms of hot pink, pink, white, creamy and orange roses create a splash of color to get an exceptional flower arrangement in a shape of a flower.

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My Perfect Love


Want to make her day unforgettable? This gorgeous, luxurious bouquet of 255 red&white roses will bring shine into her eyes!

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Living Memories


Living Memories funeral arrangement consist of white and red flowers can let attendees know that you care in your own, unique way.

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Flames of Nature


As bright and beautiful as the sun this round pink white and red roses is sure to make a statement with the person that you're spoiling! Treat your friend or loved one with this fabulous flower gift today! Get this 500 Fire Star Rose box delivered with us!

Number of Roses
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BMW X5, speed: 4 km/h, max. capacity: 35 kg,battery life: 1-2 hours, charging time: approx. 8-12 hours, ride-on car with a 6V battery.
Gender: Boys
Age: 3+
Remote control Porsche 918 spider, speed: 4 km/h, max. capacity: 35 kg,battery life: 1-2 hours, charging time: approx. 8-12 hours, ride-on car with a 6V battery.
Gender: Boys
Age: 3+
My Wishlist

Heart Wreath

You save: 10%

Our timeless standing heart shape wreath which symbolizes the circle of life. Red Roses and white carnations are very ideal together. A meaningful memorial wreath arrangement, showing your enduring respect and admiration for a friend or loved one.

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VIP Bouquet of Colorful Roses

You save: 5%

A floral display of mixed 155 spray roses stems, tied with beautiful ribbon. A stunning bouquet to send to someone special as a unique gift!

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Luxury and Stylish


Luxury and very stylish arrangement of 125 roses of 3 color roses with very soft net from the depths of your heart. It will express your best fillings and mood to your sweetest!

This lovely heart-shaped design will leave no doubt just how much love you want to show family and loved ones. The sympathy wreath will be delivered with stand as shown in the picture.

Carnations and memories of Lake Como. The rediscovery of one of perfumery’s most ancient essences: the carnation whose origins were in Bellagio, on Lake Como, where in the 18th century it was cultivated for the aristocracy of the period. A hypnotic perfume, rich and textured, with a retro touch.

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Luxury Roses Bouquet

You save: 3%

Create a moment your special recipient will hold dear in their heart with this captivating flower arrangement exuding an alluring styles. A perfect gift idea to surprise your friend or loved one and show how you care created by 90-100 cm Extra-Large Roses, arranged cascade style.

Number of Roses
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