Results 481 - 512 of 2254
My Wishlist

Romantic Gift


A Teddy Bear in is a charming, cute gift to celebrate a special Birthday or even Valentine's Day. You'll combine your best wishes with a touch of jest and charm.

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Angel's Delight


For a person with whom you had the most beautiful dreams!Give her Colorful dreams bouquet of 25 roses and chrysanthemums to confess your feelings. This colorful bouquet contains 9 pink and white roses.

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High Spirits Bouquet


Whether you are looking for a fabulous floral gift for the holidays or you want to decorate your own home this arrangement is a perfect one. Hand-selected by our expert florists and tastefully arranged, these wonderful flowers are sure to please!

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Bounty Candy Bouquet


A great gift for a Bounty fan. This marvelous floral arrangement is packed with 11 scrumptious bounty bars dispersed within 7 silk blue roses, color matched with special designer paper, and bow to set off the chocolate bars.

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Vivid Sunflowers

You save: 7%

15 Attractive sunflowers will please every girl and woman. It is wrapped in modern paper and decorated with nice green branches.

My Wishlist

Raffaello Box

You save: 7%

Raffaello's composition is the best alternative to chocolate. Light և seductive waffle layers, delicious creamy filling և all this with coconut flavor. Raffaello's collection is the best gift to fill someone's day.

My Wishlist

Singing Bouquet

You save: 12%

The Singing Bouquet with Orchids is a vibrant ensemble that exudes elegance and charm, suitable for any occasion.

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Holiday Flora


Know someone who deserves the royal treatment this holiday season? This shimmering golden centerpiece will shine its golden light upon them.
Whether you're telling them you love them, reliving the passion of your anniversary, or celebrating a birthday - this arrangement is the perfect gift for those who are passionate.

My Wishlist

Fresh Daisy Bouquet

You save: 10%

A gorgeous way to celebrate your sweet affection for the love of your life on your special day.
Whatever the happy occasion you’re celebrating, the bright colour of these darling pink flowers is sure to be met with a wide grin when they arrive.

My Wishlist

Flowers Bring Smiles

You save: 15%

Elegant mixed flower bouquets are appropriate for all your gift giving needs! This pretty bouquet is a delightful way to brighten up your own home for a party or special occasion.

My Wishlist

Bunch of Pink Happiness

You save: 15%

This dashing bouquet of 17 flowers including pink roses, alstromerias and gerberas lavishly decorated and designed to impress at a single glance!

My Wishlist

Smiling Cake

You save: 3%

Smiling cake for a sunny, bright person. This cake is made with only fresh ingredients, and will surely become the party favourite.

My Wishlist


You save: 10%

In a composition with flowers and macaroons in a box, tenderness and sensuality merged together. By ordering it for a loved one, you will give them a piece of real France, seasoned with sincere and genuine feelings. Composition with cotton and other flowers in a delicate box decorated with love.

My Wishlist

Sweet Treat

You save: 7%

Looks beautiful, tastes delicious. Choose this wonderful fruit cake, and family members will be simply delighted!

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Holiday Happiness

You save: 7%

Two Christmas candles in a white vase with green fir tree branches an cones look very nice.

My Wishlist

Floral Cake


Beautiful and tasty. This exquisite vanilla sponge cake, with brandy flavoured cream, covered with fondant combines these two very important features.

My Wishlist

Blooming Hand Bouquet


Impart a message of love that will tug on the emotions of someone special in your life. This gorgeous combination of lilies and roses says it all.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Colorful Cake of Happiness


With this Colorful Happy Cake, you can create a fun and bright Birthday. Simple flower on a circle cake for a celebratory treat that is perfect for birthdays of all ages!

My Wishlist

White Regal Roses


The beauty of white roses is unchallenged. Representing innocence, their versatility makes them a favorite gift to offer congratulations for graduation, engagements, bridal showers, new baby, and of course anniversaries.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Star Cake


Elegant star cake made from sponge cake, with fruit filling and covered with sweet fondant.

My Wishlist

Enchantment Cake


Congratulate Your friends, relatives and loved ones with this tastiest cake, decorated with cream and orchid flowers.

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Strawberry Cake


Cheery, fresh, wonderfully made strawberry cake is ideal for both strawberry themed parties and also for any other celebration.

My Wishlist

Anniversary Cake for Woman


Impress Your guests with this heart-shaped fondant cake, fresh and tasty with seasonal fruit filling inside.

My Wishlist

Anniversary Cake for Men


A classic and tasty anniversary cake, with fondant on top will decorate the celebration table.

My Wishlist

Play Boy Cake


This creamy chocolate and cream layer cake has real wow factor and is ideal for a celebration. Playboy sign on it makes the cake an amusing gift for friend's birthday.

My Wishlist

Cake Kievsky


Kievsky cakes are layers of meringue with hazelnuts, chocolate glaze and buttercream filling. Amazing taste of childhood available on our website.

My Wishlist

Blushing Basket


This lovely basket filled with delicious snacks will make a wonderful gift for your beer-lover.

My Wishlist

The Magic of Roses


The Magic of Pink Roses - are perfect for any occasion. Our expert florists have designed these romantic 15 sweet pink roses, perfectly arranged in a hand tied bouquet and finished off with luscious green leaves. Send this perfect gift idea to suprise your friend or loved one and show how you care

My Wishlist

Pothos Houseplant


The ivy makes a great hanging plant or as a vine traveling throughout your home. Have fun and experiment with different types of containers, as it will grow very fast!

My Wishlist

Beautiful in Pink


Elegant bouquet in tender pink hues will become a favourite gift for any celebration. 9 coral-pink roses together with 25 pink alstromerias make a gift worth of appreciation.

My Wishlist

Peaceful Memories Basket


Send your sincere condolences with our elegant all-white carnations arrangement.
A simply beautiful way to show you care. By sending this elegant arrangement to the home of those in mourning, you are letting them know they are embraced in your thoughts. And in your heart.

My Wishlist

Be My Valentine

Delicious sponge cake with whipped cream and fruit filling inside, decorated with fondant rose is the best way to say 'I love You'
Please, order at least 24 hours prior the delivery, so that we have time for preparing the cake.
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Results 481 - 512 of 2222
My Wishlist

Wisdom of woman


Introducing our Wooden Statuette Collection - an exquisite portrayal of a woman's profile in three captivating sizes simultaneously! This elegant trio captures the beauty of simplicity and versatility. Crafted with precision, each statuette reflects the grace and strength of the feminine form. Perfect for adding a touch of artistic flair to any space.

My Wishlist

Sweet Gift For Her


Gifts for True Lovers Sweet gift for her, If you want to give a surprise, our romantic rose gift box is your best choice!

My Wishlist

Congratulation Cake


Nothing says 'congratulations!' quite like a personalized cake. We have the perfect cake for your special occasion.

My Wishlist

Cars cake


Planning the perfect boy’s birthday party can be a challenge. Take some of the stress away by choosing one of our fun cake designs specially created to be the perfect centerpiece for any boy's birthday celebration.

My Wishlist

Space Themed Cake


Make sure All Party Systems Go at your next party! This rocket cake flies through a solar system of cookie stars and planets.

My Wishlist

Cake My Baby


Nothing can be as important as baby born. So if you blessed and you want to share your happiness order this My Baby cake and our bakers to make it delicious and as wonderful as in the picture!

My Wishlist



No matter what the occasion, this anthuriums plant is the perfect gift! This traditional holiday beauty, with its red and green foilage, comes presented in brown craft paper with raffia for that special touch. It will look great in any setting, so send now! Get this and deliver with us.

My Wishlist

Bouquet «Colourful Surprise»


Bouquet of 3 yellow roses, 5 lisianthus, 5 chrysanthemums, 5 limonium, wrapped with yellow fetra and a purple bow.

My Wishlist

Festive Bouquet

You save: 15%

This spectacular winter bouquet will take pride of place wherever it is displayed!

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Flower Heart Box with Rafaellos

You save: 15%

The perfect gift for any occasion. Little tasty and very cute present for any occasion.It will be a nice surprise and happy moments.

My Wishlist

To My Darling

You save: 10%

Gorgeous fresh flowers including red roses, and green orchids are delicately gathered in glass vase, making a very special gift for a very special person.

My Wishlist

Gerbera Wishes

You save: 5%

Share a sincere smile by way of our glorious colouful gerberas!
These large, joyful blooms arrive beaming in a sunshine and tangerine tones, packing a strong punch of optimism, good health and bright summer cheer.

Number of Flowers
My Wishlist

Princess Cake


Your sweet little princess will be so happy to have this fresh, tasty and ideally beautiful cake as a birthday present.

My Wishlist

Sunny Bouquet

You save: 10%

Here is one of our favourite bouquets, which is sure to delight Your special recipient.

My Wishlist

Beauty in Colors

You save: 10%

15 colourful gerberas are artfully arranged in a pretty basket together with two exotic leaves. Filled with large, bright blooms, this basket is the perfect way to fill your recipient's day with joy!

My Wishlist

Sympathy Bouquet

You save: 12%

Offer comfort in this time of sorrow with our beautiful sympathy bouquet of fresh blooms. The bouquet is wrapped with black ribbon.

My Wishlist

Arrangement of Crayons

You save: 7%

25 Tasty sweets are hugged by 50 colorful crayons in a pretty back to school arrangement.

My Wishlist

Colorful Roses

You save: 3%

The bouquet of 21 roses pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems of colorful roses to deliver.

My Wishlist

Beloved Bouquet


Pink fantasy. The bouquet will be a very pleasant surprise to the woman You love. It will make her remember about You!A wide variety of flowers including pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, hot pink gerberas, pink carnations and hot pink miniature carnations are mixed with fresh variegated pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus.

My Wishlist

Yucca Elephantipes Giant


Tough low maintenance specimen with an upright single or multi sparsely branched trunks. The stiff sword-shaped leaves are medium green in color. Flowers are white and bell-shaped. Tolerates full sun, heat and low water positions. Grows to 6m. Great as a feature plant in pots or landscape.

My Wishlist

White Simplicity Basket


Frills of pure white carnations amidst a variety of decorative foliage combine to create a gorgeous bouquet. It will be delivered with basket as shown in the picture. Your condolence message will be attached on funeral flowers or will be given to relatives as you prefer.

My Wishlist



From the first bite, sweet memories of your Mom’s cake, fresh from the oven, gently tug at your heart. Our freshly baked Eskimo cake will bring back the childhood taste to You.

My Wishlist

Chocolate Fantasy


This stunning chocolate bouquet (consist of 25 Ferrero Rocher) is one that's certain to 'wow' them on arrival. Making the perfect gift for a special occasion or a special someone!

My Wishlist

Sunshine Spirit


How wonderful the color yellow is!
It sounds for the sun. This marvelous bunch of 19, 25 or 35
yellow roses will delight the queen of your life.
Feel the summer spirit. Shine bright like the sun!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Candy Bouquet with Cola in Black


Chocolate and Coca Cola, give joy and sweetness.

My Wishlist

Lovely Pink Bouquet of Roses


Light pink roses in a cute bouquet! This is a very pleasant and urgent gift for those you love.

My Wishlist

Daylight Bouquet

You save: 15%

This gorgeous bunch of 35 alstroemeria flowers will last for a long time and be enjoyed whatever the occasion.All their wishes will come true when they receive this bright and sunny flower arrangement. Send one today, and make someone's day!

My Wishlist

Faithful Blessings Funeral Basket


Sending funeral flowers is a meaningful way to show your sympathy in a difficult time. This stunning arrangement of white carnations stands for pure love and innocence.

My Wishlist

Party Balloon Cake


Fresh and tasty fondant cake, with seasonal fruit filling inside.
Please, order at least 9 hours prior the delivery, so that we have time for preparing the cake.

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Sweetest Birthday Gift


The cute arrangement is made with 3 Kinder Surprise Eggs and 32 Kinder Milk Chocolates!

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Basket of love


Indulge in the timeless beauty of our exquisite flower basket, where nature's elegance meets rustic charm. This enchanting arrangement features a delicate ensemble of pristine white blooms, radiating purity and serenity. Enhanced with carefully placed wood details, this basket is a fusion of natural elements, adding a touch of earthy sophistication to its overall design. Perfect for any occasion, this floral masterpiece is a symbol of grace and simplicity, bringing the tranquility of a blooming garden into your space. Elevate your surroundings with this captivating blend of white blossoms and artisanal wood accents, a truly enchanting gift for any discerning admirer of beauty.

My Wishlist

Chocolates for Men


The unique blue and silver tones set the scene for an array of 37 Italian chocolates and candies arranged in special vase. This is the gift for the serious chocolate lover Men!

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