Results 641 - 672 of 2254
My Wishlist

Clock with Elephant

You save: 12%

Introducing our Elephant Clock, a unique fusion of timekeeping and sophistication. This exquisite piece seamlessly combines the grace of an elephant with the functionality of a clock, making it a captivating addition to any room.

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All in Red for Sympathy

You save: 15%

These velvety 32 red roses will carry Your deepest sympathy and support in the days of grief.

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Magic of Roses

You save: 15%

The beauty of colorful roses is an undeniable fact. Choose this wonderful bouquet of 25 roses to make your favorite people happy!

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Charming & Fascinating

You save: 7%

This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a special basket, it's truly a floral fantasy.

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Snack Bouquet for Man


Delicious bouquets for men are one of the most popular gifts for the stronger gender of all ages and situations. Such bouquets as a gift are are suitable for almost any occasion, whether it be a birthday, anniversary, professional party, 23 February. Make pleasure to your men with such a creative bouquet!

My Wishlist

Bouquet of Harmony


Our luscious white chrysanthemums give off a real energy of vitality and serenity, a perfect gift!White is always classy!

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Peaceful Sky


This bouquet contains gorgeous orange roses, some fabulously vivid gerberas and some asiatic orange lilies.

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Christmas Surprise With Candles


If you decorate your holiday table with this sumptuous centerpiece, all will be bright, and joy will be present in the room. Christmas greenery and more surround four short red tapers to create a vision of splendor!

My Wishlist

15 Peach Roses Bunch


Presented in a clear glass vase, this truly bright display of fresh orange roses is ready to send your warmest birthday, thank you, or get well wishes!

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Happy Monkey Cake


Make the celebration funny and tasty with the help of this truly amazing monkey cake! All our cakes are made with only fresh and organic products.

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Modern Rose Jeweled Bouquet


Let your Valentine know you're sweet on them with our romantic display of sweet creamy white and pink blooms. It's a perfect gift to celebrate a budding romance in a big way!

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White Carnations Bouquet


Make today one to remember with a delivery of carnations in elegant white.
Brighten the home with the peace and beauty of a bright white sky.When you're looking to make someone smile, this bouquet is sure to cheer up everyone for any occasion.

Number of Flowers
Color Options
My Wishlist

Orchids in Bright Bouquet


Our professional florists have composed this magnificent bouquet in shades of pink, white and yellow using generous orchids accompanied by pretty branches of alstroemerias.

My Wishlist

Gift Cake


Sweet and graceful, this cake brings sophistication to all occasions. Made in a shape of a gift box it is ideal as celebration gift.

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The Graduation Cake


Whether it is a well done or a good luck on their graduation. We have a great cake to mark this special occasion with a personalised cake. The best graduation gift, and even better delivered to their door - surprise!

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Cake for Sweet Baby


Check out this exclusive birthday cake for girl online and choose the most suitable. Surprise your girl with an incredible cake and celebrate her special day with unforgettable memories.

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A Piece of Nature


This is a stunning hand-tied featuring all the sunny shades a generous selection of fragrant seasonal flowers.

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Yellow-Orange Roses


A bright combination of a yellow and orange rainbow rose. Arranged in a fine bouquet to become the party favorite!

Number of Roses
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Lovely Sweetness


A unique cake for expressing warmest feelings and serious intentions. Tell her, that You need the key to her heart.

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Kinder Surprise Cake


A fresh and tasty cake featuring Kinder Surprise.

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Love is Cake


Show Your love and affection with this pretty and very tasty cake!

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Peppa Pig family Cake

Peppa Pig, with father mother and baby George are here to decorate Your baby's celebration!
Please, order at least 12 hours prior the delivery, so that we have time for preparing the cake.
My Wishlist

Pink Kinder Bouquet


Kinder Surprise Eggs bouquet - what could be sweeter and nicer? Bouquet is made of 15 Eggs.

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Valentine Cake


A colorful and vivid cake for lovers. It is very perfect present for your valentine to express your love and dedication.

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Beer Set


Make Your beer-lover second half really happy, ordering this wonderful set of beers for him right today! The set is made of 7 different beers.

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Symbol of Wisdom and Fidelity


If your looking for a high-end brass sculpture of an elephant, this contemporary statue may just be for you. Depicts a mother elephant walking beside her calf, hand finished in wonderful detail. Makes a terrific gift for those who love wildlife or collects elephants.

My Wishlist

Cake Lady


This stunning red and white lady birthday cake is fit for a princess. This cake takes it to the extreme. The cake is surrounded by, chocolate treats and candies.
If you are looking for a unusual cake it is perfect one.

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In case if you want to give your favorite people warm feelings, this bouquet of 11 pink roses and 5 gerberas is a choice to made.

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Mini Keg


Unsure of what to order? Consider trying some of the beer fans’ top favourite gift…

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Lovely Bloom


Declare the meaning of love by sending this stunning display of 33 velvety flowers. Being one of the most admired flowers across the world, this beauty is sure to win her heart!

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Romantic Touch


15 red and gold colored roses in a heart box. The box size is 15x20 cm․

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Spring Feellings


Are you a lover of bright colors?
This is an ideal fit for You!
A heartwarming bouquet of colorful roses, wrapped with a beautiful papers.

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Results 641 - 672 of 2222
My Wishlist

Jazzy Lady

You save: 15%

Like a jewel-encrusted treasure chest, this arrangement sparkles with dazzling color. 27 wonderful, charming red roses make this arrangement a gorgeous find for any season!

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Back-to-Back Affection Сtatuette

You save: 5%

Celebrate love with our Couple Statuette—an intimate portrayal of two figures locked in a tender embrace.

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Touch of Elegance

You save: 20%

Pure, fresh and full of delicate flowers, this bouquet really showcases these 45 stunning white and pretty alstroemerias in a rich shade of deep purple to beautiful effect.
It’s the timeless beauty and elegant simplicity of this arrangement that makes it very special.

My Wishlist

Red and Gold Roses Heart

You save: 12%

This is a very original gift that will surely surprise the gifted person. A special heart shape box with exclusive red and gold color roses only for her. Surprise her, and this gesture will be remembered for a long time!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Exra-Large Red Naomi Roses

You save: 7%

This extra-large Roses are ideal gift for any occasion!By devoting this beautiful and passionate bouquet, you will be admired by your beloved one.

Number of Roses
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Misancellous Roses

You save: 7%

The finest, fieriest, most fervent of the lot - if you're looking for flowers to match your passion, these are the ones. Red roses are the ultimate symbol of romantic love, so there's no better way to express your extravagant emotions than with an excessive bouquet in full bloom.

Number of Roses
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Springtime Delight

You save: 10%

This feminine arrangement features hot pink roses, pink spray roses in a gorgeous white box ! A classy arrangement full of joy and romance

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Red Beauty

You save: 10%

These freshly cut red roses and white alstromerias arrive wrapped with greens. A traditional presentation of classic red rose bouquet is the perfect gift to send any time of year and ready to arrange in their own special way.

My Wishlist

Chivas Regal Whiskey 12 Years Old


The blend for grown-ups, for people who have made their rites of passage and are ready to enjoy their success. Sweet, but not cloying. Buxom, but not overblown. 12 years old.

My Wishlist

Always In Love


This lovely bouquet of 21 yellow and white roses will be a nice
gift for any woman on any occasion! It will bring a
lot of joy and a smile to her face and fill the day with
positive and colourful emotions.

My Wishlist

Bridal White Roses


Pure and innocent, this bridal bouquet is a classy choice which will make the wedding gown complete.

My Wishlist

Snickers Cake


A great shout out to Snickers lovers! Hop on a magical trip by getting the loved candies.

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Basket of White Roses


As enchanting as falling snowflakes, this dramatic yet graceful basket of white roses is a ideal choice for express your deep sympathy.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Kinder Box for Baby


Make a chocoholic smile from ear-to-ear with this amazing chocolate box. It’s stacked into the sweetest box they will ever witness. Your baby is spoilt for choice with a selection of Kinder.

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Dainty Bunch of Orange Roses


This vibrant bouquet of orange roses is a totally attention-getter! Be sure, she'll never forget the moment she'll get this beauty.

Number of Roses
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Cute Teddy's Box


Chocolates and teddies are a sure way to express your feelings. See the happiness in a loved one’s eyes when sending this edible and huggable arrangement.

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Happy Anniversary


Hearts and teddies everywhere that is what symbolizes love and affection. This is perfect cake for your Valentine day.

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Jesus With 12 Apostles


If you want to give someone a very very special gift, this is that one. In Christian theology and ecclesiology, the apostles, particularly the Twelve Apostles (also known as the Twelve Disciples or simply the Twelve), were the primary disciples of Jesus according to the New Testament.

My Wishlist

Angry Birds


Tasty, fresh, made from only organic products, this very interesting cake is for those, who love tasty cakes and angry birds at the same time!

My Wishlist

All My Love


7 red roses and 8 gerberas are artfully completed with 11 tastiest Ferrero Rocher chocolates, creating a floral marvel, and Your special one deserves to have it as a gift!

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Happy Tooth Cake


Celebrate little pea's first tooth, and order this fantastic looking cake. Be sure the guests will demand the second piece.
Please, order at least 12 hours prior the delivery, so that we have time for preparing the cake.

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Snickers Candy Bouquet


Looking for the perfect surprise for that Snickers lover in your life. This unique candy bar bouquet is a definite favorite. Just don't expect them to share!

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Knock their socks off with an arrangement of the brightest blooms for celebrating dear and near people.This arrangement with a variety of red roses and other green flowers will fit nicely into every heart whatever the occasion!

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Sweet Tooth


Heart chocolate bouquets for those who can not imagine life without sweets. In this bouquet we combine both the idea of a beautiful gift and happy sweet tooth!

My Wishlist

Lord of Compassion Figurine


Introducing our Jesus Christ Souvenir Statuette—a reverent and beautifully crafted representation that radiates divine grace. Perfect for moments of reflection, prayer, or as a cherished gift, this statuette captures the essence of love, compassion, and spiritual serenity. Meticulously designed to bring a sense of peace to your space, it stands as a timeless symbol of faith and devotion.

My Wishlist

For Your Boyfriend


What men like more then beer? Of course the snacks that are suitable for beer! Choose this original bouquet to make him know you care about his interests.

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Eternal Rose


Inspired by the Beauty and the Beast‘s iconic bloom. This is a real natural rose that has been completely hand crafted and preserved to last an eternity. If left encased in the bell glass, the rose can last for up to 3 years or more without sunlight or even water. Send a spell of Love.

My Wishlist

Roses and Candies


We offer you beautiful roses with colorful cookies in a heart box. A nice surprise for your friends and beloved who will be grateful from such a present.

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Eternal White Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Eternal Pink Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Bright Surprize


Bright Surprize is a bright arrangement in a box consisting of 19 mixed colourful flowers and 5 macaroons. Such a floral “postcard” will be a great addition to your gift, help to tell about feelings, or just please a person dear to your heart!

My Wishlist

Alluring Elegance


This bouquet will brighten up anyone's day! A beautiful combination of white roses, natural cotton steams and white freesia warmth to everyone's heart by surprising with stunning flowers. Devote this precious one to your loved ones to deck the halls during the holidays.

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