Our Regal Roses are, indeed, a royal treat. We present a full dozen, attractively arranged with foliage in a glass vase. We may offer a dozen of our fine, long stemmed roses, arranged in an attractive glass vase, with foliage, if you like. A perfect gift that can say, "I Love You," or "Congratulations" or "I'm Sorry." It can say "Thanks," or "Well Done" or "Glad you're With Us." Roses are always elegant and a dozen of them in red or one of the popular new colors will make a statement for you. I care! You are wonderful! Usually available in red, yellow, pink, peach and white and many of the new art colors. We will be happy to mix colors in the same bouquet.Deliver the gift of "grace" when you send a friend these sweet blooms. Deliver the gift of "grace" when you send a friend these sweet blooms.
Results 1 - 32 of 137

These mesmerizing blue roses arranged in a bouquet will cast a spell on that lucky recipient. Just like rare sapphire, it's truly extraordinary gift to give that uniquely special person in your life.

Number of Roses

Embrace the language of love with our enchanting 'I Love You' flower composition. This carefully crafted bouquet speaks volumes with its vibrant blooms and delicate fragrances. Each petal whispers sweet sentiments, expressing affection and devotion. A perfect gift to convey your deepest emotions, this arrangement is a symphony of love, elegantly presented to captivate hearts and celebrate the beauty of your connection.

My Wishlist

Flower Heart


We believe that everyone deserves to have a little luxury in their life.

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Romantic Reverie


Elevate your floral experience with our exquisite Pione Roses. These unique roses, known for their exceptional beauty and vibrant colors, are a perfect choice to convey admiration, appreciation, or to simply brighten someone's day. Each Pione Rose is a masterpiece of nature, capturing the essence of elegance and grace

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Pink Beauty


A colorful display of wonderfully scented roses will make the heart beat stronger. Express Your feelings in a unique way.A wide variety of flowers including pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, hot pink gerberas, pink carnations and hot pink miniature carnations are mixed with fresh variegated pittosporum and seeded eucalyptus.

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In My Heart

You save: 5%

Order this wonderful arrangement of roses in the shape of a heart for the queen of Your heart!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Elegant Heart-shaped Roses

You save: 15%

Fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a symphony of elegance, this pretty collection of 45 roses is the very ultimate in fresh flower chic!

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All My Love


Gorgeous arrangement of fine chocolates and roses in a classy box. A unique method to express love.

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Bouquet «37 White Roses»

You save: 5%

37 white «Avalange» roses, tied up with a green bow.

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For Special One


If you want to say thank you, congratulations, good luck and to express feelings in a way that beautiful arrangement can do, that you must buy this luxury flowers.

We represent You a graceful and impressive roses arrangement consist of extra-large premium red roses, which is best gift for any celebration, including corporate events and meetings!

Number of Roses
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Pink Roses Heart


Heart only for the queen of my heart! Perfect gift for congratulation, engagement, wedding or anniversary!

Number of Roses
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My Kind of Love


Designed with 35 extra-large red roses to express floral symbol of love!

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Blooms A Beauty


Adorable bouquet of finest roses is waiting for its lovely recipient. Make her day special right now!

Number of Roses

This luminous bouquet of pink & white roses is sure to invigorate the senses, encourage smiles and express your emotions with ease!

Number of Roses

A pretty bunch of 37 vibrant red roses remains the most favourite gift for any celebration!

Bouquet of 45 red Holland sort «Red Naomi» roses tied up with a bow.

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White Treasure


This brunch of white spray roses delicately arranged with our professional florists is ready to make every day a special one. Its as wonderful as the smell of spring and is sure to make the receiver warm at heart.

Number of Roses
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Heart of Roses & Orchids

You save: 20%

51 Vivacious red roses and embrace royal orchids in this truly unique arrangement in a shape of a heart!

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Bright & Vibrant

You save: 7%

Presenting one of our most astounding floral arrangements, if there's a really big occasion or if you're in the dog box again, just the sight of these white roses will have them singing your praises again.

Number of Roses
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About My Love


Alongside this stylish decorated composition of tender, fresh roses and orchids let her know she's in your heart.

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Pink Romance


These blooms are a sweet way to show your affection. With a beautiful iety of flowers, this chic bouquet is full of texture and makes a fabulous gift.

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Truly Stunning


Simple. Classic. Beautiful. A bunch of red roses is everything you need to say.
When you want your gift to make a real impression on somebody special, this arrangement of Red Roses will certainly do the trick!

Number of Roses

Elevate the art of expression with our Radiant Red Roses Bouquet, a captivating ensemble of nature's most exquisite blooms. Immerse yourself in the timeless allure of velvety red roses, meticulously curated to convey passion, romance, and undying love.

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Pink Roses and Chocolate

You save: 7%

So luxery pink roses, together with tasty chocolate box, is so perfect and beautiful present to express you emotions!

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A Lover's Heart


A mix of emotions, behaviours, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person is called love. Choose this heart to show your love to someone...

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For a Special One


A special present for your love in a box with 31 red roses and one white rose, which means purity, innocence, a new beginning of your endless love!

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Just Say Thank You

You save: 5%

A square black box with luxurious red roses and chocolate. This is the best and original gift to a loved one as a sign of gratitude.

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Time of Our Life


Presenting a heart-shaped arrangement of yellow roses to your sweetheart indicates happiness and gratitude.
Give her more smiles and turn celebration into a wonderful time!
A perfect gift and a graceful way to brighten the day and
send the warmest wishes to your loved ones.

Number of Roses
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Red & White Combination

You save: 5%

Order this new baby mixed roses and have it delivered to the parents of the girl. This gift includes a combination of red and white roses, artfully arranged to create a gift worthy of the princess into the shape of a bouquet. The gift also includes delicate color paper Choose to send this beautiful floral gift.

Number of Roses
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Full of Shiny Romance

You save: 3%

Send pink & white roses today to someone who is all Sugar and Sweet! This bright bouquet celebrates everything pink, with beautiful pink roses paired with white ones. Whether you are looking for the perfect birthday gift or just something to brighten someone's day, this arrangement is the perfect choice!

Number of Roses
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Spray Roses Gift-Bouquet

You save: 7%

Gorgeous blooms of 45 White Roses and unmatched fragrance makes your gift-bouquet a statement of endless elegance!

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