Flowers are the elixir of preserving male nerve cells. Love stories cannot be imagined without flowers. Their absence in a relationship makes the lovely ladies get depressed. Women are not indifferent to flowers, especially to beautiful roses. This section of our online store presents a variety of bouquets of roses, 50-60 cm high, which You can order by phone or online on the website.
Results 1 - 32 of 129

Sweep them off their feet with 1001 pieces premium long-stemmed red roses. Each stem flaunts the beauty of their beautiful swirling petals, gorgeously arranged in 10 separate 100 rose bouquets, to astound and amaze your special someone with the bounty of their timeless elegance.

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The Red Beauty For YOU!

To process delivery of this arrangement on time, please order at least 24 days before delivery. For more details feel free to contact us by phone, Skype and email.
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The Love in Bloom


When 255 white and red roses are combined in a fancy arrangement, the successful surprise is guaranteed. Choose this wonderful basket to show your beloved ones that they deserve the very best.

These irresistible large-headed red roses are the absolute essence of a grand romantic gesture.

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Just White Roses


The beauty of these white roses bring to a room is breathtaking, the white is bound to steal the hearts of your loved one. Choose our arrangement of white roses that has been put together perfectly for you. Let the enchanting white rose arrangement make their day.

Number of Roses

The Red Roses are one of the best memorable flowers for that unforgettable someone. These romantic gift will be designed with palm branches arround and delivered any time.

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101 Pink Roses


This bouquet of 101 high quality pink roses creates a delicate and romantic look within its unique character. It represents a sweet symphony of colors pallet. These roses are meant not for any special occasion but for a special person called You. Roses for my rose.

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Deluxe White Roses


White Roses denote purity and timeless beauty. Send these charming bouquet of roses to someone who embodies those qualities and they will surely appreciate your charming gift!

Number of Roses

Here is the most original way to give 101 roses to your favorite ones. This wonderful combination of red and white roses arranged in a wooden basket will stay at her memory forever!

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A burst of color

You save: 5%

Unleash a burst of color with our Grand Flower Bouquet. Overflowing with a vibrant array of blooms, this bouquet is a celebration in every hue. Perfect for making a grand statement on any occasion. Gift a riot of colors with our Color Palette Bouquet and share the joy of vibrant beauty

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Golden Glow

You save: 7%

Sunny Embrace Bouquet: Bask in the warmth of our Sunny Embrace Bouquet, a radiant collection of yellow roses that embodies joy and positivity. Each velvety bloom is carefully selected for its vibrant hue and timeless beauty, creating a bouquet that radiates happiness. Whether to convey feelings of friendship, appreciation, or sheer delight, this bouquet of yellow roses is a classic and elegant choice. Embrace the sunny disposition and timeless charm of these blooms, making every occasion brighter with the Sunny Embrace Bouquet

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Sentimental Surprise


Spread the fragrance of love through this magic arrangement of red roses.

Number of Roses
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Pink Candy


What a girl need to feel appreciated and loved. This luxurious bouquet of the most delicate pink spray roses is the best proof and expression of your feelings!

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Pink Elegance

You save: 20%

101 amazing white-pink roses in a wooden basket is unforgettable gift for someone special. It will surely be appreciated and will be remembered for a long time, as the rose speaks of love silently in a language known only to the heart. Hoping to rise in love and with a rose, I wish you the most beautiful rose day!

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Pink Memories

You save: 5%

This elegant,delicate and large bouquet of pink spray roses will surprise you for any occasion. A gift like this, wrapped with a bright white paper, can be the perfect way to make your beloved smile.

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Yours Bouquet


The lucky recipient of this floral gift will see pink and be amazed when he or she is greeted by the site of a bouquet of pink spray roses. If you really want to make a statement, this bouquet will definitely do it!

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Grace in Red


Send this wonderful bouquet of 77 Red Naomi Roses today to showcase the love and desire you have for your significant other. You will make her heart skip a beat!

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Brightest Bouquet


Giving an arrangement of colorful roses means that you are totally devoted to that person!

Number of Roses
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71 White Roses


White roses are always a symbol of purity and peace for any occasion or age. This white gift will not leave any woman indifferent.

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Charming Peoni-Roses

You save: 10%

The ever-popular fragrant peonies is one of our favorites. For this magnificent display we’ve chosen 51 fresh pink spray roses and carefully arranged as a classic bouquet. The result is an exquisite centerpiece of natural beauty with a wonderful heady scent!

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Basket with Yellow Roses

You save: 7%

Arranged yellow shiny roses in this basket will give a smile to the recipient and make the day bright like the sun.Order now and make her day happier!

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Basket of 77 White Roses

You save: 12%

Basket of 77 white roses, generous through its purity and sanctity, will send out thrills of pleasure. Fits any celebration!

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White Regal Roses

You save: 10%

Bouquet of white, soft roses that will make the mysterious ingredient for a romantic evening.

Number of Roses

Bouquet of 55 white «Avalanche» roses tied up with green bow.

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Awesome Pink Roses


The pretty pink roses bouquet is a symbolic expression of gratitude, grace and appreciation. Our finest pink roses form a traditional bouquet which creates an ideal gift for any occasion throughout the year.

Number of Roses

55 red holland «Explorer» sort of roses tied up with a red bow.

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Red Charming Roses


Dazzle her with love and send her this amazing extra-large Red Rose gift! This rose bouquet is exclusive and is sure to sweep her off her feet and leave her floating on clouds.

Number of Roses

Bouquet of 55 holland roses tied up with a white bow.

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51 Wonderful Red Roses

You save: 3%

Exquisite lavish roses showcase an attractive, rich red hue to send your most romantic intentions to your sweetheart no matter the distance. The arrangement of 51 roses also fit for birthdays, anniversaries, engagements or weddings.

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Romantic Reverie


Elevate your floral experience with our exquisite Pione Roses. These unique roses, known for their exceptional beauty and vibrant colors, are a perfect choice to convey admiration, appreciation, or to simply brighten someone's day. Each Pione Rose is a masterpiece of nature, capturing the essence of elegance and grace

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Classy Bouquet


Ravishing roses reveal their radiance in this gorgeous medley of soft, velvety red and white petals. Express your warmest sentiments with these blissfully brilliant blooms.

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51 Extra-large White Roses

You save: 3%

Extra-large & Long-stem White Roses! These roses have a high quality and are larger than any you'll find elsewhere.

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