In our compositions, we use fresh roses selected by our florists, 80 cm high. A bouquet of such roses cannot leave any heart indifferent! Make an order online on our website or by phone and we will be happy to deliver it to any corner in Armenia! Orders are accepted 24/7․
Results 1 - 31 of 31
My Wishlist

You are special


Scottish poet Robert Burns didn’t compare his love to a red, red rose for nothing. Long associated with beauty and perfection, red roses are a time-honored way to say “I love you”. Whether it’s for a birthday, Valentine’s Day or just to express appreciation on any old day, there’s no better way than a bouquet of red roses to express your feelings.

My Wishlist

125 Luxury Red Roses

You save: 7%

Red Roses - Luxurious and alluring option, which will present the ultimate expression of romance!

Number of Roses

Immerse yourself in the grandeur of our Symphony of Roses, a lavish bouquet that unfolds like a musical masterpiece. Overflowing with a profusion of vibrant blooms, it's a celebration of opulence and romance.

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Pink & White Roses


Colorful bouquet of extra-large pink and white roses! A luxurious bouquet, which will be surely appreciated by Your special recipient.

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The feeling of difference


Red Roses are the symbols you need when your heart beats extravagant tones, and you don’t know how to express all you feel to the one you love. This stylish bouquet consist of 51 red roses and gipsofila.

The epitome of romance, this chick bouquet of red roses are a vibrant bouquet, long-stem red roses will make your intentions clear as day. Available for delivery today to wow your love.

Number of Roses
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Her Floral Dream

You save: 10%

Every girl dreams of feeling the charm of such a combination. This best pink rose bouquet is created to fulfill the dreams of loved ones.

Elevate your expression of love with our abundant bouquet of Red Roses. This lavish arrangement is a testament to deep affection and passion, a timeless symbol of love's intensity. Whether you're celebrating a special moment or simply conveying your emotions, our bouquet of a lot of Red Roses is a profound and heartfelt gift choice. Share the language of love with this opulent gesture


You have to agree, this is as graceful an arrangement as you've ever set your eyes on. Indeed, sophistication gets new meaning with this stunning elegant white roses.

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Red Regal Roses

You save: 7%

With these elegant extra-large Red Roses bouquet You can send Your warm feelings and congratulations no matter what the occasion is.

Number of Roses
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Kiss from a Rose

You save: 3%

Dazzle her with love and send her this amazing red rose gift of radiant, red roses! This rose arrangement is exclusive and is sure to sweep her off her feet and leave her floating on clouds.

Number of Roses
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Deluxe Roses

You save: 7%

This elegant shining white white roses will deliver your message of love through their splendor and purity!

Number of Roses

A pretty bunch of 37 vibrant red roses remains the most favourite gift for any celebration!

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Bright & Vibrant

You save: 7%

Presenting one of our most astounding floral arrangements, if there's a really big occasion or if you're in the dog box again, just the sight of these white roses will have them singing your praises again.

Number of Roses
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Pink Romance


These blooms are a sweet way to show your affection. With a beautiful iety of flowers, this chic bouquet is full of texture and makes a fabulous gift.

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Alluring Elegance

You save: 10%

White roses are the symbol of love and happiness These lavish 55 white roses will of course surprise her Order it now and delivery will be on time.

Number of Roses
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Love sounds


A bouquet of gracious red roses wrapped in a stylish craft paper, this gift can be sent to anyone for any occasion.

Number of Roses
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Wonderfully Pink

You save: 5%

When white combines with pink, the successful arrangement is simply guaranteed. Especially when speech is about spray roses and especially if it is created with love.

Number of Roses
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Seductive White Roses

You save: 5%

The white roses gift wrap is a beautiful arrangement, boasting all the glory of the traditional white rose bouquet without the cost of the hand-tied version!

Number of Roses
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25 Assorted Yellow Roses

You save: 5%

If there is a bright person in your surroundings then this flaming bouquet of 25 yellow roses is just for her! Make your beloved happy with this special gift!

A classic expression of love. Lavish your special one with a cloud of romantic roses in pink and yellow blooms!

Number of Roses
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White Wonder

You save: 3%

If there's a really big occasion or if you're in the dog box again, just the sight of these white roses in a glass vase on delivery will have them singing your praises again.

Number of Roses
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Pink Beauty


Sunny bouquet of nice pink roses for people full of positive energy. Order today, and we will deliver it to any address in Armenia!

Number of Roses
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Regal Roses Selection

You save: 7%

This perfect, extra-large and highest quality white roses conveys love and devotion. It will speak for hundreds of words, and right today.

Number of Roses
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21 Attractive Roses

You save: 5%

Since pink roses bring cheer and happiness, they also make a great Get Well flower arrangement. Pink roses come in many shades, from pale pink hues like apricot, to deeper shades like raspberry

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Bouquet «Joy»

You save: 7%

Red roses are iconic symbols of love, passion, and romance, renowned for their timeless beauty and rich symbolism.

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Bouquet of 19 Yellow Roses

You save: 5%

The bright, sunny colour of 19 yellow roses evoke a feeling of warmth and happiness thus symbolize pure
and eternal love.

White symbolizes sensitivity, love and gentleness. The colour also has a harmonic and cheerful effect on its environment.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Red Regal Roses (80cm)

You save: 5%

Premium High-stem Red Roses is an impressive gift they will never forget! This stunning bouquet of red roses arrives to create unforgettable moments, a unique gift that stands apart from the traditional rose bouquets.

Number of Roses

Light pink roses in a cute bouquet! This is a very pleasant and urgent gift for those you love.

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Cute Pink Roses


This bouquet of 15 roses will not leave any creature indifferent. It is the embodiment of your love and care with a bunch of smile.

Number of Roses