Sending roses but not sure what kind to send? Mixed roses are a perfect choice. Mixed Roses bouquet never send a mixed message. Whatever it is you want to say to that special someone, a full-bodied, fresh-cut flower bouquet will ensure that it is heard! Those roses are available in such a rich color palette that it is fairly easy to harmonize their silky flowers with most companion plants. They range from single, semi-double, deep or shallow cupped, all creating a most delightful contrast to the light and airy flowers of most herbaceous plants. Mixed roses enjoy exceptional vigor and health, which combined with their delicious fragrance, make them virtually unrivaled stars of the mixed border.
Results 33 - 64 of 143
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Smile for Me

You save: 15%

Bouquet of 27 colourful holland roses, ruscus leaves tied up with a pink ribbon.

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Send this perfect bouquet to your friend or colleague as a thoughtful gesture of thanks or a just because gift. This arrangement is a sure fire way to make anyone's day that much brighter.

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Floral Garden Cake


Celebrations happen every day, and for many of those events, cakes, as well as fresh flowers, are often called for.

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Combination of love


Roses are special flowers. They can tell about your emotions. For example, Orange Roses want to say: 'You Brighten my Day!' and Red Roses want to say 'I love you!'. The combination of these two is the best version to express your love.


The spark of red and golden roses in a black box will delight your recipient with its brilliant hue and serene elegance. It is a gift that will transform any occasion into a astonishing event.

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The Colors of Affection

You save: 5%

This bouquet is like a sunshine in a rainy and gloomy day. Order it today, and it is sure to lift the spirits!

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Pink & White Roses


Sending this tender bouquet is a gorgeous way to celebrate your sweet affection for the love of your life on your special day. Showcasing pink roses, together with elegant white roses in this beautiful bouquet make a perfect combination. Love is like a rose. When pressed between two lifetimes, it will last forever. My love to you is the rose that blooms forever.

Number of Roses
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Always in Heart

You save: 5%

A wonderful heart of vibrant red and elagant white roses, a perfect way to say 'I Love You'.

Number of Roses

A classic expression of love. Lavish your special one with a cloud of romantic roses in pink and yellow blooms!

Number of Roses
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Passion of Roses

You save: 25%

This bouquet consist of 25 extra-large premium roses and 5 orchids, designed with greenery and nice wrapped!

Amazing arrangement of pretty red & white roses arranged with Raffaello sweets will be a nice gift for any occasion!

Number of Roses

Capture the essence of elegance, romance and passion with this stunning box of these 37 red and white roses carefully put together with effort and detail one by one to create a smooth dome shape.

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Delightful Peach Flowers Box

You save: 3%

Oh yes, it`s great. This beautiful flower box with apricot and and creamy white roses are ideal for any occasion.

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The Breath of Delicacy

You save: 7%

Send a bouquet of roses to light up someone's day! These fresh roses are a beautiful expression of joy, a perfect gift to celebrate a birthday or say special occasion.

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55 Roses in Stylish Vase

You save: 25%

The image of purity, perfection and grace, this amazing bouquet is created from the very finest flowers. The subtle difference in tone, from warm orange to snow white, gives depth and texture provide a sweet fragrance which only adds to the enjoyment of this perfect gift.

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Firework of Finest Roses

You save: 7%

If you want to awaken a firework of feelings in your beloved's heart, choose this wonderful box full of 55 of the finest colourful roses.

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Pretty Heart


This is a must buy item for your holiday or Valentine! A sophisticated heart of pink and white rosesv for Your special celebration!

Number of Roses
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Bouquet of Bright Roses

You save: 7%

Alluring colourful roses will surely brighten her day and bring season's freshness with them.

Number of Roses
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Colours Splendour

You save: 7%

Oh, our classy white and pink combined with all the softness of the spring! Give Your beloved one all the love of Your heart with a single bouquet of wonderful spray roses.

Number of Roses
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Hot Seasonal Roses


This bouquet is going to speak louder than any words are able! Express you most precious feelings with this arrangement of 35 colorful roses and be sure it will be appreciated.

Number of Roses
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Wonderful collection


Inspire your special recipient to go after their dreams and have them know that you are supporting them every step of the way! A bold punch of color, this stunning fresh flower bouquet with orange roses accented with white yellow,pink and red ones and lush greens. Presented in a green glass vase tied with special ribbons around the neck, this flower arrangement is set to create a memorable thinking of you, graduation, or inspirational gift.

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Me & You


Passionate red roses along with tender pink roses create a fabulous heart-shaped arrangement, which is sure to steal Her heart!

Number of Roses

The perfect gift to compliment any special occasion is the gift of roses. This spectacular arrangement is made up of mixed 31 roses and lilies in a variety of colors will definitely brighten the day and fill it with joy, no matter what the occasion!

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Colorful Elegance

You save: 10%

Alluring, adorable, astonishing. There is color all round in this fascinating mixed bouquet of fresh roses.

Number of Roses
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Look at Me


Elegant and captivating, this very interesting arrangement 0f 51 roses is a nice gift for any celebration, as well as using for events and weddings!

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Red & White Roses


Send a stunning arrangement of red roses and white roses to wow someone today. This stunning presentation is the perfect floral arrangement to send to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or just because.

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Multicolored Roses


Our spectacular arrangement is artistically designed by our expert floral artisans with an abundant array of blooms in every color, gathered with lush greenery inside a classic cylinder vase.

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Just Congrats


After the one you love receives this magnificent red & white roses basket, just sit back and enjoy the fire works!Whether you're telling them you love them, reliving the passion of your anniversary, or celebrating a birthday - the Summer Spectacles bouquet is the perfect gift for those who are passionate.

Number of Roses
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Flower Flames


Celebrate the wonder of a new day with 37 stem of golden flowers.
This stunning, sun-bright bouquet energizes any occasion.
Please, order spray roses 24 hours prior the delivery,
so as we could manage to organize your order in time and properly.

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Lovely Surprise


White and Red roses and tasty chocolates in one box. So nice and so interesting composition you can find and order only in our stock.

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Feminine Beauty

You save: 15%

Indulge her passion for pink with this ultra-feminine bouquet of 101 flowers. We’ve chosen 30 spray roses for their enduring beauty and delicate 71 alstromerias for extra detail. The soft pink shades of both varieties look wonderful together and are sure to prompt a smile of pure pleasure.

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Full of Shiny Romance

You save: 3%

Send pink & white roses today to someone who is all Sugar and Sweet! This bright bouquet celebrates everything pink, with beautiful pink roses paired with white ones. Whether you are looking for the perfect birthday gift or just something to brighten someone's day, this arrangement is the perfect choice!

Number of Roses
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