Sending roses but not sure what kind to send? Mixed roses are a perfect choice. Mixed Roses bouquet never send a mixed message. Whatever it is you want to say to that special someone, a full-bodied, fresh-cut flower bouquet will ensure that it is heard! Those roses are available in such a rich color palette that it is fairly easy to harmonize their silky flowers with most companion plants. They range from single, semi-double, deep or shallow cupped, all creating a most delightful contrast to the light and airy flowers of most herbaceous plants. Mixed roses enjoy exceptional vigor and health, which combined with their delicious fragrance, make them virtually unrivaled stars of the mixed border.
Results 65 - 96 of 143
My Wishlist

Heart Box Flowers

You save: 3%

Our heart box collection of 45 roses combines both elegance and beauty. Our exquisite flowers in a box make perfect gifts for those all-important special occasions. If you're looking for flower arrangements that have an instant wow factor, then our range of heart box flowers and roses in a box is guaranteed to impress the lucky recipient.

My Wishlist

NIce Basket


For the woman in your life who appreciates natural beauty, this is the perfect gift basket. If you're looking for a thoughtful birthday or thank you gift, this floral mix is perfect.

My Wishlist

Name rose box


Looking for an instant way to carry forward your love and emotion, go ahead with this stems of elegant letter shape 99 red roses in a box.

My Wishlist

A Lover's Heart


A mix of emotions, behaviours, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person is called love. Choose this heart to show your love to someone...

My Wishlist

Strikingly Chic Heart

You save: 25%

Send this bright and vibrant colorful hear-shaped heart arrangement from to Your queen of heart. We can help you add seasonal spice to any birthday, anniversary, or celebration!

My Wishlist

Love from heart


These delicate colors heart shape flowers will attract your recipient. 55 color fresh roses in a nice box are ready to be delivered to her to make her day vivid and bright.

If you would like someone to think sweet thoughts about you, send them this delightful Heart Shape arrangement of 51 Red and white Roses. Steal someone heart with the luxury of roses.

Pure perfection, this mixed colours of 35 stray roses make for the ultimate gift! This a gift that will take pride of place in anyone's home or office.

My Wishlist

Deluxe Heart of Roses

You save: 15%

Make Your beloved feel that she is the one and only in Your heart, with this amazing heart of red and white roses.

Number of Roses

This luminous bouquet of pink & white roses is sure to invigorate the senses, encourage smiles and express your emotions with ease!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Illusion of Colors


This bright bouquet of 51 pink and yellow roses is a perfect way to give your beloved ones positive emotions.

My Wishlist

Colorful and Blazing


All colors of roses are beautiful, but the ones combined together
in this box are the brightest ones.
Be sure to give you beloved one happy mood with this 77 white, yellow, orange, red roses in a box.

My Wishlist

Blooms A Beauty


Adorable bouquet of finest roses is waiting for its lovely recipient. Make her day special right now!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Mixed Roses Bouquet

You save: 7%

This wonderful bouquet of 55 mixed roses will be the best choice for the most wonderful cases!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

77 Colorful Luxe Roses

You save: 25%

Order this radiant box of 77 colorful roses, and You will make a gift which will be remembered for a long time!
Whatever the happy occasion you’re celebrating, the bright colour of these darling flowers is sure to be met with a wide grin when they arrive.

My Wishlist

Perfect Sentiments

You save: 15%

Red satin, pink and white 55 roses make the perfect match in this arrangement. Colorful and unique. Surely they will fill the day with beauty!

My Wishlist

Bouquet «Fiery Beauty»

You save: 5%

Bouquet of 51 colourful holland roses, tied up with a green bow.

My Wishlist

Blooming Heart of Roses

You save: 27%

Let her know how much she means to you with this arrangement of pink and white roses and declare your undying devotion. The charming heart-shaped arrangement is a real surprise for any woman!This pink and yellow rose bouquet is a bright and colourful departure from darker, more dramatic rose bouquets.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

51 Adorable Pink Roses

You save: 12%

The best choice to express your love and passion with these pink roses, they are so amazing and they will keep their freshness for a long time․

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Pink Basket

You save: 5%

The basket is full of both wonderful 77 stems of mixed spray roses and emotions, emotions, emotions... Give this to the most precious ones and let them feel you care!

My Wishlist

55 Colorful Roses Bouquet

You save: 15%

This spirited bouquet holds roses in bold hues - hot pink, orange, red and bright yellow. Certain to be an attention-getter! These vivacious roses are arranged to make the most attractive bouquet ever!

My Wishlist



Send this amazing bouquet of pink and yellow roses to a friend on their birthday or to someone special and let them know you thinking of them.

Number of Roses

51 red and white roses, tied up with a red bow.

A truly magnificent arrangement of 55 roses and gerberas designed in pink and white. These long-lasting fresh flowers are sure to impress and are suitable for any occasion!

My Wishlist

Classy Bouquet


Ravishing roses reveal their radiance in this gorgeous medley of soft, velvety red and white petals. Express your warmest sentiments with these blissfully brilliant blooms.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Colorful Bouquet of Roses

You save: 5%

A nice gift for any occasion! We bring you the finest, highest quality, most unique varieties of roses!

Number of Roses

Classic combination of red and white roses is a gift which will always be accepted with gratitude. You will never be mistaken choosing this marvellous bouquet!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Graceful & Charming

You save: 7%

We present You a stunning bouquet of red, white and pink roses, wrapped carefully for Your beloved person!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Full of Joy


The brightest colors of the finest spray roses are selected and combined together to help you give joy and happiness to the one You truly appreciate!

Number of Roses

Bouquet of 55 holland roses tied up with a white bow.

My Wishlist

Basket of Dreams

You save: 15%

This basket full of 57 pink, red and yellow roses is what you need to give the most precious women of your life. Choose it to make them remember how much you care!

My Wishlist

55 Mix Color Roses


So bright mixed color roses together of course will bring excellent mood for every girl or woman.

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