Pink roses have a rich history that comes with being one of the longest existing roses known to us - in fact, pink roses have even been depicted in some of the earliest known pieces of art. When roses first began to be cultivated, the majority of them existed in various shades of pink, from the palest pink to the deepest crimson. Prior to that, pink roses were the dominant species among wild roses, and were likely among the earliest roses to evolve.

As a symbol of grace and elegance, the pink rose is often given as an expression of admiration. Pink roses can also convey appreciation as well as joyfulness. Pink rose bouquets often impart a gentler meaning than their red counterparts. Pink roses also now carry a connotation of grace and elegance, as well as sweetness and poetic romance!
Results 33 - 64 of 95
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Blush Charm

You save: 5%

These hot gentle pink roses explode with color, making them ideal elegant bunch of floral bouquet.

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Always on My Mind

You save: 12%

Elegant bouquet of roses and alstromerias in pastel hues is ready to congratulate Your special someone on a special occasion. Bouquet consists of 25 alstromeias and 7 roses.
All their wishes will come true when they receive this bright and sunny flower arrangement. Send one today, and make someone's day!

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Furious Roses


Breathtaking bouquet of fantasy roses is the right bouquet for cheering up! Show your love with these beautiful flowers for someone special sending this bouquet.

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Garden Parade


Woodland Serenity Floral Composition: Experience the enchantment of nature with our floral arrangement nestled in a wooden box, reminiscent of bamboo materials. The carefully curated blooms, surrounded by the warm embrace of natural wood, create a harmonious display of rustic elegance. Ideal for those who appreciate the organic beauty of both flowers and wooden elements, this composition brings a touch of serenity to any setting. Elevate your space with the Woodland Serenity Floral Composition—a stylish blend of floral artistry and wooden grace, perfect for gifting or enhancing the ambiance of your home.

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Springtime Delight

You save: 10%

This feminine arrangement features hot pink roses, pink spray roses in a gorgeous white box ! A classy arrangement full of joy and romance

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Eternal Pink Rose


Are you looking for a unique gift for your sweetheart? If so, then this Eternal Rose will not lose this beauty and will cherish your happy memories for years. Make your partner happy with this incredible present.

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Pink Smile


This bouquet of 25 stems of pink spray roses is the most delicate offer of the season!!! Choose it to show how much you care.

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Precious Pink


The meaning behind a pink rose is gratitude, appreciation, elegance and admiration. Send Your loved ones warmth and care with this bouquet.

Number of Roses
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Purely Pink

You save: 10%

Choose this stylish and very beautiful arrangement of 19 roses in a box right today. It is a perfect gift for any celebration!

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Pink Roses

You save: 15%

This is the ideal floral gift to impress any lucky recipient this Christmas or any other happy occasion.
This rich arrangement radiate joy, perfect to warm a bleak winter day.

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Charm Roses Bouquet


These marvellous pink Jumilia Roses have a uniquely thoughtful way of expressing how much you care about the ones you love.

Number of Roses
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Fully Pastel


If you’re looking for an enchanting arrangement please look no further. The combination of roses, lilies, and other seasonal flowers gives you a sense of being captivated by a fairy-tale.

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Heart from me

You save: 10%

This unique heart shape floral composition consists of 27 pink roses. It can be sent for your beloved one considering about your magnificent love. So order it without hesitation!

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21 Pink Destiny Roses

You save: 5%

These gorgeous pink roses not only scream sophistication but ensure that you're not simply wearing your heart on your sleeve. Express your love, devotion and affection with an arrangement that is elegant and will make anyone smile from ear to ear!

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Bouquet of Pink Roses with Gift

You save: 10%

Clusters of 15 pink roses are beautifully hand tied to create this dramatic spiral of flowers. This handmade bouquet is absolutely perfect for any special occasion, and perfect for any room set. The teddy will be a positive gesture in this bouquet.

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Delightfully Pink

You save: 5%

This is a beautiful bouquet of 51 flowers, including pink roses, alstromerias and gerberas, rich in texture and detail and a perfect way to send your very best wishes.

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5 Shades of Pink

You save: 12%

This bright composition of 5 different shades of the most romantic color is what You need to make her day unforgettable. Be sure, she'll be excited to see how both fancy and soft the arrangement of spray roses.

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21 Attractive Roses

You save: 5%

Since pink roses bring cheer and happiness, they also make a great Get Well flower arrangement. Pink roses come in many shades, from pale pink hues like apricot, to deeper shades like raspberry

Make her day memorable with this classic bouquet of 25 roses! This bouquet is the perfect way of letting your loved one know how special she is to you. Our long stemmed roses are hand selected for their luscious color and superior quality. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.” A woman is like a rose…If you take good care of her, you will see love blossom.

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Pretty and delicate


This soft bouquet is just as the name suggests, soft and delicate heart shape roses consist of 21 extra-large roses. Everyone loves pink! And this bouquet wont let you down, perfect to say about your love.

Bursting with all the season holds, this classic is a luxurious take on frosty white charms. Beautiful woodland greens tuck into snow-white daises, 15 delicate pink roses making a bountiful statement of elegance for any environment.

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Floral Garden Cake


Celebrations happen every day, and for many of those events, cakes, as well as fresh flowers, are often called for.

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Pink Beauty


Light pink roses are the perfect way to show your pure love,friendship and kindness.
It is so perfect present that there is no need to think!

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Pink Beauty


Sunny bouquet of nice pink roses for people full of positive energy. Order today, and we will deliver it to any address in Armenia!

Number of Roses

The charming heart-shaped arrangement consists of 25 pink roses and white lilies will be a nice gift for any occasion!

Few can resist the magic of floral blooms. We don't disappoint with our dazzling array of elegant and colorful flowers. A gift that reflects not only your good taste, but your purest love.

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Lovely Bouquet

You save: 7%

Charming and angel bouquet of roses to express tender and sweet feelings. Wonderful Orchids direct from grower with extra freshness guaranteed. She will love them!

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Love Devotion


If you want to be original, choose this amazing bouquet of 19 stems of pink spray roses. Undoubtedly it will make her feel excited!

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Perfect Pink Roses

You save: 15%

Devote the gift of sunshine! Send this delightful floral arrangement of pink roses in a white box to remind her about You.

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Alluring Bouquet


Pretty, pink and perfect. There's nothing like long-stemmed pink roses to show your affection and warm feelings.

Number of Roses
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Assorted Pink Roses


Order these 25 assorted Pink Roses and invite the freshness and liveliness of these beautiful and exciting pink roses into someone's life.

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Special Box For Her

You save: 3%

If you'd like someone to think sweet thoughts about you, send them this delightful bouquet!

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