While the concept of assigning symbolic meaning to flowers has existed since ancient times, the popularity of communicating through the “language of flowers” peaked in the Western world during the Victorian era. Both men and women consulted “flower dictionaries” to choose and interpret the appropriate flowers to send, wear, and display. Flowers were given meaning based on both their species and their color. So while the rose in general is a symbol of love, different rose colors provided different shades of meaning. The red rose is a symbol of beauty, passion, desire, and romantic love. White rose symbolizes innocence, chastity, and purity. It’s also associated with spirituality, reverence, and new beginnings. The yellow rose most commonly means friendship—and specifically platonic friendship. Pink roses symbolize admiration, gentleness, dignity, elegance, innocence, and happiness. Orange roses are best for romantic occasions. Purple roses symbolize enchantment and the mystical. Green roses symbolize peace, spiritual rejuvenation, calm, and fertility. Blue roses symbolize the unattainable and the mysterious. True black roses can only be obtained through dyeing. Black roses symbolize death, rebirth, and goodbye.
Results 33 - 64 of 647
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Ideal Combination

You save: 5%

The romance of a single red roses 50-60cm and a cute teddy bear 17cm is timeless and endless. Surprise Your dearest and nearest with this gift.

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White Princess

You save: 12%

11 Fresh white roses in a black vase, a unique gift for any occasion. A perfect gift for those who appreciate refined taste!

Captivating Splendor: A white Rose, Eternal in its Glory, Nestled within a Glass Box. A Vision of Enchantment and Grace, Forever Preserved in Time's Embrace.

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Expressions of Feelings

You save: 5%

Love is kind, love is sweet. This arrangement of roses in a specially designed paper is the perfect gift to show someone that they are on your mind.

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Please select a variant above.
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Spirit of Love


Embrace the charm of romance with our Pink Roses Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement is a celebration of love and grace, carefully crafted to captivate hearts. Whether for a special occasion or a gesture of affection, the soft and enchanting pink roses convey emotions with timeless elegance. Make every moment memorable with the beauty and sentiment of our Pink Roses Bouquet – a perfect expression of love in full bloom.

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Yellow roses represent friendship. Make a special friend smile today with this vibrant bouquet of 21 shining roses!

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Absolute Elegance


This graceful bouquet conveys elegance and reverence with a timeless grace all its own. White symbolizes tranquility, purity and peacefulness.

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Win over your loved one's heart with this arrangement of red and white roses, and green poms in a black vase!

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Christmas Dream


A bit rustic and a bit contemporary, that’s what this pallet tree is. Incredible Christmas Tree including artificial designs and amazing decors.

Number of Roses
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Beauty of Pink


Treat your someone special to a heavenly rose bouquet; send them these pink roses. A black non-woven sheet holds delicate pink roses. The bouquet is tied together with a green ribbon for that special touch. This charming bouquet will leave any recipient smiling, so send it now!

Number of Roses

Roses... What can one say of the rose bouquet that has not been said a thousand times before? They're beautiful, they're deep, they're romantic and after thousands of years they still have the power to take your breath away. When you have a special message that you want to send your loved one, order Roses to perfectly express your love and devotion.

Number of Roses
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Effortless Grace

You save: 7%

Effortless Grace: red Roses, Exquisitely Nestled in a Chic Bag, Evoke Serenity and Style, A Perfect Gesture for Any Occasion.: red Roses, Exquisitely Nestled in a Chic Bag, Evoke Serenity and Style, A Perfect Gesture for Any Occasion.

Number of Roses
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9 Red Roses in Vase

You save: 5%

Just perfect, 9 Red Roses in Vase is a dignified messenger of love and its beauty dark velvet red color, awakens the soul of your special recipient. .


Boouquet of 9 red holland «Explorer» roses wrapped in a craft and a red bow.

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Cherished Contrast

You save: 3%

Cherished Contrast: White and Red Roses Gracefully Coalesce in a Stylish Bag. An Ensemble of Elegance and Passion, Symbolizing the Beautiful Duality of Love.

Number of Roses
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Whispers of Romance

You save: 3%

Whispers of Romance: A Symphony of White and Pink Roses, Artfully Arranged in a Stylish Bag. Capturing the Essence of Love and Delicacy, A Gift That Speaks Volumes of Affection.

Number of Roses
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White Roses Bouquet


This marvelous bouquet of snow white roses will remind Your special one about Your warmest feelings and affection once more!

Number of Roses

Bouquet of 9 yellow holland «Penny len» roses with a yellow bow.

Bouquet of 7 holland “Explorer” roses which wrapped in a green and red craft.

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Effortless Chic


Effortless Chic: White Roses, Artfully Arranged in a Stylish Bag. A Timeless Gesture of Grace and Simplicity, Ready to Brighten Any Occasion.

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11 Pink roses


Beautiful delicate roses in a package will surprise any woman and give her a wonderful moment of joy. With their connotations of poetic romance and sweetness, pink roses will always be a treasured romantic gift. Show her your love and care!

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Chic and Minimalist

You save: 10%

Chic and minimalist white roses in a clear bag are modern elegance and beauty in a contemporary package.

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The Feeling Of Love

You save: 20%

This passionate heart-gift box with colorful fresh flowers and 15 Ferrero Raffaello sweets is the best way to surprise your love, mother or sister!

A bright and cheery color of yellow roses are beautifully hand tied
to create this romantic bunch of flowers. This handmade bouquet
is absolutely perfect for any special occasion,
and splendor for any room set.

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Pink Roses Attraction

You save: 15%

An elegant composition of pink roses and decorative green herbs in a box will conquer the heart of your chosen beloved one!!!

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Gold Sunshine

You save: 7%

Yellow roses mean friendship, appreciation, delight and
platonic love. Each sunny yellow rose conveys the joy and warmth
that exists between confidantes. If you give yellow roses to
someone it means that you think of this person as a good friend,
so they may not be the best choice if you have a romantic intention.

Number of Roses
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Endless Love

You save: 10%

Each rose thoughtfully curated to showcase the harmony of colors, shapes, and textures, creating a captivating display that breathes life into any space. Whether it's a vibrant burst of hues or a subtle symphony of pastels, our floral compositions are crafted with care and creativity, making them the perfect accent for any occasion. Elevate your surroundings with the timeless beauty of our arrangements, meticulously designed to bring the freshness and elegance of the outdoors indoors.

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Eternal Flame

You save: 10%

Bring nature's beauty indoors with our stunning Floral Compositions. From vibrant arrangements to classic bouquets, each piece is a perfect blend of elegance and freshness.

Number of Roses

Sometimes it’s best to keep it simple. This design of premium white spray roses does exactly that. Refined, elegant and instantly recognisable, this bouquet is certain to impress.

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Attractive Roses


This bright bouquet of vibrant orange roses is arranged by an expert florist who presents you a piece of the sun and warm your soul. A bundle of roses looks literally like the sun has sprinkled all of its warm yellow color on it. Live life in warm yellows!

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Enigmatic Beauty


Enigmatic Beauty: Behold the Eternal Blue Rose, Captured in a Glass Box. A Symbol of Mystery and Intrigue, Radiating Timeless Charm and Unforgettable Elegance.

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