While the concept of assigning symbolic meaning to flowers has existed since ancient times, the popularity of communicating through the “language of flowers” peaked in the Western world during the Victorian era. Both men and women consulted “flower dictionaries” to choose and interpret the appropriate flowers to send, wear, and display. Flowers were given meaning based on both their species and their color. So while the rose in general is a symbol of love, different rose colors provided different shades of meaning. The red rose is a symbol of beauty, passion, desire, and romantic love. White rose symbolizes innocence, chastity, and purity. It’s also associated with spirituality, reverence, and new beginnings. The yellow rose most commonly means friendship—and specifically platonic friendship. Pink roses symbolize admiration, gentleness, dignity, elegance, innocence, and happiness. Orange roses are best for romantic occasions. Purple roses symbolize enchantment and the mystical. Green roses symbolize peace, spiritual rejuvenation, calm, and fertility. Blue roses symbolize the unattainable and the mysterious. True black roses can only be obtained through dyeing. Black roses symbolize death, rebirth, and goodbye.
Results 65 - 96 of 647
My Wishlist

Charming and Tenderness

You save: 20%

Very calm and soft 19 white roses in a light blue box .If you need anything to say it will say instead of you chose it and make her day perfect .

My Wishlist

Orange Roses

You save: 10%

Elegant roses in a box, filled with greenery. This stunning arrangement of mixed blooms makes it so simple to put a smile on anyone's dial. A neat way of saying happy birthday, congratulations or thank you.

My Wishlist

Pure Sophistication

You save: 5%

Pure Sophistication: A Collection of White Roses Adorned in a Stylish Bag. Radiating Elegance and Grace, Perfect for Gifting Moments of Serenity and Beauty.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Colorful Fall Flowers Bouquet

You save: 10%

Send greetings for a very Happy Birthday with our gaily colored bouquet. Bright orange and yellow gerbera daisies are only slightly subdued by golden alstroemeria and solidago. Professionally arranged about 45 different flowers, each flower delivers a warm and wonderful birthday wish.

My Wishlist

Ultimate Elegance

You save: 3%

A variation of red roses tied together in a bouquet. Send these beautifully wrapped bouquet in craft paper to anyone anytime for any occasion.

Number of Roses

Yellow deep passion! 15 cheerful yellow roses bringing warm, sunny feelings of happiness, perfect as a gift to surprise a loved one with. Yellow Roses are a symbol of friendship, making them perfect for birthdays or to say 'thank you' or 'sorry' to a close friend

This arrangement made of 17 roses, 11 chocolates and greenery will be a great surprise to any occasion. Don't hesitate to present it to the person You really love.

My Wishlist

Pink Secret


The secret is revealed!
Send this bright bouquet of pink roses and show your feelings of affection.
Choose these roses today to make a confession of love or surprise her for the Valentine's day.

Number of Roses
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Cute Pink Roses


This bouquet of 15 roses will not leave any creature indifferent. It is the embodiment of your love and care with a bunch of smile.

Number of Roses
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Bouquet «White and Elegant»

You save: 5%

Bouquet of white holland «White Naomi» roses tied up with a white bow.

Number of Roses
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Remarkable Roses

You save: 7%

Unwrap the happiness of vibrant blooms with our Blooming Joy bouquet. Bursting with colors and energy, it's the perfect embodiment of happiness captured in nature's finest.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Blushing Orange Beauty

You save: 10%

The brightest offer of the season! Give your favorite ones sunny emotions with this beautiful arrangement of stems of orange spray roses.

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You are Always Special

You save: 5%

Say happy birthday with the help of this stylish and very attractive arrangement of 11 pink roses & special balloon!

My Wishlist

Exotic Bouquet


Enjoy the gorgeous combination of orange and white in this marvelously arranged bouquet. Unusually beautiful shape and brilliant colors of Birds of Paradise add an exotic touch to this bright bouquet.

A bouquet of fresh, yellow roses is the ideal gift for a blooming love.Its' bright hues express happiness and gratitude. This gift will give anyone
an enchanting smile from ear to ear!Send this bunch to fill your
loved ones' day with sunshine!

Number of Roses

Creating a composition centered around a rose bouquet allows you to explore themes of love, celebration, and beauty.

My Wishlist

Stylish Bouquet


White roses are always classic gift to Your special one's and this stylish arrangement is perfect for her.

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Red & White Roses


A lovely display of color and fragrance, this charming rose bouquet is the perfect choice for expressing affection. Exquisite red and white roses are designed artfully by our skillful florists.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Floral Garden


This bouquet of delicate pink roses will delight and give a smile to any woman
Our elegant florists will prepare it very quickly and with quality.

My Wishlist

Sleek Simplicity

You save: 7%

Sleek Simplicity: Ivory Roses Wrapped in Modern Glamour

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Bouquet «Pink Delight»

You save: 7%

19 white-pink holland roses «Jumilia» in a white box.

My Wishlist

Lovely Bear with Roses

You save: 7%

Send your heartfelt emotions in the form of a soft, snugly teddy bear as an unexpected gift to let her know how much they mean to you. Our cute and cuddle-ready teddy bear brings warm wishes with 45-50m high fresh red roses!

Number of Roses
Teddy Bear Height

Bouquet of 15 yellow holland «Penny Lane» roses tied up with a green bow.

Yellow-peach roses arranged beautifully in a cube vase are ready to surprise and bring joy! Choose it and be sure that she'll be as happy as never!

Number of Roses

light or dark, classic or unexpected, bouquets of pink roses convey the romance that's in the air on a special day.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Timeless Romance


Dive into a world of romance with our floral arrangement featuring pink roses. Delicate and captivating, these flowers radiate beauty and grace, making them the perfect choice for any occasion.

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

A Red Rose & Teddy Bear

You save: 5%

This lovely teddy bear makes your message loud and clear I LOVE YOU! It holds a fresh and extra-large Red Rose(60cm) to tell your sweetheart those three words as also I'm devoted to You!

Teddy Bear Height
Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Awesome Roses

You save: 5%

Perfect gift-bouquet for any special occasion! Everybody will be delighted to have these wonderful roses as a gift!

Number of Roses
My Wishlist

Adorable Red Roses

You save: 5%

You're my treasured one. To assure someone that he or she is truly and deeply loved, choose this majestic bouquet of excellent roses which consist of extra-large famous 'Red Naomi' roses sort!

Number of Roses
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Elegant Gift

You save: 20%

Stunning and luxery Pink white roses in a box, for Your beloved ones.Order this nice compsition with us and we will make her day unforgetable.

My Wishlist

Rose Delight


Beautifull and pure, like your love, this aromatic bouquet radiates grace and elegance.

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