Spray roses are just about the sweetest little flowers there are. While they have the natural beauty of a rose, the overall feel of the spray rose is softened by its delicate and intricate features. The ways in which the spray rose differs from a standard rose are in their size, structure and in their uses. Because of their delicate size, they are perfect for floral arrangements like corsages, centerpieces and other small-scale arrangements. Spray roses are often combined with other flowers and foliage to create big, luscious bouquets. However, the price of spray roses happens to be more than the standard roses since these are cultivated and hybrid on a large scale and have better vase life.
Results 1 - 32 of 108
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VIP Bouquet of Colorful Roses

You save: 5%

A floral display of mixed 155 spray roses stems, tied with beautiful ribbon. A stunning bouquet to send to someone special as a unique gift!

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Explosion of Feelings

You save: 5%

They are the star of your life, a force of love that is simply endless. Shower them with your praise and gratitude symbolized through our exquisite bouquet of pink and white spray roses. It's offering their abundance of swirling petals gorgeously arranged in a huge bouquet!

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Bouquet of Peony Roses

You save: 5%
Seductive and sultry, this bouquet is an elegant evocation of the romantic spirit. Created using our favorite pink roses, it’s a striking and delicate addition to our collection.
In this picture you can see the bouquet of 101 roses as a luxurious gift for her is certain to impress!
Number of Stems
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A Bright Mood

You save: 7%

Create a smile to light up a room with this alluring arrangement of 155 spectacular assorted flowers including yellow,pink red green and purple colors. A charming split wood basket is a look of incomparable beauty.

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Color MIx

You save: 5%

Lets mix the colors to give all possible good emotions with single bouquet of bright spray roses! May every single color of this fancy arrangement make Her remember something about You.

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Bright-Happy Box

You save: 12%

Spray rose has been long a favorite of modern floristry - it is refined, gentle, romantic and durable. The composition of flowers 'Bright Floral Present' - the embodiment of romance, style and unique feminine beauty!

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A burst of color

You save: 5%

Unleash a burst of color with our Grand Flower Bouquet. Overflowing with a vibrant array of blooms, this bouquet is a celebration in every hue. Perfect for making a grand statement on any occasion. Gift a riot of colors with our Color Palette Bouquet and share the joy of vibrant beauty

Number of Roses
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Тrue Feelings

You save: 20%

The classic way to deliver your most romantic thoughts - 77 white spray roses nestled in a lidded box. Impress them with this elegant and desirable gift.

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Life in the Garden

You save: 7%
Beautifully arranged in a lovely basket, this assortment of colourful spray roses is a wonderful way to express warmest feelings and to congratulate!
Please, order spray roses 24 hours prior the delivery, so as we could manage to organize Your order in time and properly.
Number of Roses
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You save: 3%

This colorful bouquet of mixed 77 flowers is itself a boom of emotions. Surely it'll make any day as bright as possible and even more!

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Pink Candy


What a girl need to feel appreciated and loved. This luxurious bouquet of the most delicate pink spray roses is the best proof and expression of your feelings!

Number of Roses
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Pink Memories

You save: 5%

This elegant,delicate and large bouquet of pink spray roses will surprise you for any occasion. A gift like this, wrapped with a bright white paper, can be the perfect way to make your beloved smile.

Number of Roses
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Yours Bouquet


The lucky recipient of this floral gift will see pink and be amazed when he or she is greeted by the site of a bouquet of pink spray roses. If you really want to make a statement, this bouquet will definitely do it!

Number of Roses
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Her Floral Dream

You save: 10%

Every girl dreams of feeling the charm of such a combination. This best pink rose bouquet is created to fulfill the dreams of loved ones.

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White Spray Roses


She'll always be your #1 lady. Remind her just how special she is - send a sensational gift she'll never forget. This beautiful of spray roses is sure to make an impression!

Number of Roses
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Creamy White

You save: 15%

The most delicate bouquet of spray roses combined from the softest colors of the season is ready to give your beloved ones plenty of emotions. This arrangement is suitable for all types of events started from the fist dates up to birthdays of relatives.

Number of Roses
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Sunny Yellow


Yellow spray roses are the smile of the sun. So if you want to create sunny mood for your beloved ones, you have to choose this arrangement.

Number of Roses
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Charming Peoni-Roses

You save: 10%

The ever-popular fragrant peonies is one of our favorites. For this magnificent display we’ve chosen 51 fresh pink spray roses and carefully arranged as a classic bouquet. The result is an exquisite centerpiece of natural beauty with a wonderful heady scent!

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Blossoms Love Basket


These exquisite, velvety blooms in a wooden basket will make a luminously breathtaking and truly special gift!

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Trustful Smile


This luxurious bouquet of white spray roses is created for you to give your favorite ones the most pure and beautiful feelings.

Number of Roses
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Say I Love You


Nothing is special more than LOVE. Say I LOVE YOU and say in extraordinary way.

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The Tower of Love


This bright box of colorful roses will be a wonderful surprise for any woman.
It will color and make her day more pleasant!

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Magnificent Pink Sapphire

You save: 12%

Spray rose stems are lovely, adaptable flowers who perform perfectly in a multitude of arrangements and bouquets, despite bearing a striking resemblance to the traditional single-stemmed rose in many aspects.

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Flower Heart


We believe that everyone deserves to have a little luxury in their life.

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Romantic Reverie


Elevate your floral experience with our exquisite Pione Roses. These unique roses, known for their exceptional beauty and vibrant colors, are a perfect choice to convey admiration, appreciation, or to simply brighten someone's day. Each Pione Rose is a masterpiece of nature, capturing the essence of elegance and grace

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You save: 7%

This fancy arrangement of premium quality red spray roses is created to make the owner of Your heart excited. Its unbelievable beauty promises brunch of emotions for You and Your beloved one.

Number of Roses
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Passionate Red Roses

You save: 3%

Each stem flaunts the beauty of their beautiful swirling petals, gorgeously situated in lush green arrangement, to astound and amaze your special someone with the bounty of their timeless elegance.

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Classic Elegant Gift For Your Valentine

You save: 7%

Do you want to give your loved one a truly unique gorgeous bouquet of flowers? You've come to a great place. This glamour luxurious high quality flowers bouquet is that one.

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Pink Basket

You save: 5%

The basket is full of both wonderful 77 stems of mixed spray roses and emotions, emotions, emotions... Give this to the most precious ones and let them feel you care!

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Pure Smile


There's nothing as precious as simplicity. Especially when it looks so beautiful and delicate. Choose this bouquet of white spray roses to simply make her smile.

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For Special One


If you want to say thank you, congratulations, good luck and to express feelings in a way that beautiful arrangement can do, that you must buy this luxury flowers.

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White Heart

You save: 12%

These stunning roses are special way to let your loved ones know that you're thinking of them - even if you can't be with them this holiday season.

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