Your special recipient in Armenia will be happy to have one of these stunning arrangements and bouquets, as well as tastiest cakes and other gifts. This is the right place, if You want to make that someone special's day really unforgettable.
Results 97 - 128 of 215
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Dreams of My Heart with White Roses

You save: 20%

As if you're staring into the eyes of the legendary beautiful women herself, this astonishing floral gift would take your breath away!

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Phone Cake


Amazing phone cake for cellphone addicted people. It is also perfect for sweet addicted people, as it is soooo tasty.

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37 Yellow Roses


This bright and beautiful bouquet of yellow roses glistening in the sun makes the gift perfect for the one you love.

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Gorgeous Surprise


This gorgeous bouquet consists of 21 Roses and 7 lilies - perfect for congratulating someone special for You!

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Exotic Fruit Basket


Fruit baskets are considered one of the best gifts.

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Green Apple


A truly unique, stunning arrangement consist of 75 Green Daisies for nearly any event. This very beautiful gift will bring freshness and the charm of the green with it!

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Forever Yours


This wonderful basket of fruits and drinks gives a perfect mood for picnic for lovers.

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Rose Box


This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold.Order with us and make her day happy and unforgettable.

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27 Hot Pink Spray Roses

You save: 3%

These 27 hot pink spray roses are exploded with a color making them ideal for a bridal bouquets, small bouquets and also for elegant decoration of festive tables. They can be used independently in bouquets or in a larger floral arrangement with long-stem roses. The smell of this lovely flower, its fragrance lingers in your thought, soothing and refreshing every chamber of your heart.

This bloom is the ultimate in gift giving! Containing quality gourmet chocolates - with all the favourites and a stunning bottle of sparkling champagne that forms it’s center piece. The lucky recipient will spend days celebrating their good fortune to receive such an amazing gift!

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Wedding Surprise


Want to make a really amazing and extraordinary wedding present? This marvellous floral arrangement is the right choice!

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Just Congrats


After the one you love receives this magnificent red & white roses basket, just sit back and enjoy the fire works!Whether you're telling them you love them, reliving the passion of your anniversary, or celebrating a birthday - the Summer Spectacles bouquet is the perfect gift for those who are passionate.

Number of Roses
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Orchids in Bouquet


A stylish bouquet consist of 15 red roses, 5 green orchids and several other flowers looks beautiful in anyone’s home, office or reception area. Order with delivery in Armenia today!

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Distinctive Arrangement

You save: 3%

Make her feel extra special with a bright pink bouquet arranged complete with artisanal, fresh roses!

Number of Roses
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Flower Flames


Celebrate the wonder of a new day with 37 stem of golden flowers.
This stunning, sun-bright bouquet energizes any occasion.
Please, order spray roses 24 hours prior the delivery,
so as we could manage to organize your order in time and properly.


37 red holland «Red Naomi» roses, tied up with red bow. These roses symbolize love and passion. Your loved one will be delighted to receive such a unique bouquet as a gift․

This amazing and beautiful bouquet created to convey your sweetest feelings, send congratulations on any occasion.

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To my Sweetheart

You save: 5%

Vibrant pink roses along with white elegant daises make a perfect heart-shaped bouquet for Your special recipient.

Number of Roses
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Basket in White

You save: 12%

Luxurious white roses are gathered in a special basket, becoming the most wanted floral gift ever.

Number of Roses
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Rainbow smile

You save: 27%

Elevate your summer with our vibrant Summer Bouquet. This carefully crafted arrangement captures the essence of the season, bursting with the colors and fragrances of summer blooms. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, our Summer Bouquet is a cheerful and heartfelt gift choice. Share the spirit of summer with this delightful gesture

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Red & White Combination

You save: 5%

Order this new baby mixed roses and have it delivered to the parents of the girl. This gift includes a combination of red and white roses, artfully arranged to create a gift worthy of the princess into the shape of a bouquet. The gift also includes delicate color paper Choose to send this beautiful floral gift.

Number of Roses

This classic red rose bouquet is a beautiful way to open their heart! Our finest 15 red roses are perfectly accented with lush greens to create a bouquet that shares your sweetest sentiments.

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Radiance Basket


Your special recipient will be delighted having this spectacular basket as a gift. Contains a bottle of sparkling champagne, a pack of chocolates and a bar of chocolate, decorated with vibrant flowers!

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Endless Orchids


15 orchids arranged in vase.

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This bright bouquet of 35 spray roses is what perfectly describes how you feel about her. Choose it to express your most beautiful feelings.

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Basket of Happiness


A symbol of love and friendship, this wonderful floral basket in tender shades is a great way to show you care.We all aim to impress visiting family during the holidays. We have put together a gift that will add a touch of warmth and class to your home.

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Amazing Kinder Cake


This wonderful arrangement consists of 101 kinder sweets - 21 Kinder Surprise Eggs and 80 Kinder Chocolates!

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Secret Garden

You save: 3%

There is something magical about our Secret Garden arrangement. It consists of 25 red roses and 3 herberas. The Secret Garden is your very own key to a small spot of enchantment and a renewed sense of wonder!

Send someone this basket of fresh fruits filled with all the essential vitamins which will help revitalise a weary soul and prepare one for life's journey ahead!

If you're looking for a truly unforgettable floral gift for happiness, you've found it. It's a nice floral gift consist of 35 colorful chrysanthemums designed to make the day shine and be full of positive emotions!

Fill the room with the warmth of nature with this splendid arrangement of different plant types in one basket.

This wonderful arrangement of mixed pink flowers is sure to become the best accessory on wedding ceremony!

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