Sympathy Flowers in Basket
Fresh Red Roses arranged in basket- a truly magnificent display of 100 roses.
This beautiful arrangement displays the bright colors of nature consist of fresh flowers and greenery arranged in a wooden basket. Your condolence message will be attached on flowers or will be given to relatives as you prefer.
Our condolence floral baskets are thoughtfully created and carefully crafted with your recipient in mind.
90 white roses and greenery are gathered together in this sophisticated white arrangement in a wooden basket.
Express your condolences and grief by sending a floral arrangement of 150 red roses when a life has passed on.
This stunning arrangement is created by a local florist, with the freshest flowers. Vibrant red roses with scented white ones create an elegy of love and devotion. This beautiful basket of 90 roses is a beautiful gift to show you care.
Express your heartfelt sympathy with a graceful arrangement of 200 red roses in a basket. black ribbon is attached to the basket.