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Want to give a rose, but have not choose the color yet ? A bouquet of colored roses will be the best choice. Whatever you wish for with these flowers, you can be sure that these beautiful roses will make your voice heard.
Results 61 - 90 of 181
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Stunning Beauty


A vibrant medley of colors including orange gerberas and red roses, featuring best selling blooms, lovingly arranged with fresh greenery. This eye-catching, cheery bouquet is sure to be well received, whoever the lucky recipient!

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Big Candy Bouquet


A bloom of choc-nut splendor! The warm orange and brown tones set the scene for an array of 51 Italian premium chocolates, including Ferrero Rocher, and then other quality chocolates and candies. This is the gift for the serious chocolate lover! Indulge they will, share they might, one's things for sure - if you pick this one, you'll be right!

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Sunset Dream

You save: 12%

The bright emotions created by combination of red and yellow are priceless. Choose this wonderful box full of 45 finest roses to give these emotions to your favorite people.

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Colorful Spring Bouquet

You save: 10%

Colorful Spring Bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! Multicoloured roses arrive accented with greens, artfully arranged by our florists, to make this a day they won't soon forget.

Number of Roses

Surprise your loved ones with this exquisite bouquet of plush colors! Our local florists selected the most vivid and luscious colored blooms for this bouquet. Carnations, herberas, roses, alstromerias and field flowers play off of each other and seasonal greens. Each bloom is hand-selected to ensure superior quality.

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Dazzling Birthday


When nothing but the best will do. A flower arrangement to really wow your special recipient!

Make her day memorable with this classic bouquet of 25 roses! This bouquet is the perfect way of letting your loved one know how special she is to you. Our long stemmed roses are hand selected for their luscious color and superior quality. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.” A woman is like a rose…If you take good care of her, you will see love blossom.

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Colorful Arrangement

You save: 15%

This amazing arrangement of 21 alstomerias, 5 red gerberas and 7 fragrant red roses arranged in natural wooden basket will become a showstopper at any celebration!

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Smile for Me

You save: 15%

Bouquet of 27 colourful holland roses, ruscus leaves tied up with a pink ribbon.

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Exotic Bouquet


Want something different than single colour roses bouquets? This exquisite arrangement is the perfect choice!

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Exotic anturiums, yellow roses, vivacious birds of paradise and cute chrysanthemums are united to create this beautiful bouquet that is sure to enchant your special someone to bring about the magic, warm feeling of love and romance.


Elegant and chic, this beautiful bridal bouquet is hand-arranged with orchids, chrysanthemums, baby's breath and greenery.

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Spring Fairy


There's no better way to celebrate a birthday or special occasion than with this hand-designed bouquet of gerberas and tulips accented with adorable green poms. The bouquet consists of 7 orange gerberas, 11 pink tulips and 5 stems spray green chrysanthemums.


Bursting with all the season holds, this classic is a luxurious take on frosty white charms. Beautiful woodland greens tuck into snow-white daises, 15 delicate pink roses making a bountiful statement of elegance for any environment.

If you are looking for a thoughtful birthday gift, this floral mix is perfect. Bright, colorful, tonic, with this lovely arrangement your are sure that your friends feel loved and remembered!

The spark of red and golden roses in a black box will delight your recipient with its brilliant hue and serene elegance. It is a gift that will transform any occasion into a astonishing event.

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The Colors of Affection

You save: 5%

This bouquet is like a sunshine in a rainy and gloomy day. Order it today, and it is sure to lift the spirits!

Number of Roses
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Pink & White Roses


Sending this tender bouquet is a gorgeous way to celebrate your sweet affection for the love of your life on your special day. Showcasing pink roses, together with elegant white roses in this beautiful bouquet make a perfect combination. Love is like a rose. When pressed between two lifetimes, it will last forever. My love to you is the rose that blooms forever.

Number of Roses
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Always in Heart

You save: 5%

A wonderful heart of vibrant red and elagant white roses, a perfect way to say 'I Love You'.

Number of Roses

A classic expression of love. Lavish your special one with a cloud of romantic roses in pink and yellow blooms!

Number of Roses

Few can resist the magic of floral blooms. We don't disappoint with our dazzling array of elegant and colorful flowers. A gift that reflects not only your good taste, but your purest love.

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Subtle Elegance

You save: 25%

Send birthday cheer with beautiful birthday flowers. Brighten the special day of a loved one, friend, or coworker with this dazzling bouquet of 5 stunning roses and 5 exotic orchids.

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55 Ferrero Rocher Bouquet

You save: 12%

Why not brighten up someone’s day by surprising them with a bouquet of sweets. This marvelous bouquet of 55 Ferrero Rocher chocolates will please any sweet tooth!

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Passion of Roses

You save: 25%

This bouquet consist of 25 extra-large premium roses and 5 orchids, designed with greenery and nice wrapped!

Capture the essence of elegance, romance and passion with this stunning box of these 37 red and white roses carefully put together with effort and detail one by one to create a smooth dome shape.

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Bouquet of 37 Gerberas

You save: 10%

Surprise your loved ones with this exquisite herbera bouquet of spring colors! Our local florists selected the most vivid and luscious colored blooms for this bouquet.

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Basket of Happiness

You save: 5%

Sweets! Even more sweets! A lot of sweets! A perfect box for the one's with the sweet tooth. Lots of chocolates, sweets, juice and the most important tasty goods.

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55 Roses in Stylish Vase

You save: 25%

The image of purity, perfection and grace, this amazing bouquet is created from the very finest flowers. The subtle difference in tone, from warm orange to snow white, gives depth and texture provide a sweet fragrance which only adds to the enjoyment of this perfect gift.

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Basket of Colours


Blooming miracle of 11 multicoloured primrose pots will become an unforgettable gift for any celebration.

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Blooming Heart of 55 Flowers

You save: 10%

Let cheer and joy rule this holidays. Vivid colors of 55 different flowers will elevate your recipient and brighten any day. Send it to the person You really love!

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