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Luxury Roses Bouquet
Create a moment your special recipient will hold dear in their heart with this captivating flower arrangement exuding an alluring styles. A perfect gift idea to surprise your friend or loved one and show how you care created by 90-100 cm Extra-Large Roses, arranged cascade style.
Heart Wreath
Our timeless standing heart shape wreath which symbolizes the circle of life. Red Roses and white carnations are very ideal together. A meaningful memorial wreath arrangement, showing your enduring respect and admiration for a friend or loved one.
Living Memories
Living Memories funeral arrangement consist of white and red flowers can let attendees know that you care in your own, unique way.
Luxery pink Roses
There are three things in the world that women love so much - roses, pink and care. This bouquet made of pink roses includes those three favorite things that women love. Rest assured, this bouquet is the shortest way to his heart.