Our Regal Roses are, indeed, a royal treat. We present a full dozen, attractively arranged with foliage in a glass vase. We may offer a dozen of our fine, long stemmed roses, arranged in an attractive glass vase, with foliage, if you like. A perfect gift that can say, "I Love You," or "Congratulations" or "I'm Sorry." It can say "Thanks," or "Well Done" or "Glad you're With Us." Roses are always elegant and a dozen of them in red or one of the popular new colors will make a statement for you. I care! You are wonderful! Usually available in red, yellow, pink, peach and white and many of the new art colors. We will be happy to mix colors in the same bouquet.Deliver the gift of "grace" when you send a friend these sweet blooms. Deliver the gift of "grace" when you send a friend these sweet blooms.
Results 33 - 64 of 137
My Wishlist

Snow-White Fantasy

You save: 7%

Make a grand statement with beautiful white roses perfectly presented in a straw basket!

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21 Attractive Roses

You save: 5%

Since pink roses bring cheer and happiness, they also make a great Get Well flower arrangement. Pink roses come in many shades, from pale pink hues like apricot, to deeper shades like raspberry

Send yellow roses to fill your loved ones' day with sunshine!
These stunning, bright roses mean joy, friendship, gladness and
delight. Let your friend or family member know how much joy
they bring to your life.

Number of Roses
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25 Stunning Roses


Picked fresh from the greenhouses to offer your special recipient a gift straight from the heart, our 25 Stunning Roses Bouquet is a classic romantic gesture that will have them falling head over heels in love with each exquisite bloom.

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Snow-White Roses

You save: 5%

White roses convey sentiments such as love, friendship, respect and care. Make someone smile with this beautiful bouquet finest white roses. Height of the bouquet is 40-45cm.

Number of Roses

Make her day memorable with this classic bouquet of 25 roses! This bouquet is the perfect way of letting your loved one know how special she is to you. Our long stemmed roses are hand selected for their luscious color and superior quality. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.” A woman is like a rose…If you take good care of her, you will see love blossom.

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White Wedding Heart of Roses

You save: 27%

This heart - shaped arrangement of 35 gorgeous white roses will become the incarnation of deepest emotions and warm feelings. Being in love is the most beautiful feeling and expresses your appreciation with this heart-shaped white rose’s arrangement.

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Smile for Me

You save: 15%

Bouquet of 27 colourful holland roses, ruscus leaves tied up with a pink ribbon.

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Love At First Sight


Capture their attention with this radiant bouquet white roses. Elegantly arranged by our florists, these symbols of eternal love are gathered by hand in a classic bouquet to express your feelings with grace and sophistication!

Number of Roses
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Pretty and delicate


This soft bouquet is just as the name suggests, soft and delicate heart shape roses consist of 21 extra-large roses. Everyone loves pink! And this bouquet wont let you down, perfect to say about your love.

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Regal Roses Selection

You save: 7%

This perfect, extra-large and highest quality white roses conveys love and devotion. It will speak for hundreds of words, and right today.

Number of Roses
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Warm Wishes


The rustic orange in this sumptuous bouquet give it a real warmth and elegance. This classy combination of carefully selected roses is sure to delight someone special – this is a gift to impress!

Number of Roses
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Pink Beauty


Light pink roses are the perfect way to show your pure love,friendship and kindness.
It is so perfect present that there is no need to think!

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The Colors of Affection

You save: 5%

This bouquet is like a sunshine in a rainy and gloomy day. Order it today, and it is sure to lift the spirits!

Number of Roses
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Pink & White Roses


Sending this tender bouquet is a gorgeous way to celebrate your sweet affection for the love of your life on your special day. Showcasing pink roses, together with elegant white roses in this beautiful bouquet make a perfect combination. Love is like a rose. When pressed between two lifetimes, it will last forever. My love to you is the rose that blooms forever.

Number of Roses
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Always in Heart

You save: 5%

A wonderful heart of vibrant red and elagant white roses, a perfect way to say 'I Love You'.

Number of Roses
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Pink Beauty


Sunny bouquet of nice pink roses for people full of positive energy. Order today, and we will deliver it to any address in Armenia!

Number of Roses
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Scented Flowers

You save: 3%

This wonderful bouquet is a classic expression of love and sweet affection! Our finest red roses arrive accented with lush greens to make this a day they won't soon forget.

Number of Roses
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White Wonder

You save: 3%

If there's a really big occasion or if you're in the dog box again, just the sight of these white roses in a glass vase on delivery will have them singing your praises again.

Number of Roses
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Elegant Rush

You save: 10%

With its captivating elegance created with 29 roses. You will see the recipient's eyes light up when you hand them this incredible bouquet!

Number of Roses

Clusters of snowy white avalanche roses are beautifully hand tied to create this dramatic spiral of flowers. This handmade bouquet is absolutely perfect for any special occasion, and perfect for any room set. The Snow Queen bouquet is a designers dream and a recipients' delight!

A classic expression of love. Lavish your special one with a cloud of romantic roses in pink and yellow blooms!

Number of Roses
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Light My Fire


Long associated with the sun and its life-giving warmth, yellow is
the age-old spokes-color for warm feelings of friendship and optimism. With their optimistic hue and general association with good cheer, yellow roses are the perfect way to toast friends, lift spirits and send a general wish for well-being.

Number of Roses
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Expression of your infinite love

You save: 7%

A deep red rose can mean that you are ready for commitment, and have a deep passion for that person. Ultimately, if you want to tell someone you love them, this box of 35 red roses is the way to go!

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Key To My Heart

You save: 7%

Each rose in this bright and beautiful flower bouquet flaunts exceptionally large blooms, a rich lush color and an unbelievably high petal count!

Number of Roses

Red roses have symbolized love and romance for centuries. One need only gaze at a classic red rose arrangement, like this one, to see why. Red roses are stunning, dramatic, and they say so much - without saying a word.

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Sunshine Yellow


This amazing bouquet of yellow spray roses is what you need to create warm atmosphere and make your favourite ones joyful.

Number of Roses
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25 Assorted Yellow Roses

You save: 5%

If there is a bright person in your surroundings then this flaming bouquet of 25 yellow roses is just for her! Make your beloved happy with this special gift!

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Flower For Her

You save: 10%

If you are looking for a top quality delivery company that knows everything about roses, you are in the right place. Just order and make someone happy.

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Gentle Box

You save: 12%

Luxury Roses in a Box. They are just Gorgeous! You will surely surprise and admire everyone with this amazing floral box.

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Bouquet «21 White Roses»

You save: 7%

Bouquet of 21 white «Avalange» sorts of roses tied up with a white bow.

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Seductive White Roses

You save: 5%

The white roses gift wrap is a beautiful arrangement, boasting all the glory of the traditional white rose bouquet without the cost of the hand-tied version!

Number of Roses
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